Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 148 Drunkenness

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said with a light smile, "Really? Then Xie will reserve his opinion."

Zhuo Qingtan seemed to have really drunk too much.

She slowly lay down on the bamboo table, her gradation blue cloud sleeves hanging down on the table, almost knocking over the jug.

For a person like Zhuo Qingtan who behaves in accordance with etiquette everywhere, such a "no rules" relaxed posture is actually extremely difficult to happen to her.

Her voice at this moment was muffled under the cloud sleeves of her arms, and it sounded muffled and soft.

"I'm not a fool, how can I not know what pain is?"

Xie Yuci looked down at her: "Really? In this case, even if you have the so-called magic weapon that can weaken the six senses, it doesn't completely seal the six senses. Why don't you know that the heart pulse will hurt? Do you want to be injured for that little disciple Wu Wanghai who is always targeting you?"

She raised the face that was as white as cold jade lying in her arms, and smiled very shallowly: "That time was actually not entirely for him. It was more...for you."

"for me?"

Xie Yuci frowned: "Even if I kill him on the spot, is there anyone among them who can keep me?"

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly: "You are not a murderer at all. If you hurt someone's life because of your anger, and you are wanted by hundreds of immortal sects to kill you, even if you have extraordinary skills and are invincible, but if you are serious Do you want to kill all the people in the immortal sect?"

Xie Yuci fell silent.

At that time, the shot was really indignant.

And he was enraged, and he didn't hold back the slightest bit at that time.

However, not to mention the mere cultivators in the mortal world who are hunted down and wanted, it is the Emperor Zun, the Holy God of the Nine Heavens, and he has never been afraid.

However, he has no interest in crushing "ants".He has no interest in spending the rest of his life entangled with those immortals who seek revenge on him, after all, killing people will be tiring.

So. Zhuo Qingtan was seriously injured at the time and had to stand in front of that Wu Wanghai disciple. Was it actually because of him?
Zhuo Qingtan suddenly smiled.

"Besides, compared with other pains in my heart, the pain of my heart being impacted by spiritual power is really nothing."

Xie Yuci slowly poured a glass of wine into the wine cup in front of him, then raised the glass with a calm expression and took a sip.

After drinking the wine, he lifted one corner of his lips and shook his head.

"Other pains in your heart? Because you were misunderstood by those in the fairy sect that you were related to evil monsters, and you also broke the rumors about the enchantment of the four great secret realms?"

Besides, he really couldn't think of any pain and depression in Zhuo Qingtan's heart as the head of Duanxu Palace and the favorite son of the emperor, which even worried her more than the pain in her heart.

In this life, she was deeply trusted by the palace master of Duanxu Palace and the elders of the immortal sect, and also loved by many juniors and sisters of Duanxu Palace. Wherever she went, she was revered by the people of the immortal sect.

Apart from the series of encounters after the breaking of the Juntian Cliff's secret realm, even if she can't ascend to the Tao in this life, she must be a smooth sailing generation of "heroes".

What's more. How could it be possible that she won't ascend to Taoism and be ranked among the immortals?

Even if she loses her godhead, her primordial spirit dissipates, and sheds all her bones, she is still the reincarnation of Taiyin Youying's soul reunion.

In this world, there will never be any mortal who is more beautiful and talented than her.

Not to mention, there is still the Holy God Emperor, who has not seen miracles for a while, alive in the heavens.

In fact, it is only a matter of time before she returns to the Nine Heavens.

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly and shook his head when he heard the words.

"It's okay to be misunderstood. Although it may be troublesome, I won't be heartbroken because of it."

Xie Yuci was picking up a chopsticks of vegetables and putting them into his mouth. After he swallowed the food, he said casually: "Since this is the case, then Xie really can't imagine, what else is worth your heartache?"

He didn't know what to think of, the hand holding the vegetables suddenly stopped, he let out a "huh" and looked at her with a strange expression.

"Wait? If you are a model disciple of the immortal sect with a bright future, a long journey to immortality, and respected by fellow sects, if you still feel pain in your heart. Zhuo Qingtan, you must be Sifan, right?"

Zhuo Qingtan lowered her head and laughed lowly when she heard the words. She put half of her face on her arm and chuckled softly.

Xie Yuci also smiled, and he raised his eyebrows to look at her.

"Xie also knows that these words are somewhat outrageous, but other than that, I really can't think of anything else worth worrying about."

After Zhuo Qingtan finished laughing, he leaned on his arms with a rare undignified demeanor, tilting his head to look at Xie Yuci.

She suddenly said softly: "But, I am a mortal. Since I am a mortal, my body is also sinking in the world of mortals. It is normal to be contaminated by mortal feelings, so how can we talk about thinking of mortals?"

The smile on Xie Yuci's face suddenly stopped, and he fixedly looked down at Zhuo Qingtan's eyes like clear springs and cold moons.

He frowned: ".Are you serious?"

She actually... Seriously thought of Fan?
Zhuo Qingtan seemed to be really drunk, she smiled lowly, then raised her upper body with some effort, picked up the flagon and poured herself another glass of wine.

The next moment, she suddenly smiled and shook her head.

"What is real and what is fake? Sometimes even I can't see the real thing. But all I know is that I like this mortal world very much, and I also like to be a mortal who seeks the mortal."

Xie Yuci looked at her fixedly and asked slowly.

"Even if it's like now, be a mortal without any spiritual power?"

Zhuo Qingtan turned his head to look at him with a light smile on his face.

"Yes, even if it's like now, be a mortal without any spiritual power around you."

Xie Yuci looked at her gravely for a moment, then said suddenly: "You are drunk."

These are just drunken words.

Do you want to be a mortal who can't even produce ordinary fire without spiritual power and fairy art?
After she was reincarnated as a human, why was she still so whimsical?
Zhuo Qingtan, however, was fascinated by the bamboo basket at the foot of the bamboo table, which still contained half a basket of radishes, and said softly:
"Xie Yuci, what's wrong with being a mortal who can truly be himself even if he doesn't have any spiritual power in his body?"

Xie Yuci paused slightly upon hearing the words.

He frowned and lowered his eyes, quietly examining her flushed cheeks and blurred eyes at this moment.

She said before that he was unhappy, but what about her?How could she be happy?

For some reason, the words in his heart suddenly blurted out:

"So, even if you are an unfettered mortal in this life, haven't you been able to truly be yourself?"

Even if... you are no longer that lofty emperor in the Nine Heavens who shoulders the burden of safety in the Three Realms, will you still be bound by heavy responsibilities and pressure?
So, what is the meaning of reviving your life, losing your godhead, god body, god bone, and primordial spirit, leaving only a wisp of your soul?

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