fox lure

Chapter 217

What is buried in the Yangtze River is the Yangtze River, and no one can dig it!

Both of them are too much, one for 'love' all kinds of devotion.

One picks up money everywhere.

Cen Chunhong was still not stupid enough, she was stunned for a few seconds, and asked, "This is the ginseng plant I dug up that day? The Taoist priest bought the ginseng, why did he bury it again?"

"Because the Yangtze River said that there are few wild ginseng in Baishan, and this ginseng will save a person's life in the future, so we need to keep it." I said it straight.

I believe that after Cen Chunhong understood it, she stopped digging.

Let Huang Jiu get upset and make trouble by himself.

Cen Chunhong didn't want to dig this ginseng, what else could he do?
Upon hearing this, Cen Chunhong blushed immediately.

When she was in a hurry, she was not only shy, but her face would turn red whenever her mood fluctuated.

"Why didn't Master Changjiang say it earlier? I...I..."

She was a little lacking in confidence, "I'll go back and talk to my mom and dad to see if the 2 yuan can be returned to Taoist Changjiang."

"No need," I shook my head, "You found the ginseng, so you must exchange it for money. The Yangtze River bought it, so you don't have to pay it back."

Just stop digging up this one.

Upon hearing this, Cen Chunhong breathed a sigh of relief.

But I overestimated Huang Jiu, Huang Jiu seemed to be arguing with me.

Grinning and smiling enthusiastically at Cen Chunhong, "Miss, just dig, this time you can take it down the mountain and sell it yourself! What's wrong with Jiang Long burying it? Did you write her name?"

"You look so good-looking, you deserve all the ginseng~"

Cen Chunhong was a little shaken, but after a while, she still shook her head, "No, little brother, help me find ginseng from other places."

"Just this one, there's no need to change the place." Huang Jiu said cheerfully.

He said he can dig, so can he?
I came stubbornly and stood in front of the crack in the stone. Why is he so weak?

Huang Jiu looked at me coldly: "Go to the side?"

I pursed my lips and didn't speak, just not to let them dig.

"Go aside?" He repeated again, with a bad tone.

"Can we..." Can we discuss it, don't abuse yourself, okay?

Is he crazy these days?What stimulated you?Tossing the top of my own mountain every day.

But before I finished speaking, Huang Jiu suddenly pushed me aside.

He was so angry that he pushed me all over the place.


He is serious!

"What are you doing?" I sat down on the ground angrily and stared at him.

"What do you say?"

I got up angrily and beat him with my fists.

We have also practiced, if we can't beat him, we have to give him some credit~
After a few rounds, he suddenly punched me on the nose.

It is estimated that there are very few people who have been violently beaten by Huang Xian. I count it as one. The feeling is not pain, but a sharp blackness in front of my eyes.

A puff of breath embedded in the brain.

I suspect that my brains have been punched out, and I can't scream!
"Jiang Long! Damn, little brother, how can you hit your sister?" Cen Chunhong yelled out in fright.

"Get out!" Huang Jiu rode on me, wanted to give me a cannonball, and turned around to yell at Cen Chunhong.

With that roar, I saw a wave of air gushing out of his mouth.

After so many days, Cen Chunhong finally sensed that something was wrong, and found that Huang Jiu's eyes were shining yellow and frightening, filled with anger.

Cen Chunhong was so frightened that her face turned pale instantly, she turned her head and ran down the mountain.

"You wait for me!" I gritted my teeth and stared at Huang Jiu, "When my soul returns to my body, I never want to see you again in my life!"

Elbows are super-outward crutches!
"Yanghun?" Huang Jiu's teeth were sharp and white, and his bright pale yellow pupils stared at me with a sarcastic sneer: "What kind of Yanghun? What kind of Yanghun do you need?"

What nonsense are you talking about?
"Get up!" My nose was covered in blood, and I waved my fist, "I'm so confused, my elbows are too far out! Help me find some ginseng? Get up!"

"My elbow is too far out, what about you?" Huang Jiu roared, the air was so rippling that I couldn't breathe.

Taking advantage of this gap, I scratched at him fiercely.

In an instant, three purlins appeared on his baby fat face.

Live it!

Huang Jiu's golden eyes stared at me fiercely, I pushed him hard, got up and ran!

If I don't run away, I'm a second-hand guy.

Head-to-head is a Biaozi.

In the end, I was caught by him and fell to the ground again. Not to be outdone, he waved his fist and punched my temple.

This time, I suspect that I will die directly.

Just do it if you don't accept it!There is nothing to say, I don't care if he hits a girl.

I don't need anyone to give way, what makes me angry is that I can't beat him!

Huang Jiu is an animal fairy, his wildness is still there, and his anger is terrifying.

I waved my hand and scratched him vigorously, and shouted: "Don't let me, let me, you are a dog! Sooner or later I will kill you! You have lived for hundreds of years, and your life is in vain!"

"Who the hell wants to let you?" This guy really didn't give in, and he punched again.

All on the temples.

It's over, I seem to be really dead.

So that later, the scene I saw in front of me, I suspected that I saw it after death.

It seems that Huang Jiu got up, dragged my 'corpse', and walked towards the top of the mountain.

There is snow on the top of Baishan Mountain, one piece of ground is snow, and the other is yellow land.

No, I remember coming here before, the land was black, why is it yellow this time?

It seems that Huang Jiu dragged my 'corpse' to the side of Shangyao Tianchi, as if he was going to throw the corpse.

He carried me with my face towards the lake.

The water in the lake was so clear that the blood dripped from my brain and fell into the water.

A trace of blood rippling in red water lines, ripples.

Gradually, I actually saw a face in the water.

It was the face of an adult woman, with rippling water patterns, that face changed from blurred to clear.

What a pretty face!
She has an oval face, white skin, big eyes, long black hair, a straight nose with a small tip, and moist red lips.

However, her eyes were dull, like a dead person.

Besides, why is there blood all over her face?

Gradually, beside this face, another reflection appeared, which was the reflection of Huang Jiucheng's male form.

Wearing a black robe, his pupils are still light yellow, shining with anger.

I was dizzy and turned my head to look at Huang Jiu. That's right, he looks like a man now, like a little uncle.

I stared at him, involuntarily, uncontrollably, grinning inexplicably, with a sinister smile, "Haha?"

In the next second, I didn't know if it was true, but anyway, he was super strong, lying beside Tianchi, and kicked on Huang Jiu's door.

In an instant, he kicked back several meters.

"Hi~" After kicking, I took a breath, stared at the dazzling sky, and passed out directly.

"Wake up!!!"

I opened my eyes and it was dark.

There are all people in front of me, old Huang Changjiang, Xue Chen, and those from the old Wang's family are all there.

I was lying on the kang in my room, my head was wrapped in white gauze, only my eyes were exposed, and my eyesight was momentarily distracted.

"Can't you let me save my heart this day? Let you go out and guard the ginseng. You'll be fine, and Huang Jiuxian will send you back with an injury!" Changjiang sprayed deathly at me, "Almost died again!"

"Great resentment, otherwise, you are dead? Ah! You are dead!"

When Changjiang was in a hurry, he was full of bad words: "If you die, I will be relieved!"

"It saves you from dying every day, I'm terrified."

Changjiang scolded me, and still felt sorry for me, fed me some water, and continued to spray: "You explain it to me clearly! How did you get hurt this time?"

He scolded him, while Lao Huang sat next to me and looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

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