Xie Yuci was silent for a moment, and after a while he suddenly turned his head in embarrassment, changed the subject and said:
".Since you're awake, drink this bowl of tonic soup quickly. After you finish drinking this soup, you still need to drink the medicine. If you drag it down, the medicine will be cold, and the medicine will be less effective."

Zhuo Qingtan nodded slightly, and silently sipped the soup with the spoon in his hand.

While she was drinking, she suddenly remembered something, raised her head again and asked:

"By the way, where is this? Where are we?"

Xie Yuci said indifferently: "On the outskirts of Yanzhou Prefecture, there is a separate courtyard in the world of immortals."

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly when she heard the words, and she fixedly looked at Xie Yuci for a moment.

Xie Yuci attacked Wu Wanghai's disciples in the street in Yanzhou Mansion under the watchful eyes of everyone, and she also had no intention of implicating the changes in the secret realm of Juntian Cliff that Wu Wanghai was ordered to guard.

Xie Yuci's current appearance does not look like a prisoner, and the bedroom she lives in is also glamorous, obviously she is not a prisoner either.

That being the case, Wu Wanghai lost his mind and went crazy?

At this moment, how could they still come up with such a magnificent and private courtyard to entertain them?

Is it
Zhuo Qingtan suddenly asked in a solemn voice: "Xie Yuci, did you coerce Wu Wanghai's disciples? Don't act recklessly. Except for Duanxu Palace, the elders and elite disciples of the other three great immortal sects are present at this moment. Northland, you"

Xie Yuci silently rolled his eyes, and interrupted her helplessly:
"I didn't coerce them, it was they who invited me several times, and I condescended to honor them.

Besides, what's the matter with you?Eat without talking, sleep without talking, hurry up and drink your ginseng soup, why do you always have endless worries? "

Zhuo Qingtan stared at him for a moment after hearing the words, but was speechless for a moment.

But no matter whether Wu Wanghai's abnormality was caused by Xie Yuci's coercion or not, with her weak body now, she probably has nothing to do with him.

So, after she figured this out, she no longer struggled, lowered her head and continued to drink ginseng soup in silence.

No matter what he wants to do, or what she wants to do, she must be able to stand up and move freely before she can talk about "the future".

After finishing a small bowl of ginseng soup and a small bowl of decoction, Zhuo Qingtan was so full that he couldn't drink anything.

Xie Yuci looked at her very helpless expression at this moment, and comforted her a little funnyly:
"Knowing that you are living a poor life these days, don't put on a sour face. I have good news for you. You don't need to take medicine tonight. You can stop for a while and eat something good."


Zhuo Qingtan rinsed his mouth with the teacup in his hand, then spit out the tea in his mouth and turned his head to look at him, waiting for him to speak clearly.

Xie Yuci didn't make any excuses anymore, he smiled and said: "The head of Jiusheng Mountain has arrived today, and I heard that he came to visit me specially. I didn't have the time to talk to them, but now that you are awake, it is also his visit It's a good sign. Xie is in a good mood, and for the face of that annoying An Luofu, he can also give him a little face."

Zhuo Qingtan paused, and she frowned and asked, "Uncle An Shi, you're coming to visit me?"

"What's your expression, what's your tone?"

Xie Yuci pretended to be angry, with a teasing smile on his lips.

"Prince Zhuo Qingtan, Immortal Zhuo, are you looking down on me? Don't forget, which one was beaten by me just now and almost lost his life."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed helplessly, and she explained in a low voice:
"It's not that I look down on you, it's just that Uncle An Shi is the head of Jiusheng Mountain, he usually lives in seclusion, has an aloof personality, and rarely leaves Jiusheng Mountain.

If it is said that he came out of the mountain this time to visit Luo Fu who has been away from home for many years, I think it is understandable.As for coming here specially to pay a visit to you."

She didn't have the nerve to say the second half of the sentence too clearly, which is too outrageous.

