Chapter 209

Li Luowei raised her eyes secretly with aggrieved face, she carefully looked at Zhuo Qingtan's face, but seeing that Zhuo Qingtan's expression was really sleepy, and she was a little haggard and sickly, she really didn't dare to continue to misbehave.

She hummed softly, and said eagerly: "Senior Sister Zhuo, it was because of this that I pestered my father to bring me to the Duanxu Palace. Hurry up and save Shuang'er! A jade statue!"

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly, then turned his head to look at Li Changfeng calmly.

Li Changfeng nodded slightly to her, indicating that Li Lanshuang was one of the two Wuwanghai maids who were turned into sculptures by jade.

Zhuo Qingtan was silent.She didn't expect that one of the two Wu Wanghai maids who were turned into jade was actually her.

Speaking of which, this girl named "Li Lanshuang" is also her old friend.

At that time, Zhuo Qingtan was only 14 years old. In that year, she was ordered to take the disciples of Duanxu Palace to send a batch of magical artifacts to Wuwanghai according to the order of the "Master of the Palace". Li Changfeng.In the end, he accidentally ran into this little maid named "Shuang'er", who was being bullied by some young male disciples in Wu Wanghai.

Those young male disciples not only set up a small magic circle to trip her up, causing her to be drenched in hot soup, but also threw mud at her, it was extremely stubborn.

At that time, Zhuo Qingtan was also young and energetic, so he meddled in other people's business and rescued this half-grown girl who was only waist-high at the time.

"Luowei, although the outsider is a guest, this place is Duanxu Palace after all. Do you understand?"

Seeing Zhuo Qingtan's cold eyes, Li Luowei immediately stopped talking.

An Luofu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, exchanged glances with Xie Yuci and Xi Ningyan, and immediately said indifferently: "I dare not take it."

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a chuckle.

Zhuo Qingtan saw that she was pitiful, always being bullied by male disciples of the same age in Wuwanghai, so he decided to take her to Li Changfeng, and suggested that headmaster Li could send her to Li Luowei as a personal maid.

Li Luowei was satisfied now.

Zhuo Qingtan was amused when he heard the words "puchi".

As the main hall door closed, Xie Yuci turned around and said with a half-smile:

Later, when she took care of the little girl's injury, she discovered that Shuang'er was born with nine veins, and she was a seedling who could practice cultivation.

After everyone left, only Zhuo Qingtan and Xie Yuci were left in the main hall of Ziwei Hall.

Li Changfeng quickly clasped his hands together with a smile and said: "Yes, thank you Zhuo Zhanggong."

She whispered to An Luofu: "Luofu, thank you for your hard work."

In fact, Li Lanshuang's ability to have the current Taoism and spiritual power has little to do with her.

His daughter, there is finally someone who can control her.

"Okay, you all go."

"You've just settled down a bit, and you're going out again. Can your body do it?"

Xie Yuci frowned when she finished speaking.

In an instant, the smug smile on Li Luowei's face froze.

She shook her head lightly, and sighed slightly: "It's not because of this, I know that the part of the divine power you have recovered now is enough to be invincible in the mortal world.

After all, you know very little about matters related to the heaven and earth magic circle. "

"Follow the order of the senior sister."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly: "Something happened to Juntian Cliff Secret Realm and Sufeng Valley Secret Realm."

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly startled.

On the contrary, Li Luowei seemed to be very surprised when she saw this.


".But, if Brother An is tired, he is not in a hurry. After all, it is very hard for you to practice hard every day."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly, and said softly: "I already know about this matter, I will deal with it myself, you don't have to worry. Since it's rare to leave Wuwanghai for a trip, let Luo Fu take you for a stroll first, or settle down properly. "

She was silent for a moment, forced a smile, and added slowly:

——In this way, if she has the talent for good fortune in the future, she might be able to enter the inner sect, and she can be regarded as completely out of low status.

"I said, I see, leave this matter to me. You continue to adjust your spiritual veins in Duanxu Palace, and you have to concentrate on practicing after the spiritual veins are completely healed. Don't waste your energy on these insignificant things gone."

"Tell me, why did they come to you? What did you promise them?"

Zhuo Qingtan privately thought that she could not be regarded as having taught her, but could only be regarded as having a little bit of friendship with her.

Doesn't he know very little?
He himself was the one who was locked up, so how could he know how much he knew about it?

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly and said, "No."

"Then what if they bully me?"

