Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 210 Thank you Yuci, I will never leave again

Chapter 210 Thank you Yuci, I will never leave again

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly silent, she knew that this matter probably couldn't be kept secret.

However, since Xie Yuci had no intention of using her to open his divine power and divine body sealed in the four great secret realms in advance, it wouldn't hurt to let him know this.

So she finally confessed:
"The bone-suppressing nail also has a strange function. It can calm my spirit, so that my spirit will not overflow, and it will not be sensed by the bone in the enchantment of the secret realm."

Xie Yuci frowned upon hearing this.

He glanced at her silently, and said in a low voice, "I see."

Her spirit actually resonated with the bones in the four great secret realms, which caused turmoil in the secret realms. That's why she would rather be tortured than take out the bone-suppressing nails.

Presumably, he was able to wake up from the secret realm of Juntian Cliff ahead of schedule that day, and break out of the boundary, which was related to the power of the soul.

Xie Yuci was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Although this is the case, it is not that there is no solution at all.

As long as you find a place of refuge away from the secret realm of Mingwanggou in Jiusheng Mountain and the secret realm of Taixu in Chong'a Mountain, far away from those two secret realms that have not yet been cracked, you can take out the bone-suppressing nail in your body.

"Young Master Xie taught you the lesson."

Xie Yuci suddenly murmured softly.

At that time, Xianshan Daiyu was humid and warm, and the sea breeze was blowing on the face. When it touched the face lightly, it was like the fingertips of the purest daughter.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Xie Yuci continued: "Secondly, if this trip involves official business in the secret realm, I will follow your orders; however, if it involves your daily life, you must obey me."

I'm afraid, but it's actually because I miss you too much, so cowards generally deceive themselves and convince themselves that the things in front of them are real; I'm even more afraid."

And he quietly saw her peaceful sleeping face countless times under the light pink light circle.

"Xie Yuci, we are currently in the Ziwei Hall of Duanxu Palace in Chong'a Mountain. I am a real existence, not an illusion."

——He was even more afraid. In fact, the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao had rescued her, and all these mortal things were just unreasonable assumptions after he was imprisoned and sealed for too long, and his thoughts became crazy.

They sit and stand like this.

She sighed softly, pressed her sore forehead lightly with one hand, and said with a light smile: "Compared to before, you are not easy to fool a lot."

The crane spread its wings, and countless fairy beasts ran wildly all over the mountains and plains.Sometimes when passing by people, they will stop intimately, sniff them seriously, or rub their palms with the top of their furry heads.

The breath of Lingzhu flower is elegant and pure, and its fragrance permeates the whole fairy mountain.

Therefore, Zhuo Qingtan, the sitting person, was even more condescending.

Xie Yuci was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

"will not."

In fact, Lu Guiya was originally built by him for her.

The smile on Zhuo Qingtan's lips suddenly paused slightly.

"I'm afraid, maybe my spiritual consciousness is still trapped and sealed in the four great secret realms, never awakened;
I'm afraid, maybe all of this is just a long-term dream that I wove for myself in my deep sleep;

"Alright, if you don't let this matter be resolved thoroughly, you must always have some concerns in your heart, and you won't be able to practice quietly. If that's the case, then it's up to you. But, we have to make an agreement in three chapters."

She sighed softly: "I originally wanted to wait for my spirit veins to heal completely, and then leave Duanxu Palace to find a place far away from mountains and rivers to practice and spend my days in peace. I heard about Sufeng Valley and Juntian Cliff that have been broken Strange things happened in the secret place.

Going around, they seem to have returned to the beginning.

After Zhuo Qingtan finished speaking, he seemed to be expressing his feelings.

"Don't worry, I won't restrict you too much, it's just that you don't care much about your body."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled lightly upon hearing this.

The two of them sat and stood one at a time, Zhuo Qingtan sat on the high platform, while Xie Yuci stood on the progressive steps.

Those 200 years were the most beautiful picture scroll in Xie Yuci's life.Even in the year when he hated Zhuo Qingtan the most, he still couldn't forget it.

Xie Yuci was slightly taken aback.

"You said."

She was silent for a moment, her tone was low, but her tone was very firm.

He was afraid and she had already passed away for many years.

Zhuo Qingtan smiled when he heard this.

Many, many years ago, when there were not so many unexpected changes between them, they were once so close.

Xie Yuci chuckled, and there seemed to be sadness in his downcast eyes, but also a trace of uncertain joy.

He lowered his head slowly, only to see Zhuo Qingtan's hand, which was as white as jade but with distinct veins, gently pressing the back of his hand.

Seeing Zhuo Qingtan frowning, he added lightly:

"Xie Yuci, what are you afraid of?"

Xie Yuci slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "First, I want to go with you when I go out on this trip."

—whether she comes or not.

And at sunset, the sound of waves layer upon layer, slapping on the cliffside of Xianshan Mountain, is like the oldest lullaby sent to the common people by the landscape of heaven and earth.

"It's natural. Even if you don't tell me, I will ask 'Xie Xianjun' to help me."

The movement of his hands did not stop, but he frowned slightly, slightly lost in thought.

"Really?" Xie Yuci sighed softly: "But there was just a moment ago, and I was scared."

Zhuo Qingtan was silent for a moment, then asked him softly.

He can't forget the mountain, the wind, the sea, the flowers, the setting sun, and the sea mist that surrounds his eyes.
——Meeting with the person who missed the rest of his life.

Lu Guiya is always waiting for his fateful master.

"The hero sees the same thing. In fact, I thought the same way before. It's just..."

After shielding all the painful and unbearable past in the middle, they seem to have found the original peace.

He slowly walked up to the high platform, stood still behind Zhuo Qingtan's jade seat, gently took her hand away, and gently pressed her forehead.

Suddenly, a dry and cool slender palm gently covered the back of Xie Yuci's massaging hand.

With the afterglow of the setting sun going west, the whole fairy mountain is shrouded in a pale pink aurora.

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows and looked at her, but didn't reply.

Xie Yuci said solemnly: "It's not okay to just say it casually, you already have a criminal record, so you must pay more attention to it in the future!"

When things are over here, and all the dust has settled, we can leave soon. "

She paused for a moment, quietly lowered her eyes to look down at him for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

"Why? Are you still thinking about how to fool me?"

Only when Zhuo Qingtan teased him like this, would he rarely let her bully him honestly.

At that time, if you retreat from the world and concentrate on practicing, you will not be disturbed by these mundane things, and it may not be a bad thing. "

One quietly closed his eyes, raised his head and trusted with all his heart; the other stood behind her, gently massaged the top of her painful head thoughtfully and meticulously. It seemed that time was also going backwards, returning to the situation ten thousand years ago again.

"...Is this just a dream?"

Xie Yuci immediately sneered when he heard the words.

"At this moment, wherever I look, everything is as beautiful as an illusion. I am naturally afraid that all of this is actually a false illusion."

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly taken aback, then smiled lightly and shook his head, "No, I just said it casually."

Later, she wanted to absorb the fierce and boundless hostility of the world in the mortal world, so he gave her a house with the most beautiful scenery on the coast and cliffs of Daiyu Xianshan to live in.

Zhuo Qingtan closed his eyes and smiled.

Zhuo Qingtan raised his cold and clear eyebrows and looked at him quietly.

Her eyebrows, like the most flawless and magnificent ink landscape in the Three Realms, make people fall in love with each other at first sight and never forget each other.

"I'm really back."

Zhuo Qingtan gently shook his warm palm, looked at him with a smile and said:

"——Xie Yuci, I will never leave again."

(End of this chapter)

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