Chapter 80
There are so many poisonous insects and beasts in the swamp, it is not so easy to pick five-leaf clover.

Yun Chuchu took this task because of the poisonous weeds and flowers inside. There are a lot of materials for refining poison in the swamp.

It just so happens that there are not many materials in the space.

We have to pick some and plant them in the space.

Yun Chuchu chose to walk on the road with no one else, and didn't want to run into anyone again.

After walking for half an hour, suddenly there was a sound of fighting ahead, Yun Chuchu turned aside without thinking.

Suddenly a person came straight towards her, the speed was so fast, Yun Chuchu could only dodge instinctively, but when the person rushed over, he threw a storage bag at her, which coincidentally landed in her arms inside.

Yun Chuchu wanted to throw away the storage bag in her hand, but it was too late, and an attack came towards her.

Yun Chuchu had no choice but to run away.

"Stop that brat in front." A burly man in his forties was chasing her, cursing and attacking Yun Chuchu at the same time.

Yun Chuchu didn't know what was going on at all, how could she stop, she took off and galloped on phoenix steps.

Seeing her speeding up, the big man was so angry that he attacked her without any money.

Yun Chuchu was so depressed that she suffered from this unreasonable disaster, and wanted to throw away the storage bag in her hand. Thinking about why, this unreasonable disaster cannot be suffered in vain.

So Yun Chuchu increased his spiritual power fiercely, and used the flying phoenix steps to the extreme.

I saw Yun Chuchu's figure flashing like a ghost in the forest.

The person in the back is one level higher than her, and has eleven levels of qi training, but she can't match her in running speed. In addition, she sprinkled the drug powder while running, and she threw that person away after running for a long time. Lost.

Yun Chuchu stopped panting, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Such a run was not in vain, her flying phoenix step was much smoother and more proficient than when she was practicing in space.

She looked at the storage bag she was still clutching in her hand, and swept the storage bag with her spiritual sense. It was a very ordinary one. She didn't know what was in it. hunt down.

She wanted to see what was inside, so she casually threw it into the space, took a picture of the breathing amulet on her body, looked around, and then walked towards a small cave.

As long as you don't use your spiritual power when you take the breath-holding talisman, there will be no spiritual energy fluctuations on your body, and it won't disturb the monsters here.

It will not be seen by the monk's spiritual sense.

The spiritual power in the body has been used up after running all the way, and it is necessary to return to the space to recover the spiritual power.

Yun Chu came to the small cave, and the cave only allowed one person to enter, which was just right.

She immediately dodged into the space, picked up the storage bag thrown in, and came to the training room.

After recovering his spiritual power, he poured out the contents of the storage bag.

A bunch of things came out, and there were quite a few corpses of monsters, pills, talismans, elixir, arrays...

A monk has all the basic things, and the grade is not high, and they are all used in the Qi training period.

Yun Chuchu was curious, what made the two of them fight?
She collected the corpses of the monsters first, and checked the rest of the things. She looked at half of the things, but found nothing special.

At this moment, Yun Chuchu picked up a jade box and opened it. When she saw the contents inside, she was a little surprised.

Inside the box lies a fist-sized red vermilion fruit.

"Zhu Guo?"

Seeing this vermilion fruit, Yun Chuchu instantly understood that it was so.

The two must have fought because of Zhu Guo, and the big man chased and killed her.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhu Guo, she was not hunted down in vain.

This kind of vermilion fruit is very rare, and its effect is that taking a single vermilion fruit can increase one's cultivation base by a small level.

It is most useful for monks who are stuck in the bottleneck.

The man in his 40s who chased her before had stopped at the eleventh level of Qi training, so he must be in urgent need of this vermilion fruit.

No wonder he chased her with all his strength, like digging his family's grave, cursing while chasing her.

But the big man lost the vermilion fruit, so he couldn't improve his cultivation, it was worse than digging his ancestral grave. The big man was over forty years old, and his cultivation was still in the Qi training stage. , then his immortal journey will come to an end.

If he takes this vermilion fruit, breaks through to the twelfth level of Qi training, and gets a foundation building pill at the time of Dzogchen, maybe he can break through to the foundation building.

Yun Chuchu shook her head and put away her things. It can't be her fault, it's just the bad luck of the big man.

Currently she doesn't need this vermilion fruit, she is only in her teens, and her cultivation level is tenth level, so she doesn't need this vermilion fruit to increase her cultivation.

However, it can be planted in the space. Even if the vermilion fruit is not needed in the future, it can be sold as spirit stones.

This vermilion fruit can't be sold for 2000 yuan for Lingshi, the second-tier ones are even more expensive, the third-tier ones have no market, and the fourth-tier and fifth-tier ones are legendary.

If there is no spirit stone flower in the future, I will sell a vermilion fruit.

This vermilion fruit has a characteristic, if a first-level vermilion fruit cultivator takes one, his cultivation can advance to a lower level.

Of course, it can also assist in foundation building.

If it grows to the second level, the same is true for the foundation-building monks. After taking one, the cultivation base can be promoted to a lower level.

If you grow to the third level, the golden core monk can also advance to a small level after taking a single level of cultivation.

In short, no matter how many ranks Zhu Guo reached, the corresponding cultivator could advance to a lower rank.

But Zhu Guo also has a characteristic, that is, one can only be taken for each major realm to advance to a lower level, and the second one is useless, and can only be eaten as a spiritual fruit.

Don't underestimate this small step. If a monk is in a bottleneck, taking one pill can help the monk break through the bottleneck, which is more effective than the Breaking Barrier Pill.

So this vermilion fruit is cherished very much.

Yun Chuchu carefully dug out the vermilion fruit's core, put the meat away properly, left the training room, came to the side of Yuji fruit, planted the fruit core nearby, poured spiritual spring water on it, and changed his appearance after eating something out of space.

A day later, Yun Chuchu came to the swamp.

The air here is full of poisonous gas, and I feel stuffy after taking a breath, and I don't know why the five-leaf clover grows in such a place.

Things in the world of cultivating immortals really cannot be viewed with ordinary people's thinking.

Yun Chuchu quickly swallowed a detox pill and stepped into the swamp.

The peripheral road is easy to walk, like a big road.

Once inside, there was a fork in the road, and poisonous insects and beasts appeared.

Yun Chuchu walked in cautiously.

"This fellow Taoist also came to look for the five-leaf clover?" Suddenly a monk came up to her and asked her.

Yun Chuchu turned her head and looked at the person who came, who was wearing an ordinary cassock, 27 or [-] years old, with a nine-level qi training level, it looked like a casual cultivator.

Yun Chuchu took a few steps back, kept a distance from him, and nodded.

It is not uncommon to find five-leaf clover. Most of the people who come here are looking for five-leaf clover. Apart from poisonous insects and poisonous weeds, there is nothing worth visiting for monks.

The monk was overjoyed when he heard this, and he said: "Then can we be with fellow Taoists, let's form a companion?"

(End of this chapter)

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