Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 212 Immortal Fate is Hard to Find

Chapter 212 Immortal Fate is Hard to Find
Li Luowei yelled "ah" and shook her head desperately.

"How is this possible? Daddy! Although my daughter said that she will practice hard in the future, you can't aim too high! Three months! There are only three months! You don't know what level your daughter is now!"

"Don't talk about anything else! Even if my three-month-old daughter tries her best to practice, she still can't catch up with the best disciples among the disciples of the various immortal sects!"

Li Changfeng raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard the words: "It turns out that you yourself know the gap between you and others."

Li Luowei was at a loss for words for a moment, and the next moment she wailed again, and stretched out her hand to point to the back of the young man in the distance.

"--Daddy, although Senior Sister Zhuo is in charge of the Duanxu Palace and her status is a generation higher, she won't participate in the competition of the Qianqiu Grand Gathering. But how can I beat Brother Luofu and the others?"

Li Changfeng Nianxu smiled and said: "Father didn't let you win the leader, the most important thing is to participate! Besides, you only know how to make progress when you know the gap between yourself and other leading disciples, don't you?"

Li Luowei shook her head like a rattle, she refused to obey:
"That's not going to work! In such haste, in public, aren't you trying to embarrass your daughter, Daddy?"

Li Changfeng smiled and said, "Isn't there still three months? Wei'er, you are very smart and talented. You will definitely improve in these three months."

Li Luowei looked at her father in shock.

Hearing this, Li Luowei almost didn't come up in one breath!
It's true that she really likes Senior Sister Zhuo Qingtan!But she is also very afraid of Senior Sister Zhuo!

He stood in front of the main hall, folded his hands and sealed his seal.

This "little padded jacket" really leaked out, and a single sentence pierced his fatherly heart like a sieve.

"Little Lord!"

Even going to the Holy Emperor to go down to the mortal world to experience hardships, it was a coincidence that he was worshiped under the door of Duanxu Palace. This is really a source of great blessing!
An Luofu placed the Li family's father and daughter and a group of maids brought by Li Luowei in the Wuhua Peak of Duanxu Palace.

If one day the emperor's calamity ends and he returns to the heaven, maybe his daughter will have the chance to attain the Tao.

Duanxu Palace on Chong'a Mountain has produced a large number of talents from generation to generation, and it is true that each has led the way for hundreds of years, envious of other sects.

Li Luowei was dumbfounded and said: "Father, you mean to let me follow Zhuo Zhang Palace all the way? Until before the Qianqiu Grand Meeting?"

Li Changfeng took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Father can't do it, but there must be someone who can control you."

That being the case, when you have settled the matter of the two major secret realms, you can drop by Jiusheng Mountain to participate in the Qianqiu Grand Gathering.Isn't it just right?


However, since Li Luowei didn't know anything, if she took the initiative to ask Dijun, saying that she wanted to follow him for a period of time to learn more, she would definitely not refuse because of Dijun's humble temperament.

Li Changfeng was silent, saying that he was not envious would be a lie.

After arranging the distinguished guests from Wuwanghai and Pingjinge separately, An Luofu was waiting to return to Qingyue Peak when he received a message from An Pinhan with a talisman.

An Luofu was thoughtful in etiquette, and made a salute with his hands that did not make any mistakes.

When he arrived at Wuhua Peak, where the head of Jiusheng Mountain and his disciples lived in the guest courtyard, the disciples in the courtyard were packing up the things they had brought.

She tremblingly asked: "Who is it?"

Although Li Luowei didn't know about it, if she could take the opportunity to stay by Zhuo Qingtan's side for a while, it would be considered a familiarity in front of the emperor.

"Come in."

Li Changfeng nodded gratifiedly and said: "It should be so, you are finally sensible."

"The young master is here."

"Meet the young master."

Li Changfeng smiled lightly and said: "If it was in the past, Zhuozhang Palace is indeed busy with affairs and has no time to pay attention to you.

The two disciples guarding the door opened the door for him. An Luofu stepped into the main room and stared at his father quietly for a moment.

Furthermore, although Zhuo Zhanggong is not very old, his skills, spiritual power, and swordsmanship are far superior to those of your age, and even not inferior to those of us old guys.

However, since he already knew Zhuo Qingtan's "identity", he naturally didn't dare to act like an elder and arrange for Zhuo Qingtan to teach his daughter - otherwise it would only be self-defeating.

Zhuo Qingtan's past life is a matter of the ghostly shadow of the ancient god emperor Taiyin in Jiuchongtian, and currently only the heads of their four great immortal sects know about it.

