Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 113 What's more, you won't hurt me

Zhuo Qingtan was actually sleeping very restlessly, but it seemed inaccurate to say that she was asleep at this time.

She obviously didn't dream of anything, but her consciousness was constantly ups and downs in the dim nightmare.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhuo Qingtan finally slowly opened his eyes.

Her consciousness has always been lazy, as if she is still "lazy" in the depths of her mind, and has never really woken up.

She lay quietly on the bed without moving, only a pair of slender eye feathers, like the wings of a pair of ink emperor butterflies, opened and closed tremblingly, closed and opened again.

After a long time, Zhuo Qingtan regained his composure and finally woke up.

Then she quietly looked at the exquisite and unusual decoration in the room in front of her, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Where is this?

This place is neither her bedroom in the side hall of Ziwei Palace in Duanxu Palace, nor her temporary residence in Poyue Xiaozhu Yisongju, nor is it the prison cell of the Four Great Immortal Gates.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned and slowly recalled the previous events.

She clearly remembered that it was Xie Yuci who supported her at the last moment before she lost consciousness.

It is absolutely impossible for Xie Yuci to let the members of the four great immortal sects take him away, because if he wants to open the barrier in advance and obtain the divine power sealed in the other two great secret realms, then he must need her.

And with the absolute power advantage of Xie Yuci's recovered one-fourth of the divine power, if he wanted to take him away, the people in the immortal sect would definitely not be able to stop him.

So... Xie Yuci took her away?

Then why didn't he take her back to Po Yue Xiao Zhu?

Where are Wan Qing and Ling Rong?
But he escaped safely and returned to Poyue Xiaozhu?

Zhuo Qingtan had just woken up and was full of thoughts in her mind. She just wanted to sit up, but suddenly found that she didn't have any strength in her body, and she couldn't support her body.

So, she settled for the next best thing, and wanted to raise her hand, but found that she couldn't do such a simple action at this time.

Zhuo Qingtan's face paled slightly, how could it be so?

At this moment, the door creaked softly.

Zhuo Qingtan immediately concealed all his emotions, and quietly turned his head to look.

The person who was about to come in at the door was holding a delicate tray in his hand.There were two bowl-shaped utensils on the tray, which were emitting heat at this time, and it was unknown what was inside.

As soon as the man raised his head, his phoenix eyes fixed slightly, and his eyes just met hers.

He was startled for a moment, and then smiled.

"Finally willing to wake up? You really slept long enough."

It was Xie Yuci who came.

Zhuo Qingtan also subconsciously relaxed a little at the moment he saw him.

She lay softly on the bed, watched him slowly approaching, heard his words, suddenly frowned and asked: "How long have I been asleep?"

Xie Yuci gently placed the tray in his hand on the low table beside the bed, and raised his eyebrows to look at her.

"You sleep well this time. After sleeping for three full days, I will be miserable. Your annoying younger brother has been pestering me to ask about your condition all day long. I can't hide and I can't beat you. Feel free to fight, but it’s really difficult.”

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly when he heard the words, a rare trace of gentleness appeared on his pale face.

"Luo Fu has been the most polite since he was a child, and he never bothers others. I'm afraid you are the first one to say that he is annoying."

Xie Yuci tilted his head slightly, pretending to be thinking.

"How is it possible? It must be that the friendship between your teachers is too much, so you can't bear to hurt his heart. So I just said, spoiling is not a good thing."

He sat on the edge of the bed, carefully helped Zhuo Qingtan up, picked up a bowl on the low table beside him, and said:

"It just so happens that you're awake too, so drink this bowl of ginseng soup first, and then drink that bowl of medicine later. In case if you drink the medicine first, you won't be able to drink the soup later."

Zhuo Qingtan leaned on his shoulder, unable to exert any strength.

Panting lightly, she drank two spoonfuls of hot ginseng soup in Xie Yuci's hand, and suddenly remembered something, and asked with a frown, "'I just woke up'? Then who was it when I didn't wake up? Feed me a decoction? I remember Master once said that when I was a child, my teeth would be clenched and I couldn’t drink half of the medicine. I can only wait for myself to recover.”

Xie Yuci paused, he was slightly silent, and then chuckled after a while.

Then, as if nothing happened, he continued his previous actions and fed her soup very carefully.

He shook his head and smiled, not seeing the slightest difference.

"I said Zhuo Qingtan, your thoughts are really strange. After being sick for so long, it's only now that I remember to ask how someone else gave you the medicine while in a coma. Don't you think it's a bit late?"

Zhuo Qingtan was actually a little unconscious before, but now she realized that she was at a loss for words.

Yes, what a silly question she was asking.

Xie Yuci would definitely not allow people from the Four Great Immortal Sects to contact her alone on the grounds of taking care of her illness, lest she say something that shouldn't be said—no, even An Luofu couldn't see her up close.

That being the case, the person who feeds her soup and medicine every day and takes care of her daily life must be Xie Yuci.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Qingtan suddenly felt a little irritable for some reason.She didn't dare to ask for more details. As for exactly how Xie Yuci fed her the soup, she didn't even want to know.

She turned her head away, avoiding Xie Yuci and took a spoonful of ginseng soup, then took a few breaths to calm down the sudden increase in heart rate.

"what happened?"

Xie Yuci frowned and asked, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Zhuo Qingtan took a few deep breaths slowly, and turned his head after a while, his expression had returned to normal.

"There's no discomfort, it's just that the whole person doesn't seem to feel anything."

She frowned inexplicably: "Why can't I exert any strength from my whole body except my head and neck? It's as if the whole body is not my own."

Xie Yuci was silent for a moment, then smiled mockingly, and then said with a smile that was not a smile: "Zhuo Qingtan, you should be satisfied if you can save your life. You know if I didn't withdraw my hand in time to disperse most of my strength , I’m afraid you are already in Jiuyou, waiting in line to cast a baby?”

Zhuo Qingtan was silent for a moment, and then smiled faintly.

"No, my luck is always good, let alone."

She raised her head slightly to look at Xie Yuci, and there was a warm luster in her eyes:

".What's more, you won't hurt me."

Xie Yuci paused slightly with his slender fingers holding the spoon.

He lowered his head slowly, quietly looking at the undisguised trust in her eyebrows and eyes.

A moment later, he suddenly asked softly: "Really? Do you really think that I won't hurt you?"

Zhuo Qingtan's eyes were clear, she nodded.

"you will not."

Even though it was more than 9000 years ago, after he got back the "Qingqizhu" and restored his memory, he felt that when the emperor Taiyin Youying had been deceiving him, using him, and hurting him constantly, he still had no thought of hurting her in the bottom of his heart. , isn't it?

All he could think of, and the worst thing he had done to her, was to undo the seal on himself and destroy many scenes on the Xianshan Daiyu that he had built with his own hands.

Things backfired, wrong and wrong.

It was the only time in his life that he thought of taking revenge on her. He thought it was just an innocuous and trivial matter - unexpectedly, it caused the eternal farewell between them.

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