Zhuo Qingtan sighed softly when she heard the words, and she said: "How can this be an insignificant matter? Speaking of this matter, it actually has something to do with you and me. I can't let it go, and I don't worry about you being alone. go."

She knows the dispositions of her juniors.It's pretty good if Li Luowei doesn't bully them.

Xie Yuci frowned.

Zhuo Qingtan glanced at her again and added something.

"Why can't it work? My spiritual power has recovered, and my spiritual veins are getting better day by day."

Why did his father come to Duanxu Palace this time, and his attitude seemed to be quite different from before?

The enchantment of the four great secret realms in the mortal world is closely related to her previous life. If any incidents that endanger the human world occur because of these two secret realms that are open in all directions, then she really cannot absolve herself of the blame.

Especially when facing Senior Sister Zhuo Qingtan, it can be regarded as the best.
That's right, her father's appearance at this time is not just humility!
Although Duanxu Palace is the head of the four great immortal sects in the mortal world, commanding the world's immortal sects, but his father also respects Senior Sister Zhuo Qingtan a little too much, right?
But before she could think any more, her father had already grabbed her sleeves and dragged her out of Ziwei Palace.

"Uncle Li, you have also been tired all day, why don't you settle down and rest with Ling Ai. You don't have to worry, I won't break my promise."

"What's there to worry about? I can run and jump. I don't know how many times better than you. It's more convenient for a person to travel thousands of miles a day."

She looked at Li Changfeng again, and said very politely:

When he said this, he added very rigorously:

Since this is Duanxu Palace, it is not a place where she can act recklessly.

He turned around to look at Li Luowei again, and nodded very politely.

"Got it, I'll go."

Xie Yuci frowned.

She was silent for a while, then suddenly said in a low voice:

Seeing this, Li Changfeng smiled helplessly.

She lifted her chin and proudly said: "Well, then Miss Ben will give Senior Sister Zhuo a face, but—"

Zhuo Qingtan's tone was extremely light, but it was extremely deterrent and could not be ignored by anyone.

Her father. What's the matter?
Although his father used to have a lot of respect for Senior Sister Zhuo Qingtan from Duanxu Palace, but after all, the elders are orderly, and he will unconsciously put on airs of the elders.

She told Xie Yu in detail what the heads of the two immortal sects said today.

Xie Yuci chuckled and shook his head.

An Luofu was silent for a moment, and saluted respectfully with his hands sealed together.

Xi Ningyan who got the signal from Zhuo Qingtan's eyes also quit together.

Then he frowned and said: "This matter. To be honest, I don't have a firm plan in mind now, but I always want to go and see for myself. Why did the King of the Secret Realm Formation turn into a 'killing formation'?"

So, he taught her a set of common ways of getting started in the immortal sect, and gave her a book of flexible soft swords suitable for her body to practice.

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows slightly.

No matter what she is.

Xi Ningyan and An Luofu glanced at her expressionlessly, and didn't even bother to talk to her anymore.

She forgot about the pain when her scar healed, seeing An Luofu being so polite, she pushed her nose on her face instead.

She was about to make an inch when Zhuo Qingtan, who was sitting upright, suddenly coughed lightly.

"—I don't know how many times stronger than you are now!"

Zhuo Qingtan's words were right, and it was a little bit of face for him.

"Sister Luowei, I will take you to the guest room first. After you rest, I will take you to visit the scenery of Chong'a Mountain."

However, after all, there is the Heaven and Earth Magic Circle that I personally set up in the past, and no one else is more familiar with them than I am.

Especially after the secret realm of Juntian Cliff that Wu Wanghai was ordered to guard was broken a few days ago, his father also had a lot of complaints about Palace Mistress Mu and Senior Sister Zhuo Qingtan in private.

Li Luowei just opened her mouth to say something.

Xie Yuci glanced at her lightly.

However, no matter whether the trapped and jaded people know or not, she will not sit idly by.

Zhuo Qingtan chuckled lightly.

"Really? And what about your bone-suppressing nails?"

He said indifferently: "Actually, when I was in the Northland before, I felt that your remarks about 'bone-suppressing nails' were probably fooling me, but I have never been able to find a reasonable basis.

Now, since it is known that 楌桪 is the sun candle, then he will definitely not plant that kind of thing in your body for the so-called "punishment" of you.

— After all, what else do they do?Why are you so slow to take out these bone-suppressing nails? "

(End of this chapter)

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