fox lure

Chapter 216 Make the Best Use of Everything

Besides, Fengyuguan is so rich, why should he compete with others?
Isn't it nice to pay for it just now?

"Give me a fart!" Jiang Jiang slapped the back of my head angrily, "You bastard!"

"How many ginseng plants do we have in Baishan? Huh? You want Baishan wild ginseng to disappear?" He was so angry that he kept spraying me, "You saw ginseng, can you pretend you didn't see it? Do you have to be poached?"

What do you mean?
What he means is that there are too few wild ginseng in Baishan, so it should be protected?
I rubbed my brain in a daze, I don't understand!
"You know what?" Changjiang sprayed me: "It's all dug up, the things that God left for us can't be wiped out, you know that?"

do not know!
The mouth of the Yangtze River pumped and sprayed: "Things should be used for their own use, and the water will flow forever!"

"This reference can be used by those who need it. If you take it down the mountain in this way, it will be collected by some stupid bastard."

"Those who really need this life-saving ginseng can't buy it at all!"

"This must be kept."

"Ooooh, whatever you say, that's what you say." I rubbed the back of my head, I don't understand, I don't understand, just don't hit me.

Anyway, it wasn't the ginseng I found with Cen Chunhong.

Still bring a fart ginseng?Come home with me and drink bird's nest, baby~
When Cen Chunhong saw Huang Jiu, her eyes lit up, and her face blushed: "Little brother, thank you, can you still take me to find ginseng today? How do you know where there is ginseng?"

"What are you doing next? Get out, won't you? Let me help you?" Huang Jiu turned back with a cold voice.

"This kid grows up and can be a doctor!" Lao Wang had nothing to do, so he went to visit Lao Huang's house after dinner.

Otherwise, he loves one when he sees one, today is Cen Chunhong, tomorrow is Cen Xiahua, the day after tomorrow is Cen Qiubo, and the day after tomorrow is Cen Dongxue~
When he sees one and loves the other, he will take whoever he likes to dig ginseng, who can stop it?
Changjiang hurried to get dressed, wrapped ginseng in red cloth, and took me to find ginseng in the afternoon.

The old Wang clicked his mouth for a long time before he found a donkey: "This kid is good-looking, and he is lucky when he looks at it."

Just like me, where did I find the money, and I still want to look for it.

"You can be a doctor now." Old Huangtou said without raising his eyes.

Just like that kind of heart failure, heart rate failure, myocardial infarction, and cardiac arrest, it may be life-threatening with a single dose of medicine.

If you understand the truth, you will understand it, and if you understand it, you will achieve it.

The two of them walked in front, full of affection and shyness, and I was awkward.

She bought a suit of clothes and hurriedly made love to me.

It was a day of tossing. After dinner, I went to study in the old yellow house.

"Why?" Cen Chunhong was a little puzzled.

I turned down all kinds of reasons, and then found ginseng, and I had to pay the bill for the plump view, which was not worthwhile.

As a result, Huang Jiu came out from the depths of the woods and greeted Cen Chunhong enthusiastically: "I'll take you to find ginseng again today?"

I just don't understand why he hates me so much.

"Blessing is of course," Lao Huang stared at me 'doing homework' with an indifferent tone.

Changjiang carried me back to the Taoist temple and warmed up some food for me.

"How did you find ginseng? Can you teach me?"

"Huang Jiu!" Did he make a mistake?Do you like Cen Chunhong?

"What is this for?" I said to Changjiang, "We continue to bury it here, aren't we waiting for Cen Chunhong to dig again?"

Whoever has poor eyesight looks like a red carrot.

Changjiang wanted to protect ginseng, so it seemed that Huang Jiu had to be sterilized first.

He pretended so forcefully that Lao Wang couldn't even answer his questions.

"Miss?" We were chatting outside the Taoist temple, and I was racking my brains to figure out how to decline her today.

I shook my head quickly, I don't want it.

That enthusiasm is like that of me before, no, it is more enthusiastic than me.

