Xie Yuci recalled the battle at the Nantian Gate back then, when Wan Qing desperately blocked the divine power of the Holy God Emperor Zun and the past Saint Emperor Jun to block a blow for him.

Back then, if Taiyin Youying hadn't stopped in time and released a divine power to save her life, she would have been nothing more than a shattered fairy?I'm afraid that losing her soul on the spot is her ending.

Xie Yuci turned his head to meet her eyes, and slowed down his tone:
"Since you don't want to ask me what I think, what exactly do you want to tell me?"

Wan Qing looked at him solemnly, and said seriously: "Although Wan Qing will not interfere with the master's thoughts and decisions.

But Wan Qing wanted to ask again seriously, Lord, have you really thought about it?

——Are you serious again, have you thought it through? "

She really wanted to ask the next question: Did he really think about it, what kind of consequences might this decision today bring about in the future?

He really thought about it, if one day he sincerely made a wrong payment again, how should he be calm and self-possessed in the world?

He really thought about it, if the heavens intervened one day, and the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao pursued the relationship between the two of them in the mortal world, how would he end up?

He really thought about it again, if one day Zhuo Qingtan recovered all kinds of memories about his previous life, what kind of betrayal might he face again?

One time was outside the Nantian Gate of Jiuchongtian, and the other time was beside Daiyu Luguiya in Xianshan Mountain!
In the past, when the safety of the people of the Three Realms and the existence of Xie Yuci could no longer co-exist, Taiyin Youying's choice would always be the people of the Three Realms!

"I believe in myself, I will respect her, respect her, miss her, pity her, protect her and love her in this life
That being the case, even if one day in the future, she remembers all the past, and looks back at our relationship in this life, she will definitely not misunderstand that my words and deeds in this life are all to humiliate the gods. "

He smiled with clear eyes.

He looked at the weeds growing on the rocky cliffs, but still growing tenaciously. He was silent for a long time, and then said softly:
"Wan Qing, you don't understand. She has already become a deep-rooted 'no false fruit' planted in my heart. Apart from death, there is no cure.

No god can endure such a shame, right?

"My lord, are you still willing to believe her?"

Xie Yuci smiled lightly, looked at her with gentle eyes, and said softly firmly: "She won't."

Ever since he was taught by Xie Yuci about the poor tea art, he never personally made tea for Zhuo Qingtan to drink.

What about after she dies in this life?Will she re-enter Jiuyou and reincarnate, or will she be summoned by the heavens to return to Jiuzhongtian?
At that time, if she is recalled by Jiuchongtian and remembers the past, how will she view the relationship with you in this world?
And how would she feel about the fact that you spent your whole life with her without telling her when she had forgotten all about her past and didn't know it? "

Back in the day, her master was so powerful that he could even fight fearlessly with the God of Nine Heavens. How reckless and unrestrained was she?
But in the end... In the bottom of my heart, I gradually become humbled by love, and it is hard to get back to the past.


Even if I can only steal the karma of this life, no matter how sloppy the ending is... I have no regrets and I am willing. "

Xie Yuci's face paled slightly.

She turned her head away, and quickly raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, not wanting Xie Yuci to see her tears.

Wan Qing calmed down for a moment, then suddenly said in a low voice:

"But my lord, if one day, Zhuo Qingtan dies in this life and returns to the throne for nine days, will she mistakenly think that you are staying with her in this life because you deliberately humiliated her, the ninth heaven, by taking advantage of her ignorance of the past? The emperor, come to avenge the seal of the god bone more than 9000 years ago? If so, she will kill you!"

He didn't believe it anymore, could tea art be more difficult than swordsmanship?
It won't be too late to serve senior sister tea on the day he has mastered the practice.

Zhuo Qingtan gave him a funny look, took the teacup he handed over, and took a sip.

Xie Yuci did not waver when he heard the words, a stubborn and determined light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He knew that unless Zhuo Qingtan was too sick to get up, he would definitely not go to bed to rest during the day.So he didn't persuade her to change into her pajamas and get on the bed to sleep on her pillow.

Wan Qing frowned and looked at him.

He used some spells to move the tea table in the room to the low couch by the window, and then raised a cup of tea on the tea table: "Senior sister, drink tea."

Xie Yuci turned his head and suddenly smiled sadly.

If the tea served to Zhuo Qingtan was not made by Xie Yuci himself, then it must have been made by the inn's tea doctor.

Wan Qing was overwhelmed by the desolation and helplessness in his eyes, she suddenly wept silently.

Do you believe that she will not wrong you or misunderstand your intentions?

Wan Qing stared at him blankly, not understanding what he meant by that.

"If you want to blame it, you can only blame it. When you are young and unruly and arrogant, you really shouldn't meet someone who is too shocking."

Of course, he did not give up, and he still practiced secretly behind his back.

He smiled freely, that youthful and unruly romance was in its own right.

Believe in his own heart, which has gone through life and death several times, and is still willing to put all his eggs in one basket for her.

"So, it's not that I believe in her, but that I believe in myself."

"My lord, you are so confused! Even if you steal half a day's leisure in this life, you are lucky enough to stay with Zhuo Qingtan until you grow old and spend this life together, so what?

Could it be that he still refuses to give up, or refuses to look back?
Could it be that the past tens of thousands of years are not enough to prove that there is no possibility between the two of them?

Why, my lord, you hit the south wall twice, but you still refuse to wake up?Haven't you had enough of the lessons of the past?
She admitted that going to Shengdijun is really good.

However, it is precisely because of her kindness in every possible way that it is even more doomed that the relationship between them is holy and fierce, and the gulf is hard to bridge!

"So, no matter what kind of ending the two of us end up with, since I have chosen this path, I will bear it all. I can bear it regardless of fate."

At the same time, in the guest room of Nanshan Wubanshan Inn.

Then he said lightly: "Wan Qing, whether you believe it or not, from the moment I held her hand in Nanshanwu, I have already thought about all possible future outcomes."

Wan Qing looked at him with a sad face, and slowly shook her head.

No matter how good it is to go to Shengdijun, it will never belong to him. Xie Yuci!

An Luofu first helped Zhuo Qingtan to the low couch by the window for the guests to rest, then took off the cloak she was wearing on her shoulders, and hung it on the screen beside the couch.

Xie Yuci smiled, and said flatly, "I don't trust her, but I trust myself."

She also admitted that Dijun is indeed a compassionate, pure and benevolent co-lord of heaven and earth who helps the common people - and has repeatedly turned the tide regardless of himself when the common people are in danger.

He scratched his head and explained with a silly smile: "Just now I asked the tea doctor in the inn to brew this in advance, and then cast a spell to keep it from getting cold. It wasn't made by Luo Fu. Senior sister can drink it at ease."

However, Xie Yuci had already answered her doubts softly.

There was silence in the room, only the sound of the hot spring in the courtyard.

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly asked lightly: "What? You have nothing to ask me in private?"

An Luo shook his head: "No."

Zhuo Qingtan looked up at him quietly for a moment.

An Luofu stood beside Zhuo Qingtan, lowered his head and smiled gently at her:
"Senior sister, you don't need to worry about my opinion. Because Luo Fu will not object to anything that you sincerely decide, senior sister."

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