Chapter 57 Yun Chuchu's Doubts
It's fine to be invincible all over the world, she doesn't have the heroine's competitive heart, as long as someone comes to provoke her, when she has to fight, when she can't win, come out to help her calm down the situation, Or just help her out, and she will be satisfied.

It is unrealistic to enslave Xiao Fenghuang to do things for her. Based on the relationship between the two of them, if calculated according to seniority, Xiao Fenghuang is very likely to be at the level of her ancestors.

And the little phoenix will not be enslaved by her, this is a little phoenix with only temper, Yun Chuchu has to support it as an ancestor.

After listening to Su Yong's words, Little Phoenix tilted its head, and asked, "I'm here, what about Feng Qingqing?"

I remember that it was Feng Qingqing who told her where there were fun and delicious things, and took her out to eat delicious food and play fun things, but as soon as she left the Feng clan, Feng Qingqing stunned her and put her in the life space.

Parents chased after her, but that idiot was not strong enough, and tried to break through the space to escape beyond his control, and almost killed her.

After falling here, seal it up again.

Little Phoenix couldn't figure out how Aunt Feng, who was usually kind to her, would take it away.

It needs to be asked face to face.

Little Phoenix's voice is very nice, the voice of a five or six-year-old girl is more powerful than Flying Tiger Beast.

In fact, this guy is already an old lady, I don’t know how old she is.

Yun Chuchu raised her eyebrows and said: "Feng Qingqing is dead, after she sealed you, she set up a contract formation on it, and only people with the blood of the Feng clan can break the seal, and then make a contract with you.

Unfortunately, I accidentally broke the seal and made a contract with you, so it was not my intention to contract you.

Feng Qingqing's original intention was that if someone breaks the seal and makes a contract with you, then she will take away the person who made the contract with you, and then take you back to show off in front of your parents.

Unfortunately, her plan fell through, and I took her back. "

"Oh?" Little Phoenix's eyes lit up: "It means you have her memory?"

Little Phoenix's focus seems to be skewed.

Yun Chuchu nodded: "I have her memory, you want to ask why she did this to you?"

Little Phoenix didn't deny it: "Why is that?"

It is very curious, and it is difficult to accept being deceived by a close person like this.

"Because of your father, Feng Qingqing used to be your father's fiancée, and later your father divorced. She must have hated her because of love. She kidnapped you to threaten your father, but it turned out to be exposed early, and you came here Come."

Xiao Fenghuang suddenly realized: "So that's the case. No wonder I said she doesn't need to practice every day. Is she okay? She always comes to my house when she has nothing to do, and joins my father. At that time, I thought they were good friends. , it turns out that she has bad intentions a long time ago, but I still treat her as Aunt Feng."

Xiao Fenghuang said indignantly again: "It's good to die, but it just hurt me. The direct blood of my Feng clan has been reduced to a servant of a person with impure blood like you. If Feng Qing is here, I must make her look good."

Having said that, the little phoenix raised its little wings and waved them, opening and closing its beaks. It looked so cute and cute.


Xiao Fenghuang squatted on the ground, sighed and said: "I'll forgive you, it's not your fault, it seems that I can only let Dad find a way to dissolve the contract between us."

Yun Chuchu smiled, in Feng Qingqing's memory, this little ancestor was a little bully, the kind who would strike at the slightest disagreement.

Where it has touched, not a blade of grass grows, and there is no life at all.

He forgave her so easily, shouldn't he be grateful to her?

"Okay, just stay in my space. After I ascend to the fairy world, I will send you back to the Phoenix Clan. If you have nothing to do, you can help take care of the space with Huniu in the space. I will practice more when the elixir is ready. When the elixir comes out, speed up your cultivation and strive to ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible."

Little Phoenix looked at the Flying Tiger Beast busy in the medicine field, and said disgustedly: "Yes, then you have to hurry up, I can't wait long, if possible, I want to go back now."

Yun Chuchu rolled his eyes at it, hurry up, it's drinking water, he hasn't ascended to the spirit world yet, he ascended to the fairy world, and he doesn't know it's the year of the monkey.

Whether it can fly is still a question.

She has no choice but to coax the little kid, otherwise she will cause trouble in her space.

It is impossible to let it go or let it go. There is not only a master-servant contract between them, but also a soul contract.

Those who want to kill her just kill Xiao Fenghuang.

Seeing that Yun Chuchu agreed, Little Phoenix flew to eat a few spirit fruits before going to help.

The matter of Little Phoenix came to an end. After Yun Chuchu left the space, he went to the Zongmen's Fangshi and bought a lot of things, including a flying magic weapon.

The space is full of flying spirit weapons, and it is very difficult for her to fly the spirit weapons at present.

After finishing, go back to the cave and enter the space, sort out the things in the storage bags obtained in the secret realm, and keep all the useful ones, like those magic weapons that are not used, and sell them after leaving the sect.

Some of them belonged to the disciples of the Wuhua Sect, which belonged to the disciples of the Wuhua Sect that Huang Yun killed.

Selling it in the square market in Zongli will definitely cause trouble.

There are a lot of spirit stones sorted out, and Yun Chuchu let the space swallow them up. This time, the space swallowed up and the fire spirit stones swallowed last time, now the space has increased to sixty acres.

The extra land was used by Flying Tiger Beast and Little Phoenix to plant elixir.

Fenghuang didn't lose his temper at all, he followed the Flying Tiger Beast like a big rooster, wagging his head and tail, which was very pleasing to watch.

Now the space seems to have some vitality, not as quiet as before.

Yun Chuchu got some food in the space, then came to the training room of the Dharma house, sat down cross-legged, and only now had time to think about Feng Qingqing's seizure of the house.

The world of cultivating immortals has rules in the world of cultivating immortals. As far as seizing the body is concerned, the monk can seize the body to obtain the body if the soul is immortal after death, but it can only be seized once. It can only be taken away once, there is no second time.

If it is taken away for the second time, the soul of the person who came to take the house will definitely disappear, and in the same way the soul will disappear in smoke when it goes to take another person's body, not even reincarnation.

So what Yun Chuchu couldn't figure out was that although she wasn't from her own world, she wasn't the master of this body either. According to the rules, she could be regarded as a rebirth.

Why was Feng Qingqing able to take her away?

If she hadn't fought back, she would have succeeded in snatching her home.

On this point, Yun Chuchu couldn't figure it out no matter what.

Another problem is that in the book, Yun Chuxin just took away her spiritual root, broke Feng Qingqing's seal and made a contract with Little Phoenix, and there was no part where Feng Qingqing took her home.

(End of this chapter)

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