Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 170 Her blessing

An Luofu turned his head and thought for a while, then added with a smile: "Actually, not only me, but even Yu Nong, Second Senior Brother, and Third Senior Brother will certainly not object to Senior Sister's private affairs.

If there is any trouble in the future, many of our classmates will help Senior Sister. "

Zhuo Qingtan stared at him blankly, then shook his head slightly after a while, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"He De He Neng in Qingtan, thank you for being able to learn the art of Luofu with you."

An Luofu frowned and said:

"Senior sister, what are you talking about? How can we get a 'thank you' between us? If we really want to say 'thank you', we owe you a lot."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed lightly, and said with a low laugh, "Okay, let's not talk about that."

In fact, what she is worried about is not the prejudice of the same family. She grew up in Duanxu Palace and has always been close to her juniors and younger sisters. What's more, Xie Yuci still has the title of "Xianjun" on her head at this time.

She has always been worried about only one thing, that is, only two of the four great secret realms she set up with her own god bones in the past are left.

How long will it take for her remaining divine bone power in these two secret realms to completely dissipate Xie Yuci's ferocious power and primordial purple energy that are sealed in the fierce god's body in the Taixu secret realm?

He had just walked to the door when he suddenly felt as if he had stepped on something soft under his feet.

An Luofu looked back thoughtfully at Zhuo Qingtan who was leaning on his chin in a shallow sleep at this time, thinking in his heart, his senior sister must have made this up.

Are you worried that if you can't recover all the time, all the families of the immortal sect will complain about Duanxu Palace because of this?Could it be—"

But Nanshan Wu is hot and humid, and the humidity is very heavy. At this time, the place where the bone antitussive nail was driven into her ribs also had a dull pain, and her hands and feet felt very weak and weak.

The experiences of mortals in this life, whether sweet or bitter, are her blessings.

Therefore, you don't have to worry about the whereabouts of Penglai Xianshan and the whereabouts of Xiancao Yaohua.

He bent down to pick it up, held it in his palm and looked at it carefully.

An Luofu smiled and scratched his head, then covered her body with the snow-white cashmere blanket.

It seems that apart from the mission of Duanxu Palace to protect the secret realm and the responsibilities of Xianmen disciples to eliminate demons and defend Taoism, the senior sister doesn't have anything she wants to do. "

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly turned his head away.

"Xie Xianjun is really strange. When we first met him, he had many doubts about him. I didn't expect his real identity to be a Sanxian descended from the heavens.


As expected, An Luofu was distracted.

But no matter what, it was because of him that the senior sister was contaminated with human fireworks and human feelings.For that alone, I have to thank him. "

But one day, I suddenly discovered that I have been with my senior sister for so long, and I never know what my senior sister likes or wants to do.

After a while, she turned her head again and nodded slowly to him.

The children she watched growing up back then had unknowingly grown into such a gentle and dignified appearance.

Mountain climbing is already exhausting, not to mention there are two bone town nails in her knees.

He was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed softly.

We are still here for everything in Duanxu Palace. When Master and the others leave the customs, you can take off this burden and go with him. "

"Senior sister, you are tired from climbing today, and your complexion is not good, so take a nap."

"Sister, are you telling the truth?"

After all the trivial matters were over, he turned his head and saw that Zhuo Qingtan had become slightly drowsy, so he was also preparing to leave.

An Luofu was silent for a moment, and suddenly he said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, but because of the injury and seal on your spiritual veins earlier?

Zhuo Qingtan was indeed in a bit of trouble.

If you devote too much attention to this matter, I am afraid that you will give birth to inner demons.

I saw An Luofu looked at her with warm eyes and smiled slightly, and said slowly:

Zhuo Qingtan looked up at him in a daze.

From now on, I am no longer a disciple of the Immortal Sect, and I am no longer a monk who eliminates demons and defends the Tao. Spiritual power is dispensable to me, so it doesn't matter if the spirit veins are sealed or unresolved. "

Under the conservation of energy, Daiyu sank, and Penglai suddenly became free, and its drifting speed was far faster than other fairy mountains.

Zhuo Qingtan lowered his head, and interrupted him softly: "Luo Fu, you know, I was adopted by my master in Duanxu Palace when I was still in my infancy, and became the youngest immortal disciple in the palace at that time.

