Rebirth wedding night!The paranoid boss got red-faced by me

Chapter 409 You will never leave me, right?

Chapter 409 You will never leave me, right?
An Ning didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food, she couldn't help feeling sad when she thought of Shen Yutang.

She felt that she could not calm down yet and needed to calm down.

Not letting anyone follow her, she came to the yard alone and sat down on the swing under the flower vines, swinging gently.

The people in Yuyuan watched carefully, because An Ning refused to let them follow, and no one approached them, but none of them dared to be careless, for fear that their young lady would disappear again by accident.

An Ning sat on the swing, gradually swinging higher and higher.

As if to let the wind blowing on the cheeks blow away the haze in my heart, as if I can jump out of this entanglement by swinging high.

Why is Shen Yuzhi Shen Yutang?
Why is it a person?
Then Shen Yuzhi didn't need to feel guilty or feel guilty for what he did to her.

But she only wanted Shen Yutang to come back, and she wanted to tell Shen Yutang seriously that she never gave up on him, and the person she wanted to live with has always been him.

As An Ning's thoughts diverged, the swing became higher and higher.

A figure suddenly appeared in An Ning's sight.

The phantoms in An Ning's mind were broken by the appearance of this figure.

She fell from the clouds to reality in an instant.

The one in front of him was Shen Yuzhi, and Shen Yutang's personality had disappeared.

This truth made An Ning flustered, and she unconsciously let go of her hand.

She swung out like a kite with a broken string.

Shen Yuzhi stepped forward quickly and opened his arms to catch An Ning.

The impact of the swing caused An Ning to bump into Shen Yuzhi's arms, and Shen Yuzhi was knocked to the ground directly, laying on An Ning's body.

An Ning was hit dizzy, but Shen Yuzhi caught her in time to save her from injury.

The impact made the mask on Shen Yuzhi's face crooked.

Since An Ning didn't want to see that face, Shen Yuzhi has been wearing a mask all the time, and he won't take it off when he sleeps.

Even when An Ning was lost and he locked himself in the room, he didn't take off the mask.

As if wearing this mask, he is still the one An Ning needs.

At this moment, An Ning suddenly reached out and took off the mask on Shen Yuzhi's face.

She suddenly wanted to see this face.

With a high nose bridge, perfect jawline, and a pair of star-like eyes looking at her, she is so handsome that people feel like a sinful face when they are so close to him, just like the first time they saw her.

The face is exactly the same, all the details are the same, why didn't she notice it.

Shen Yu subconsciously wanted to cover his face.

An Ning hugged Shen Yuzhi's neck and stuck it up.

The slightly cool face was pressed against Shen Yuzhi's, and he said softly: "Shen Yutang, why are you covering your face, I want to look at you."

That tone, as if she was not the one who said that she didn't want to see this face.

Shen Yuzhi's hand stopped, and he lowered his voice and said, "Okay, I won't cover it."

An Ning just lay on Shen Yuzhi's body.

When Shen Yuzhi caught An Ning, his arm bumped against the stone, and at this moment it hurt, but he let An Ning lie on his stomach without moving.

After a long time, An Ning let go of Shen Yuzhi's hand. She tilted her head slightly, kissed Shen Yuzhi's cheek and said, "Shen Yutang, I like you, you will never leave me, right?"

She told Shen Yutang that she liked him, and she approached him intimately, hoping that Shen Yutang could hear and feel it.

She was flustered, she was afraid that Shen Yutang would disappear completely, and hoped that Shen Yutang could give her an affirmative answer.

After Shen Yuzhi was shocked, a look of pain flashed in his eyes, and at some point he replied in a hoarse voice: "Yes, I will never leave you."

Shen Yuzhi stood up holding An Ning, his left hand trembled slightly.

An Ning realized it immediately, and asked worriedly: "Shen Yutang, are you injured?"

"I am fine."

"You must be hurt. Don't lie to me. I won't be happy if you lie to me."

Shen Yuzhi's heart tightened, don't lie to her?But don't lie to her, she will not want him...

Suppressing the pain in his heart, he whispered: "I hurt my arm."

An Ning quickly got up from Shen Yuzhi's body: "It's all because of my carelessness, go back quickly, I'll see where the injury is."

Shen Yuzhi let An Ning lead him up.

Hiding the malice in his heart, he pretended to be Shen Yutang.

An Ning took Shen Yuzhi back to the room.

She went to find the medicine box, and said to Shen Yuzhi: "Don't be in a daze, take off your clothes quickly, let me see where you are hurt."

Shen Yuzhi looked at An Ning, as if no matter what An Ning was doing, Shen Yuzhi looked at An Ning, he said indifferently: "It's fine, I'll just take care of it myself."

An Ning said with a straight face, "You are obedient, let me see."

Like Shen Yutang, Shen Yuzhi couldn't refuse An Ning most of the time.

He took off his coat and shirt, revealing his upper body, with a large bruise behind his arm.

Seeing this, An Ning sat behind Shen Yuzhi, nervously took the potion and sprayed it on.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the two bracelets on Shen Yuzhi's wrist.

One is a gift for Shen Yuzhi, and the other is for Shen Yutang.

Shen Yuzhi didn't change into the novice rope, maybe he coerced and forced the novice rope, after all, it wasn't An Ning's willingness, he still brought the old gift.

An Ning only glanced at it, and then quickly looked away. The bracelets of two people were on one hand, but she never noticed.

In the past, she didn't care enough about Shen Yutang, nor did she care enough about Shen Yuzhi, and it was her fault that she didn't find out.

She saw that his back was full of scars, which were the scars left by Shen Yutang who was injured in the explosion not long ago to save her. After soaking in water, the wound did not heal well.

On his wrist was the burn from Shen Yuzhi rushing into Qi's house to save her.

An Ning lowered her head, walked around in front of Shen Yuzhi, and whispered: "You also have injuries on your wrists, let me help you deal with them together."

On the wrist are the strangle marks left by Shen Yuzhi's handcuffs in order to control himself from losing control.

An Ning looked down, and on her abdomen was the scar from being scratched by glass when Shen Yutang rescued her at the racing track.

The chest was scratched with a gemstone pendant on the day she was reborn.

All the injuries are now on one person.

All his injuries were because of her.

An Ning lowered her head, unable to control her sadness, tears dripped onto Shen Yuzhi's dark pants.

She connected everything together, and An Ning figured it out, if Shen Yutang was injured, she should become Shen Yuzhi.

On their wedding night, Shen Yuzhi appeared because she hurt Shen Yutang.

Shen Yuzhi seemed to be scalded by the tears, and quickly coaxed: "A-Ning, don't cry, don't cry, a little injury, it doesn't hurt at all."

Listening to this, An Ning's tears fell more and more.

Shen Yuzhi was really panicked, he was at a loss like that boy who was in a youthful and ignorant student days, the first time he fell in love and offended his girlfriend, he didn't know how to coax him.

An Ning cried, "From now on you...don't get hurt, okay?"

Shen Yuzhi took the clothes and put them on to cover the wounds on his body, and then replied: "Okay."

An Ning was really sad and cried for a long time.

How much this person has endured for her all these years.

She cried until she was powerless, and cried until she fell asleep.

Shen Yuzhi stood beside the sleeping An Ning, his eyes gradually became deeper, An Ning, did you find out?
If you find out that I have a double personality, what do you want to do?

Shen Yuzhi is not a fool, he has the same IQ as Shen Yutang.

He could see An Ning's abnormality.

She knew everything and came back to him.

Do you think of him as your elder brother and want to find a substitute, or what do you want to do?

(End of this chapter)

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