He was very polite and didn't ask any more questions, but turned around naturally and continued to lead the way.

"Father! What misunderstanding do you have about me? This is impossible, right? In three months, how could it be possible to improve so fast and improve my skills? Daddy, you have taught me for 15 years, haven't you taught me anything? What else can I learn?"

Not to mention the three outstanding disciples of Luo Yanchi, Xi Ningyan, and An Luofu under the seat of the lord of Laicheng Palace, even the young disciple named "Cao Duo" in Zhanggetang of Duanxu Palace should not be underestimated. .

An Luofu remained expressionless, turned around and headed towards Wuhua Peak again.

When the disciples of Jiusheng Mountain saw him, they immediately put down the objects in their hands, and they all respectfully sealed and saluted.

No way?
Li Changfeng took a fixed look at her, and said: "Of course it is Zhuozhang Palace. Zhuozhang Palace is extraordinary in appearance and magnanimity, more than enough to teach you."

Wuhua Peak is affiliated to the Zhangshitang of Duanxu Palace, and it is the peak responsible for the trivial matters of Duanxu Palace and receiving guests.

If there is no accident, this year's Qianqiu Grand Gathering will still be the disciples of Duanxu Palace winning the top prize.

"What? Immortal An, if there is no important matter, can I not summon my son?"

Not only the visitors of Wuwanghai, but also the visitors of Pingjinge and Jiusheng Mountain were placed here.

But, Zhuo Zhanggong has agreed to be the father, and will set off to Sufenggu secret realm and Juntianya secret realm to inquire about his disciple Yuhua in the near future.

Li Luowei struggled for a long time, finally scratched her head, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go and talk to Senior Sister Zhuo at night, isn't Duanxu Palace going to hold a banquet for us at night? Right now... Zhuo The senior sister seemed to be very tired just now, so it's inconvenient to bother her any more."


An Pinhan's indifferent voice, with a deep tone, came from inside.

"Uncle Li is serious, please."

Although Zhuo Qingtan has never spoken harshly to her, but for some reason, whenever she is wayward, Zhuo Qingtan just looks at her indifferently, and she feels a sudden burst of emotion.


Li Changfeng nodded, and said very naturally: "That's right. The heads of the four great immortal sects are always present at the Qianqiu Grand Meeting. The Mistress of the Palace of Chuan never likes to participate in these mundane affairs, so she must have appointed Zhuozhang Palace as a teacher travel.

She rolled her eyes wildly, pretending to be very embarrassed: "My daughter is willing, but Senior Sister Zhuo is so busy, she doesn't have time."

So, no matter what, his daughter must find out the fate of this time!
Otherwise, if you miss it, you will regret it for life.

That being the case, it is only natural for you, as the daughter of the head of Wuwanghai, to accompany you all the way and show your kindness as a landlord. "

It seems that she has an instinct in her bones. That is the instinct that must not make Senior Sister Zhuo unhappy.

An Luofu nodded lightly, greeted the surrounding disciples in a modest and polite manner, and was immediately guided to the main house door.

He took Li Luowei and walked a few steps quickly, walked to the corner far ahead, and smiled at An Luofu who had been waiting for them for a long time: "Nephew An Xian, I've been waiting for a long time."

Seeing this, Li Changfeng couldn't help sighing in his heart: Duanxu Palace is indeed the head of the four great immortal sects in the world, and the disciples it taught are all so outstanding, each with its own merits.

Li Luowei's mood is too complicated at this time.

Li Changfeng: "."

What's even more rare is that she has rich experience in eliminating demons and defending Taoism, and her knowledge is even more extraordinary.In these three months, you will be able to stay with Zhuo Zhanggong, learn more and see more. "

"Father, I don't know why you summoned the child to teach me something."

Li Luowei was slightly taken aback, and then an ominous premonition rose in her heart.

In fact, Li Changfeng also had some selfish motives in explaining Li Luowei in this way.

She was envious of the disciples of Duanxu Palace who followed Zhuo Qingtan since she was a child, but she was also very afraid of being disciplined by Zhuo Qingtan if she really followed Zhuo Qingtan.

This is simply a heavenly fate that fell from the sky!

An Luofu frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Father, why can't he always speak well?

An Pinhan looked at him coldly, without the slightest intention of giving in, and even less felt that he was at fault.

Sure enough, without Zhuo Qingtan's presence, the atmosphere between the father and son of the An family was really frozen to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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