Miss Huang Jiu, the name of the lady.

Not always.

Time flies, and a week passes quickly.

Everyone knows where ginseng is.

So I go along with it.

"No..." I couldn't chat with him anymore.

"Let's go~" Huang Jiule zipped Cen Chunhong's hand, no matter what I stopped, the two of them walked deep into the forest to find ginseng antler.

This one has a green jacket on the upper body and purple pants on the lower body.

The next Saturday, Cen Chunhong came to me again and asked my 'brother' to help her find ginseng because of the sweetness of the 2 yuan.

And deer antler.

This time, Huang Jiu took Cen Chunhong to the place where the ginseng was dug last time.

"Cen Chunhong," I couldn't make sense with him, so I said to Cen Chunhong, "Don't look for ginseng, you can look for it, don't look for big ginseng."

It was Huang Jiu who fell in love with Cen Chunhong and took Cen Chunhong there.

"..." It's over, the old Wang can no longer pick up the conversation, and can't say anything.

"It's okay to take care of yourself, it's good to take care of yourself."

If you understand yin and yang, and yin and five elements, the principles will be understood.

"It's not suitable for planting in other places, and it won't die if you plant it." Changjiang Bia slapped me on the back of the head again, "Is she stupid? If you dig a plant here, can you dig it again?"

We protect all kinds of herbs in the mountains, but he is good enough to send them out!
"You called Huang Jiu?" Huang Jiu immediately lowered his face when talking to me, his face was cold.

This is Chinese herbal medicine, and Lao Huang told me some of it.

A little irritating!
"Then what do I call you?" I was angry and stared at him, "Do you know that we want to protect ginseng?"

"I don't know, but I know, give it to me!" He pointed at my nose, "Go away!"

No way, he sat for a while and then got up and went out.

Lao Huang raised his eyebrows, "Am I wrong?"

"I can't teach you! Teach you, and you will learn." Huang Jiu bared her sharp teeth, and said cheerfully, "If you have learned, who will be my daughter-in-law."

I hurriedly gave Huang Jiu a wink, what ginseng are you looking for?
He glanced at me again like he did a few days ago, coldly.

Because of the high medicinal value of ginseng, it can not only nourish the body, but also save lives. It is reserved for those who need it.

"Miss, let's go~" He said, with a smile on his face, farting a little, holding Cen Chunhong's hand and going towards the mountain.

Does he have cat disease?
As long as you like Cen Chunhong no matter how much you like, you shouldn't lick like this, right?
In this regard, he is not as good as Li Wen and the others from the old Li family. The men of the Li family, whoever they like, can just take them home.

I pursed my mouth and didn't speak, I really wanted to know if he could help this outsider and let me 'scroll'.

I looked back at the Yangtze River in the Taoist temple, and the Yangtze River sighed, meaning to let me follow.

"Old Huang, you can't chatter like that." Did he stay in the mountains for a long time, guarding the Pingyin Peak, and hasn't gone out for decades, so he can't chatter anymore.

Look for it, take a look, is there any more?Can I pick up some more?
Never underestimate the human brain circuit~
"Changjiang, we have to persuade Huang Jiu," I followed Changjiang back to the Taoist temple, "he will bring ginseng to anyone he likes."

"Jiang Long, do my new clothes look good? My mother said she would buy you a set too," Cen Chunhong stood outside the Taoist temple and turned around in a circle.

Bury the ginseng again.

My eyes popped out of anger, that ginseng plant had just been buried for a week, and then I dug it out and tossed it.

Not to mention that the Yangtze River spends money, just say, can people's ginseng withstand the toss?

Must not die?

"Oh my god! Why did another ginseng grow?" Cen Chunhong was extremely pleasantly surprised.

I stood directly in front of the ginseng, my face was tense, I was angry and didn't smile, "Cen Chunhong, this plant can't be dug up, otherwise it will die if you dig it up, it was buried in by the Yangtze River."

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