Chapter 81 Goodbye Dahan
Yun Chuchu gave him a look, turned around and walked away quickly.

She was with a stranger only because she had a bag in her head.

Yun Chuchu simply took off and ran straight into the depths of the swamp.

The face of the cultivator at the back was blackened, this little cultivator is not easy to coax.

After seeing Yun Chuchu's ups and downs disappeared, he had no choice but to find another target.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't sting me!"

Yun Chuchu saw a few people running out from inside, waving their swords while running, shouting, and the black crowd chasing after them.


Seeing such a scene, Yun Chuchu gasped, this thing is the poisonous bee, it was stung, although the sting can't kill people, but one sting is a bag, no, those people have already been stung into pigs' heads .

Seeing that she was about to reach her, she glanced at a small fork in the road beside her, jumped onto the fork without saying a word, and ran away quickly.

She didn't want to be stung by that poisonous bee.

Several people ran desperately, and when they passed by Yun Chuchu's branch road, Yun Chuchu saw that one of them was someone she knew, wasn't it the big man who was chasing her.

Thinking of the inexplicable opportunity that robbed him, Yun Chuchu shouted: "Attack with fire, poisonous bees are afraid of fire."

Those people were stunned by the stung. When they heard someone shouting fire attack, they immediately condensed their fire energy and threw out the fireball quickly.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fireballs of the four were sent out and hit the swarm of poisonous bees, and there was a crackling sound of burning the poisonous bees in an instant.

Seeing this, the four of them were overjoyed, and immediately threw the Fireball Technique, as well as the Fire Flame Talisman and the Fiery Talisman frantically.

Yun Chuchu hesitated for a moment and went over to help.

After half an hour,
Finally calmed down.

The four of them sat slumped on the ground, surrounded by a pile of charred poisonous wasp corpses, and there was still a smell of paste floating in the air.

"Uuuuuuuuuu...Brother, my face..." The only female cultivator among the four touched her face and lay on the big man's body, grinning and sobbing.

"Sister, don't cry, go back and buy a detoxification pill for you." The big man gently patted the female cultivator in his arms, and looked at Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu changed her appearance again, of course the big guy couldn't recognize her.

Yun Chuchu liked this face-changing technique very much, otherwise, she would have to face another fierce battle now.

At this time, several large red bumps appeared on the big man's forehead, his face and mouth were swollen, his eyes were so swollen that only a slit could be seen, and his whole head was like a pig's head.

So miserable!

Yun Chuchu couldn't help but want to laugh, she felt that the laughter was a little unnatural, and it was uncomfortable, so she had to turn her face away.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your help." The big man grinned and thanked Yun Chuchu.

The other two were about the same size as a big man, and they looked really miserable, so they also thanked Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu waved her hand: "It's nothing, the main reason is that I have to pass here."

"Cough cough cough... That fellow Taoist, do you have any detoxification pills on you? Shall we change a bottle for you?" One of the monks asked Yun Chuchu embarrassedly. sad.

Painful and itchy and ugly.

"Yes, what do you want to exchange for me?" Yun Chuchu took out a bottle of detoxification pill in her hand.

The monk also waved his hand lightly, and a jade box appeared in his hand. He sent the jade box to Yun Chuchu with the imperial object technique: "Fellow Daoist must have come here to look for five-leaf clover. I have ten five-leaf clover here." , it should be possible to change it, right?"


Yun Chuchu took the jade box, opened it and looked at it, and there were ten green five-leaf clover lying in it.

This is a five-leaf clover about five years old. It is one foot high, with thick fingers, and is green all over. It has five leaves, and the five leaves are distributed on the main branch. There are many small burrs on each leaf. fleece.

The five-leaf clover absorbs spiritual energy through its small burrs, so the five-leaf clover has more spiritual power than other elixir.

So the five-leaf clover is used as the main medicine of Juling Pill.

Gathering Spirit Pill is a kind of elixir that can quickly improve a monk's cultivation level, and it is also the favorite elixir of monks. It is better to take a Juling Pill than to meditate for several hours.

Of course, those with double spiritual roots like Yun Chuchu and those with single spiritual roots generally don't need to take pills to practice.

After all, medicine is three-point poisonous, and elixirs also have erysipelas, especially low-grade elixirs, and middle-grade and high-grade elixirs are better.

There are too many erysipelas accumulated in the body, which will also affect the cultivation, and the cultivation base of the elixirs piled up is very vain and not solid, which will affect the foundation of the monks.

But those with double spiritual roots and single spiritual roots are a minority after all, and most monks still need to take some to assist their cultivation.

Take the Wuhua sect as an example, there are at least tens of thousands of qi training disciples. With such a large consumption of spirit gathering pills, the supply of five-leaf grass will be in short supply.

The five-leaf clover that Yun Chuchu received was very small, and it should be a task issued by a disciple himself.

Others posted either thousands or tens of thousands.

Yun Chuchu threw the bottle of detoxification pill to the monk: "How did you provoke that poisonous pattern bee?"

Yun Chuchu asked curiously, according to the records in "Monsters and Beasts", the poisonous bee is a kind of poisonous bee that doesn't like to attack. As long as you don't attack them, even if you pass by their nest, they will not come out to attack you.

But if you piss off the venomous wasp, it won't stop until it stings you to death.

The monk glanced at the female nun in the big man's arms, and said angrily, "It's not that she went to get honey from the poisonous bee."

The female cultivator immediately raised her head from the big man's arms when she heard the words, and said, sobbing, "I'm not for everyone, that honey can improve people's cultivation, and I'm not for me alone."

"Sister, don't say a few words. It's true that you did something wrong. We need the honey, but we have to make thorough arrangements to get it." The big man quickly restrained the female cultivator.

Seeing that the big man was not protecting his sister, the other two were embarrassed to say anything, and each swallowed a detoxification pill and threw the bottle to the big man.

After hearing this, Yun Chuchu thought that it was so, the honey of the poisonous pattern bee contains rich spiritual power, which is better than Juling Pill, without erysipelas.

She sighed in her heart, the life of casual cultivators is really difficult, but if they have sufficient resources, I believe they will not mess with poisonous pattern bees.

These poisonous bees are still the lowest level, if they are their kings, these four people must confess here today.

It can be seen that the cultivation bases of these four people are all about the same, they are all on the tenth and eleventh levels of Qi training, and the four of them are not young.

Observing their bone ages with spirit-watching techniques, the big man is almost 50 years old, the female cultivator is also in her 40s, and the two male cultivators are also in their 40s.

The spiritual roots of the four people are also mixed spiritual roots of the four spiritual roots and the five spiritual roots.

At such an age, with such a cultivation base, no sect would accept him.

(End of this chapter)

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