Xie Yuci smiled "haha" when he heard the words, and he said loudly: "This is why you don't understand, right? My son is imposing and admired by others. They are moved by the wind and come to court from all over the world. Naturally, there is a reason—"

Unexpectedly, at this time, a voice of an old man who sounded quite old suddenly came from outside the house.

"—Xianjun! Are you there?"

Xie Yuci paused immediately and stopped talking.

He slowly put away the smile on his face, cleared his throat, tilted his head and asked slowly: "What's the matter?"

Zhuo Qingtan looked thoughtfully towards the direction of the door, and then at the man who was close at hand.

She already recognized that the voice outside was an elder from Wuwanghai, who seemed to be called Peng Guanhai.

Although Peng Guanhai heard the response from inside the room, he never dared to knock on the door and enter. He just bowed respectfully outside the door and replied:

"Xianjun, I have already arranged the banquet properly, and I can attend the table in Youshi. I don't know if Xianjun thinks it is appropriate?"

Xie Yuci replied flatly: "Yes."

Peng Guanhai asked again: "Xianjun, I wonder if you have any other edicts? I must live up to my mission and repay you wholeheartedly."

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "No, back down."

His tone was indifferent and cold, but Peng Guanhai immediately said respectfully, as if he was hearing fairy music:

"Yes, the old man won't bother Xianjun to rest anymore. I will wait in the 'Zhaohui Hall' in Youshi, waiting for Xianjun to drive."

Xie Yuci nodded: "Understood."

Through the silhouette on the door, Zhuo Qingtan saw that Peng Guanhai once again gave a big gift with a meticulous seal, and then slowly backed away respectfully.

Xie Yuci turned his head and saw Zhuo Qingtan looking at him with a half-smile.

He paused slightly, and suddenly felt a little guilty in his heart.

". Xianjun?"

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a playful smile and asked lightly.

Xie Yuci paused, then nodded very calmly: "Hey."

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head and smiled.

"You really know how to climb up the pole, which show is this? What did you deceive them about?"

Xie Yuci was not happy when he heard the words.

With a "tsk", he carefully helped her to lie back on the bed, covered her with the quilt again, and then said:

"You can't talk nonsense, Xie didn't catch them! It's because they have too much drama in their own hearts, and mistakenly think that I am a god who is visiting in secret from some way in the sky.

However, since there were mistakes, I took advantage of this to eat and drink, and I didn't make any big mistakes, did I? "

Zhuo Qingtan immediately understood the words.

Presumably, Xie Yuci made too much noise at that time, and the elders in the fairy gate saw the clues, and mistakenly thought Xie Yuci was the god of the Nine Heavens, so they entertained and served him so respectfully.

Even the leader of the sect of Jiusheng Mountain, a hundred miles away, also came down to visit and pay respects devoutly.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him hesitantly, frowned and said: "Even if they misunderstood first, after all, you have also participated in the act of deceiving others. Later, you should not behave too much, and be careful that it will not end well in the future."

When Xie Yuci heard this, he suddenly remembered something.

He suddenly crossed his arms, looked at Zhuo Qingtan with a firm gaze, and said casually:
"Oh, if you don't say it, I almost forgot. When it comes to the words 'blinding others', I don't understand one thing."

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly startled when he heard the words.

I just heard him continue: "Before you were in a coma, you didn't know your personnel. I didn't know how badly you were injured, so I had to visit your body. Unexpectedly, I discovered something interesting again."

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly, she seemed to know what Xie Yuci was going to say.

Sure enough, Xie Yuci frowned deeply, and asked in a deep voice: "Ordinary mortals have eight meridians, while mortal cultivators have nine meridians, which are the heart meridian, life meridian, dry meridian, Kun meridian, governor meridian, and Ren meridian. , Chongmai, Daimai, and Qingmai. Why do you have one of the other eight meridians buried in your body apart from the heart meridian?"

He seemed to be at a loss as to how to describe the "bone-suppressing nail".

So he thought and thought, and then continued:

".Buried that strange magic weapon?"

Zhuo Qingtan's slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

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