Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 149 I Really Pained At That Time

Xie Yuci was puzzled, even a little confused.

Before the breakthrough of Juntianya's secret realm, there was no such "fierce god" as him in the Three Realms.

That being the case, Taiyin Youying was reincarnated as a human being in this life, why would she be so exhausted and not follow her own way?
Even if her life as a mortal is so glamorous on the surface, but in fact it is riddled with holes, then what is the significance of him being sealed in the four major secret realms in the mortal world and not seeing the light of day for more than nine thousand years?
Zhuo Qingtan suddenly smiled, she was actually very happy.

Maybe it was because of today's drunkenness that made her not sober, and the figure in front of her became more and more blurred.

At this time, she was squinting her eyes slightly, as if she was trying to see the facial features and outline of the person in front of her.

"So, recently, I often feel that the accident in the secret realm of Juntian Cliff is not necessarily a natural or man-made disaster for me, but a blessing."

Xie Yuci put down his chopsticks, leaned against the back of the bamboo chair behind him, and looked at her quietly with his arms folded.

"Oh? But if it wasn't for the incident at Juntianya, you wouldn't have been burned by the flames of the earth's core that were as powerful as the nine heavenly fires in the heavens because you were covering your fellow sect, and you wouldn't have been forced to seal your spiritual veins because of damage." like a mortal;
Similarly, if it weren't for the fact that the secret realm of Juntian Cliff was broken and the place you stayed at that time left the vicious aura of evil monsters and beasts, at this time you would still be the perfect Duanxu Palace without a single flaw in the eyes of hundreds of immortals Zhuo Zhang Palace.

—Even so, you still have no regrets? "

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a smile.

"Xie Yuci, as I said, Zhuo Qingtan has never regretted everything he has done or every step he has taken in his life."

Every step she takes now is the best way she can do at that time.

Since you have tried your best, no matter what the final result is, what is there to regret?

Xie Yuci smiled thoughtfully and shook his head, his tone indiscriminate between joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

"Yeah, I almost forgot. You do things and never regret it."

It was true before, and it is true now.

Presumably in the future, it will be the same.

Zhuo Qingtan played with the wine glass in his hand, but his eyes were a little blurred.

".So, I never regretted that I went to Juntian Cliff that day."

If it wasn't for this, she probably wouldn't have the chance to meet Xie Yuci in this life.

Not to mention entering the secret realm of Sufeng Valley by mistake, and getting back the memories of Taiyin Youying in her previous life through the array of kings.

Although, in the follow-up, she may have to spend a lot of trouble and twists and turns in order to give Xie Yuci the aftermath, and she will have to work hard and not make a mistake.

However, being able to meet him while he was still alive, and to have the opportunity to speak to him in such a calm manner, is already a rare situation and encounter that I never dared to imagine in the past.

Xie Yuci misunderstood what she meant at this time, he nodded and smiled lightly.

"Yes, 'Immortal Zhuo' is a model of the righteous way of the immortal sect. Even if you know in advance that if you go to Juntian Cliff, you will be thrown into many chaos and difficulties later, but if you can save those who are weak The Cold Water Pond flooded the lives of the disciples trapped in the Juntian Cliff, so you will definitely not back away if you think about it."

Zhuo Qingtan knew that he wanted to go wrong, but he smiled and did not correct him, just smiled and said:

"Xie Yuci, I am not a model of righteousness, in fact I also have selfish intentions.

The reason why I said just now is that for me, the change in Juntian Cliff is not necessarily a natural or man-made disaster, but a blessing.It is precisely because I suddenly feel recently that there seems to be nothing wrong with such and such. "

Xie Yuci frowned and looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

Zhuo Qingtan tilted her head and smiled lightly, her wine-stained cheeks were rarely tinged with blood, which made her look a little more delicate and agile than the "Zhuo Qingtan" before.

"In the beginning, I really didn't adapt to my current physical condition."

She sighed softly and smiled, "At that time, I was still receiving precepts on Duanjie Peak in Duanxu Palace, and I hadn't gotten the magic weapon from my master that can weaken the six senses.

To be honest, it was really painful at that time, not just the scorching pain in the veins and veins.It is a body that has not healed from its injuries and has no spiritual power to bear the eight bone-suppressing nails."

When she said this, she paused for a moment, then smiled frankly and said:
"Bearing those eight bone-suppressing nails is really difficult for a mortal body without spiritual power to protect the body.

At that time, I didn't even know how the hours of the day passed.All day long, he was so drowsy that he was tortured by layers of pain in his muscles and bones, and he couldn't even walk on the ground.

Even sometimes, the thoughts are so scattered that one can only judge how many days have passed by the number of times the disciples who come to Duanjie Peak to deliver water appear.

I have never been so embarrassed in my life, and I have never been so powerless.So, at that time, how could I not be confused? "

When Xie Yuci said the words "I was really in pain at that time", her body subconsciously collapsed.

When he heard the back, his brows furrowed unconsciously.

However, he did not interrupt Zhuo Qingtan, but listened to her quietly.

If it wasn't because she was drunk today, I'm afraid he would never have heard such a show of weakness from her mouth.

"At that time, it was really embarrassing. Even when I spoke, I had to try my best to restrain myself, otherwise my voice would be erratic and trembling. However, I concealed it very well."

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly lowered his head and smiled softly.

"Did you know? Until I wore Uncle Changmo's magic weapon 'Tu Sprite', which weakened half of my six senses, my juniors and younger sisters didn't realize that my body was on the verge of collapse at that time. I am very powerful, right? ?”

Xie Yuci looked at her coldly.

"What's so great about it? Forcing yourself to swallow all the suffering, this kind of stupid thing that is first-class in the world, only you will feel it is amazing."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly, and she said: "But, I had no other choice at that time. It's useless for them to be anxious, so why should I make them worry anymore.

What's more, the teachers of Duanxu Palace were not in the palace later, and there were still so many disciples who had not returned from training outside at that time, and everything in the palace was still to be determined.If I had collapsed at that time, the Duanxu Palace might have been in chaos. "

Xie Yuci just snorted lightly and did not speak.

He knew that it would be more difficult for this person to give up his responsibility than to take her life, right?
"Later, I left the palace to look for the traces of the missing disciples. I don't know when it was, but I suddenly felt as if I had gotten used to it.

I am used to a weak body without spiritual power, to a world where my six senses are weakened by wearing 'Tu Sprite', and I am half-deaf and half-blind. Pain coexists peacefully.

——I even think that this is really good. "

Xie Yuci frowned: "Why didn't I see it, what good is this?"

A once incomparably powerful and spiritually powerful leader of the fairy sect has become a mortal who can't use any power.

Not to mention the gap in physical strength, even the gap in heart is definitely not acceptable to ordinary people.

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