Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 211 Autumn Festival

Chapter 211
"Father, who is that young man just now? Why can he cast such powerful spells without the spiritual power of a disciple of the Immortal Sect?"

Li Luowei held Li Changfeng's arm, and she didn't intend to control the volume of her voice at all, causing the disciples of Duanxu Palace passing by to look sideways.

Duanxu Palace's mental method focuses on cultivating the mind and character. Most of the disciples are usually quiet and calm, and it is rare to see such noisy people.

Li Changfeng glanced at An Luofu, who was half a step ahead of their father and daughter, who was guiding them, and rarely turned cold towards Li Luowei.

"You can keep your voice down, ancestor! Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask."

He really spoiled Li Luowei in the past, relying on herself as the only daughter of Wu Wanghai's head, she was lawless, and she really didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Li Luowei stopped suddenly, she frowned and said in a very puzzled way:

"Daddy, what's the matter with you? My daughter has often felt that you have changed a lot recently! When you faced Senior Sister Zhuo just now, your attitude was very strange. You are the head of Wu Wanghai among the four majestic sects. He is also the elder of Senior Sister Zhuo.

Also, it's nothing more than being weird to yourself recently, why do you want your daughter to be wronged now?I am the eldest lady of the Li family, so I can't even ask who a young man of unknown origin is? "

Li Changfeng's face turned ashen when he heard this.

"Wei'er, when will you change your outspokenness? Fortunately, the one who followed us just now is an honest and responsible child like Luo Fu, who can't chew his tongue and spread gossip. If you are someone else, you are no longer young."

"Thousands of Autumn Festival?"

Li Changfeng looked at his daughter's aggrieved appearance, sighed and said:
"Wei'er, you are fine too. But you are like the delicate flower that is cultivated in the greenhouse magic circle. If someone casts spells to protect you and take care of it properly, you will bloom forever, brilliant and beautiful.

Li Changfeng smiled and touched the top of her head.

Li Luowei bit her lip, and said seriously: "I will practice hard in the future, even if my brothers and sisters don't live up to it, my daughter will definitely live up to my father in the future!
——By the way, there is also Junior Brother Lin Juelin. Although he started late, he worked very hard.You believe in your daughter! "

Li Changfeng felt a little dumbfounded.

Therefore, Li Changfeng asked solemnly: "Wei'er, are you serious?"

Li Changfeng smiled and nodded.

When An Luofu heard that Li Luowei was discussing his senior sister, he immediately frowned.

Your Brother Luo Fu is also 15 years old this year, and he is only two months older than you.But he has already been able to go out alone to eliminate demons and travel, and he can also be alone in the sect.

"Daddy! What are you talking about? What's wrong with my current appearance? That's right, brother Luofu is a young hero, so is it not good for my daughter?"

At that time, all the young talents under the age of [-] from the hundred families of the immortal sect will go to compete with the same sect of the hundred families.Are you confident to give it a try? "

"Good good!"

"Daddy, that's not enough. We are still guests in Duanxu Palace. Don't tell me you want your daughter to start cultivating painstakingly now?"

When Li Luowei heard her father's words, she immediately became unhappy.

It's just that she was spoiled by a loving father and grew up. She was used to being lazy and neglected to cultivate.

Li Luowei murmured: "This name is so familiar."

She actually thought that she was so humble and lowered her attitude towards the emperor recently because she was worried about Wu Wanghai's future, and she was worried that no one would protect her when she was gone, so she tried to please Duanxu Palace everywhere.

The Qianqiu Grand Festival is held every ten years, and it is hosted by the four great immortal sects in turn.

"If you have this heart, you don't have to wait until you return to Wuwanghai to work hard."

But Wei'er, Daddy is old, I don't know how long Daddy can protect you.

In the last ten years, Wuwanghai was ordered to hold the Qianqiu Grand Meeting. It stands to reason that it should be the turn of Jiusheng Mountain this year.

After a while, she suddenly said: "Daddy, it's not your fault, it's all because of my daughter's disappointment."

It's because I was too hard to think about it in the past. If I was as free and easy as Senior Brother An back then, and entrusted you to another fairy school to learn skills, maybe you would not grow into what you are today. "

He found that Li Luowei seemed to be trying to misinterpret him by mistake.

Li Luowei nodded her head vigorously, and said crisply: "Really! When we return to Wuwanghai, I will practice hard, and I won't let daddy worry about it in the future!
Because of Senior Sister Zhuo, the Mistress of the Palace is envied by the immortal sect. From now on, I will also make my father envied by other elders of the immortal sect!I envy you for raising a good daughter! "

Li Changfeng said slowly: "There are still three months left, and it will be the grand meeting every ten years. If there are no accidents, at this time, your Uncle An should have arranged for the elders in the sect to start preparing for the grand meeting.

Li Changfeng was stunned when he heard the words.

Li Luowei suddenly fell silent when she heard the words.

"It's all Daddy's fault, he spoiled you too much in the past, and that's why he raised you up.

And among your senior brothers and sisters, there is no one like Duan Xu Gong Zhuo Zhang Gong who can support the ups and downs of a group of heaven's favored children.You know, for Wu Wanghai's future, your future, Dad has to make plans early. "

"Why am I not young anymore? I'm only 15 years old, and I'm still young!"

"Yeah, another... ten years."

Among the hundreds of immortals, the biggest event is called the "Great Event for Thousands of Years".

Li Changfeng looked up at An Luofu who had avoided more than ten meters away and walked to the corridor in front, and sighed:

It's a pity that I started too late, I started many years later than others, after all, I was delayed by my birth.

Li Luowei immediately pouted and said:

If she can improve a little because of this, she can practice quietly and stop messing around, it might not be a bad thing.

"No. But, you used to only know how to have fun all day long, but you didn't even know that the 'Great Festival' is coming?"

Li Changfeng exhaled heavily, he was silent for a while, then suddenly heaved a long sigh and said:

But because she didn't say anything excessive, he still avoided two steps according to Li, avoiding suspicion and unwilling to listen to their father and daughter's private conversation.

Just looking at the name, you can tell that these grand gatherings are aimed at the friendship and exchange of skills and swordsmanship between the hundreds of families of the Xianmen, and more importantly, that the hundreds of families of the Xianmen will be passed down for thousands of years and continue to be passed on.

In the past two years, Lin Jue, Li Changfeng's newly recruited closed disciple, was quite talented.

"I remembered, Daddy, ten years ago we held the Thousand Years Fair in Wuxuhai, didn't we? That's right, it's been another ten years now!"

If Zhuo Qingtan is just Zhuo Qingtan, not the holy emperor who was fascinated by the ancients. He hasn't died yet, so why go to please the younger generation now?
Li Changfeng's heart moved, it would be fine if Li Luowei misunderstood.

Sad to say, most of Wu Wanghai's next generation of disciples are of mediocre talent.

Now Wuwanghai's younger generation of disciples, not to mention comparing with Zhuo Qingtan's outstanding talents, even the other disciples of the palace master Meiluo who received Qingyue Peak, none of his disciples can compare with them.

He just simply respects and loves the Holy Emperor.

Although she is arrogant, she is actually very intelligent.She inherited her father's talent, and her talent in cultivating immortals is not bad.

She suddenly said "ah", grabbed Li Changfeng's sleeve and said:

Li Luowei froze slightly.

Li Changfeng gratified and praised again and again.

If there is no talent in the art of cultivating immortals, no matter how hard one tries, it will be inferior in the end.

The smile on Li Luowei's lips froze, and she glanced at her father with a dead face.

"Daddy, are you serious?"

Li Changfeng looked at her with a smile.

"of course."

(End of this chapter)

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