fox lure

Chapter 218

"Big resentment, you talk, who beat you like this?" Seeing that I didn't speak, Changjiang asked angrily and anxiously, dancing and howling.

"I was beaten by the ginseng digger," I babbled, my face was covered with gauze, and my face hurt when I spoke.

"Ginseng must be reserved for those who need life-saving." Thinking of the fight with Huang Jiu, I am still angry, turning my mouth: "I won't let him dig it, what's wrong? If he digs it, I'll beat him!"

"Did you beat him, or did he beat you?" Changjiang stared at my head and face tied up like a mummy, exposing me.

Yes, I didn't beat him, and I didn't let him.

Glory to defeat!

He is a fairy, and I am a human!I beat him too, I am not cowardly.

You wait?When I see him next time, I'll beat him up!snort!

Changjiang looked angry at me for not accepting it, his eyes turned green, and he asked angrily, "Did Cen Chunhong hit you?"

He still hasn't figured out who I fought with.

"Can Cen Chunhong hit me? It's Huang Jiu!" I was going to die of anger.

If Cen Chunhong can hang and beat me, then my life will be in vain, and I will be a Taoist priest in vain!

So angry.

I really don't understand Huang Jiu, why this happened.

In the past, I thought he was pretty good, he was from the Immortal family, and although he was not upright, he had a strong sense of justice.

It also has a deep relationship with Fengyuguan, so everyone should be relatives.

As a result, what happened to him.

Jiang Xuechen was shocked when he heard that I had fought with Huang Jiu. At first hearing, they didn't quite believe it.

But they also know that I can't lie.

When they calmed down, the two of them became angry. Xue Chen stared at Fenghua Xueyue's big eyes angrily, and gritted his teeth: "Damn it! Huang Jiuxian is crazy? I'm...fuck...I can't beat him !"

"( ̄ ̄ ̄)!~"

Annoyed, he hammered the kang.

Only Lao Huang didn't say anything, and didn't ask me anything.

Lao Huang gently touched my cheek with his severed palm through the gauze.

"This kid is really nice," the rich old Uncle Wang flattered him, "He guarded the medicine and saved a life. Seventh-level stupa, this kid is really nice."

Aunt Liu, who is in love, can't help mentioning her lovely bald partner wherever she goes, and chatters: "Man Shan has long said that Jiang Long is a good kid, Man Shan is so accurate!"

"This time, do you all believe it?"

"Okay, let's go." Old Huang said lightly.

It's all gone, I'm like a mummy, it's not good-looking at all.

Xue Chen insisted on staying with me tonight, so Aunt Liu and Wang Nan went to sleep in his room, and he stayed in my room to accompany me.

After turning off the light, Xue Chen looked at me in the moonlight and said sarcastically, "Jiang Erhu, you seem to have just been unearthed from Egypt."

"Woo~" I really looked like a mummy, I was really wronged and teary.

"Okay, okay," Xue Chen hugged me, "Don't cry, Jiang Erhu, the gauze is wet. This is you~"

He gave me a thumbs up in the moonlight, "The 'person' who can fight Huang Xian can come back alive, you are the first! Not bad."

Yes, not bad.

This time I only had skin injuries, no internal injuries, I'm not bad.

Better still, Xue Chen, Xue Chen asked, why did I fight Huang Jiu?

In fact, I don't know, why did the fight start, I was so angry at the time, I forgot who started it first.

Anyway, they started fighting.

I told Xue Chen about what happened, and Xue Chen tilted his head to look at me with his strange brain circuit.

"Jiang Erhu, tell me, could it be that Huang Xian likes you? Is he deliberately being nice to Cen Chunhong to stimulate you?"

"Huh?" When I heard it, I didn't understand.

"You idiot, you don't understand!" Xue Chen is a love expert, and I analyzed it methodically, "Look."

"He treated you like that on purpose. Obviously, he was kind to Cen Chunhong. He took Cen Chunhong to find wild ginseng, just to annoy you on purpose."

"He was angry with you, deliberately venting his anger, and finally fighting with you also shows that he is indeed angry with you."

"Why can he be angry with you? He obviously likes you, but he can't get you!~"

mom!What can you get, what you can't get!

Daoist Jiang belongs to the whole world. If Daoist Jiang wants to protect the earth, who can keep it private?

"He doesn't like me." I shook my head and said to Xue Chen, "He's just moody and picky. I blamed me for not thanking him first last time and sending him roast chicken."

"He likes you, don't argue with me about this," Xue Chen, a bastard, couldn't tolerate anyone who refuted him.

Wrangling with me: "It's not too much for him to beat you into a daze."

"Let me tell you, animals court like that. The male beats the female until her nose is bruised and her face is swollen, and she is subdued and brought home!"

"That's the nature of animals."

"He thinks it's a show of his strength to you, to let you understand that he can protect you~"

"Go to hell!" He was really good at talking, all about animals courting, what about male and female.

It made me feel awkward listening, and I slapped the back of his head, "Go to hell! Shut up!"

"Hahaha~" Xue Chen lay on the kang, amused by his own analysis.

"It's really possible."

By what he said, I am really glad that I am a human being.

"In my next life, if I can't be reborn as a human, I will be reincarnated as a bird." I looked at the moon outside the window, and murmured to express my literary and artistic cells that I had nowhere to place.

"It's good to be a bird." Xue Chen is so alive, his lips turned over, "When the time comes, you can live in a golden birdcage, have rice to eat every day, and someone will talk to you every day: Be good~ call Dad~"


I can't chatter anymore.

"Don't think about being a bird, think about it, tomorrow is 214, and those people from the Taoist sect are coming."

Xue Chen yawned and pretended to be sleepy: "I just said, you can't leave me, anyone will beat you when you go out..."

These two fell asleep.

Is it tomorrow February 2th?I was taken aback.

The long-awaited day is finally here.

The day after tomorrow, the Yang Soul will be able to return to the body. After the Yang Soul returns to the body, I have to tell my parents.

I'm going to be born again!Thank goodness.

Maybe it was because I was too excited. I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, so I reached out and took Xue Chen's hand.

He slept like a dead pig, and I murmured: "San Biaozi, when I return to my body, I will live in my parents' house for half a year every year, and then live in the Taoist temple for half a year, how about it?"

"At that time, I will go back to Mubin, and you will come with me and stay at my house."

"Let's play with Feng Chuang and the three of us."

"San Biaozi, tell me, can Lao Huang agree?"

"I never want to be separated from you, old Huang Changjiang, and my parents."

"Have we been together all this time?"

Xue Chen was sleeping like a dead pig about to be bald, drooling from his sideways.

He heard nothing.

I couldn't sleep, and vaguely heard some strange noises from his room next door.

Sparse, strange sound.

I don't know what's going on.

After another ten minutes, Aunt Liu's voice was suddenly terrified, and she cursed loudly: "You fucking shameless?"

Suddenly, the light next door came on.

"You fucking eat dirt! Don't be a Bilian~"

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