Penglai's whereabouts are erratic, and it is almost difficult for ordinary people to find them.

On the day when you succeed in the Dao, you will be in the immortal class together with Xie Xianjun, and you must be the first-class immortal couple in the world. "

Before she dies in this life, can this completely reborn transformation be completed?
An Luofu couldn't understand where the hidden worry in Zhuo Qingtan's eyebrows and eyes came from.It's just that she is worried that she will be different from Xie Yu's resignation to Xianfan, and it won't last long.

She raised her head slightly, forcing back the warmth in her eyes.


An Luofu lowered his head in surprise, and saw a double-ninth tassel falling on the ground.

On it is actually a very special poppie fringe woven from the branches and tendrils of the "Poppy" tree next to Luoshen Lake.

Only when she holds on, can she see the day when Xie Yuci's body's spiritual energy and energy are fully transformed, and she can support Xie Yuci to be happy for the rest of his life.

An Luofu had already had tears in his eyes, and he continued softly:

But in this life, I can get acquainted with all of you and struggle in this world of mortals. I am not at a loss. "

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a complicated expression, and called his name softly.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Yes, Senior Sister, you are obviously so powerful, wherever you go, you are surrounded by immortal disciples looking up with adoring eyes—but I can see clearly in your heart, you are lonely and have nothing to rely on.Until you met Xie Xianjun"

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly taken aback, why does this silly boy still remember this?
Back then, Xianshan Penglai was imprisoned beside Daiyu for too many years by her spells.

How could this not move her?
An Luofu smiled: "Senior Sister, as the saying goes, 'The extreme of wisdom will be hurt, and the deep love will not last', you are not in good health now, let alone worry too much.

So, she stopped being brave, nodded, leaned lightly on the pillow placed on the low couch, and leaned on the side of her face with one hand, taking a nap with her eyes closed.

Zhuo Qingtan thought, there must be no way to let An Luofu keep thinking about such an illusory thing in his mind.

She has to hold on.

"But, Senior Sister, you are also a living person, and since you are a living person, how can you be so lonely?

An Luofu carefully closed all the windows in the room.

"Senior Sister, Yu Nong and I have been by your side since we were young. Over the years, Senior Sister can do the best in everything, as good as a perfect jade statue on the altar.

Zhuo Qingtan nodded lightly: "Yes."

I have been walking in this world for 21 years, swords come and go, demons and demons come and go in a hurry.But I have never had the opportunity to truly see this beautiful mountain and river.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a faint smile, and said softly: "Luo Fu, I don't want to be a disciple of the immortal sect anymore—for the rest of my life, I just want to be an ordinary person.

So, she said softly: "Speaking of which, I actually have one more thing that I haven't been able to find a suitable opportunity to tell you before."

So he comforted her in a warm voice: "Senior Sister, you don't have to worry. Luo Fu will definitely find Yaohua Immortal Grass for you, and then it will be able to heal the burn on your spirit veins.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him silently, a warm feeling suddenly appeared in her eyes.

I am selfish, you can blame me or blame me, but I must go.

An Luofu froze immediately, and he looked at her in surprise:
"Senior Sister? Why is this?"

"If that's the case. That's great. Sister, I'm very happy for you."

Zhuo Qingtan said slowly: "I've made up my mind, I'll wait until the day when Master and all the martial uncles leave the secret realm of Taixu, that's when I will resign as the head of Duanxu Palace."

"Luo Fu, if you don't like to hear it, I won't thank you any more.

An Luofu quietly listened to her, and suddenly asked:

It is advisable to hand over the position of Duanxu Palace to a more capable younger brother and younger sister. "

Even in a place she didn't know, she secretly watched her sorrows and joys for many years.

Didn't expect his senior sister to have such a skill?
Why, he had never seen her make it up before.

Seeing that Zhuo Qingtan was already asleep, An Luofu didn't make any noise.

He casually put the "Poppie" Chongyang fringe woven from radish branches into his chest.

An Luofu thought to himself: Since the senior sister has already fallen asleep, it is better not to disturb her for the time being, and I will return this thing to the senior sister later and not eat it.

He put away the beautifully shaped Chongyang tassel, turned around and left lightly.

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