Rebirth wedding night!The paranoid boss got red-faced by me

Chapter 408 She Has Been Calling Shen Yutang

Chapter 408 She Keeps Calling Shen Yutang
Wen Bin watched the intimacy between the two as if no one else was there.

Jealousy finally made her unbearable, and said uncontrollably, "Didn't you leave? Why did you come back?"

An Ning seemed to be taken aback by Wen Bin, leaning against Shen Yuzhi weakly and unable to take care of herself.

Shen Yuzhi's eyes were fierce, and he looked at Wen Bin: "Get lost!"

Stared at by such eyes, Wen Bin felt that his bones and blood were chilling, as if the next moment, he would be torn to pieces by wild beasts.

She didn't dare to stay, took her computer and ran out of the room quickly.

An Ning's eyes flashed across Wen Bin's computer screen, and there was mockery at the end of her pretty eyes.

Song Xiao and Lu Ling, who were eavesdropping at the door, just watched Wen Bin run out.

Song Xiao hurriedly grabbed Wen Bin, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on inside? The young lady is back, the second young lady didn't hurt the young lady, right?"

Wen Bin's face turned pale, he was held by Song Xiao and couldn't break free, he took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, I didn't hurt anyone."

Lu Ling quietly pushed open the door, took a look inside, saw An Ning sitting on Shen Yuzhi's lap, and quickly closed the door.

She said solemnly: "It's okay, it's okay, let's go, see what's going on, An Ning should be hungry when he comes back, let Uncle Zhang prepare more food."

Several people went downstairs.

The room door closed again.

Only Shen Yuzhi and An Ning.

An Ning withdrew her gaze, and her eyes fell on Shen Yuzhi's wrist, and saw the bloodstains and old scars on Shen Yuzhi's wrist.

Her hand lightly landed on Shen Yuzhi's wrist, and said softly: "Why did you lock yourself?"

Shen Yuzhi's irritable and hostile body froze.

He didn't dare to move, fearing that what he saw was a hallucination.

Anning is back.

She actually came back.

She was awake, but she didn't leave, why didn't she leave, Shen Yuzhi couldn't help wondering if An Ning still liked him that much in her heart.

At this moment, Shen Yuzhi seemed to have recovered his voice: " did you come back?"

He was a little scared, afraid that what he heard was not the answer he wanted.

An Ning rubbed the scar on Shen Yuzhi's wrist, thinking that this was Shen Yutang's body.

She got down from Shen Yuzhi's body, took the key to unlock the handcuffs, and said naturally: "You are at home, of course I will be back."

For a moment, Shen Yu's eyes turned red.

He didn't know how to react.

The ferocity in his body had already calmed down, and he was even a little child-like helpless. He stretched out his arms and hugged An Ning.

At this moment, after he understood the pain, he also learned the joy of regaining what was lost.

A soul with nothing but malice, gradually infiltrated by tranquility.

An Ning was just thinking about how to get Shen Yutang back.

She understands Shen Yutang's affection for her very well, as long as she is here, she will keep calling Shen Yutang and doing familiar things with Shen Yutang. Sooner or later, Shen Yutang will come back.

An Ning said, "Shen Yutang, I'm hungry, let's go eat."

Shen Yuzhi froze with joy, An Ning called Shen Yutang.

An Ning just looked into Shen Yuzhi's eyes.

Shen Yuzhi and An Ning looked at each other, and suddenly smiled at An Ning, like a sincere and pure smile of a young man.

It doesn't matter, he can be Shen Yutang, even if An Ning just uses him as a substitute for his brother, that's okay.

As long as she wants to come back, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, let's go eat." Shen Yuzhi replied calmly.

Shen Yuzhi stretched out his hand towards An Ning.

An Ning trembled, looked away, and put her hand in Shen Yuzhi's palm.

The two walked out of the room hand in hand and went downstairs.

Everyone downstairs was there, even Wen Bin stood aside with a pale face.

Seeing An Ning and Shen Yuzhi coming down hand in hand, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew that as long as the young lady came back, the second young master would return to normal.

An Ning asked suspiciously, "What are you doing watching me? You're all hungry, don't you want to eat?"

Everyone quickly looked away.

Lu Ling said quickly: "Eat, eat now."

At this time, the meal had already arrived, but An Ning suddenly disappeared, and Shen Yuzhi locked himself up again, so everyone was not in the mood to eat.

At the dining table, An Ning didn't go to get the bowls and chopsticks this time, she sat beside Shen Yuzhi and said obediently: "Shen Yutang, I want to eat fish."

Hearing An Ning's Shen Yutang, everyone's heart tightened.

When Er Shao was obviously in a bad state, calling him Shen Yutang would probably anger Er Shao.

But Shen Yuzhi didn't show any sign of anger, he caught the fish, carefully took out the fishbone inside, and fed it to An Ning's mouth.

An Ning said that she was hungry, but she didn't eat a few mouthfuls.

After learning the truth, she was overwhelmed with emotion, and actually had no appetite.

An Ning only took a few mouthfuls, and Shen Yuzhi's expression became a little dark.

Even if he doesn't persecute him, his nature is violent, and he will show some irritability unconsciously.

Now that An Ning knows the truth, she doesn't care about this rage.

She pursed her lips, frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Shen Yutang, my stomach hurts, I don't want to eat."

She just spoke normally, but she looked pitiful, as if she was acting like a baby.

Because usually she would not show weakness to Shen Yuzhi, she would just turn her head away if she didn't want to eat, and she would hardly speak so weakly.

Shen Yuzhi's body reacted faster than his brain.

The next moment, he directly hugged An Ning on his lap, gently massaged An Ning's stomach, and comforted him: "If you don't want to eat, just eat it. We will eat later."

That kind of tenderness and pampering made An Ning think of Shen Yutang almost instantly.

No one noticed that An Ning kept calling Shen Yutang every time she said a word to Shen Yuzhi.

She was provoking on purpose, and she was really calling Shen Yutang.

She suddenly thought that Shen Yutang's disappearance might be because she chose Shen Yuzhi after being violated.

So Shen Yutang thought that she wanted to live with Shen Yuzhi, so she chose fulfillment.

Maybe she made Shen Yutang disappear.

Thinking of this, An Ning couldn't control the pain in her heart, she was so sad that she couldn't hold back the expression on her face, she turned her head and buried her face in Shen Yuzhi's arms, so that no one could see her expression.

Everyone in Yuyuan looked at this side, each with their own thoughts.

Song Jing and Song Xiao looked at it and felt that it was all right, everything was calm.

Xia Yu and the female bodyguards watched, their eyes sparkled, as if they were watching an idol drama.

Lu Ling looked at the delicate and soft An Ning, and thought that she also wanted to hug such a soft sister. She looked at her tall and burly figure, and at Song Jing, who was shorter than her, and felt that hugging Song In terms of scenery, the picture does not seem to be very beautiful.

Only Wen Bin in the corner, the keyboard was about to be broken by her.

This woman is back!

With her here, the eldest and the younger will never come back!

Wen Bin was gloomy in her heart, typing on the computer quickly, she notified the news of the previous farce to the ink painting pavilion and An's family.

Since you refuse to leave, let your family take you away.

If the An family knew that their daughter was forced to go insane in Yuyuan, they would definitely take her away.

It will be useless for anyone to object at that time.

It's better for the An's family to come and make trouble, or to make trouble beyond repair.

(End of this chapter)

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