Chapter 215
Xie Yuci snorted immediately when he heard the words, he looked at Zhuo Qingtan with a half-smile and said:

"Xie doesn't dare. Ms. Zhuo is so precious. If your fellow disciples see me preaching to Ms. Yu Zhuo like this, I'm afraid they won't let you go easily."

Zhuo Qingtan chuckled and shook his head.

"Today you are still standing up for Ning Yan and Luo Fu in the Martial Arts Field. I am afraid that they all respect you very much now, so why would they bother you? I am right, 'Xie Xianjun'."

She focused on "Xie Xianjun" in a narrow tone, without expressing her teasing feelings.

Xie Yuci suddenly asked thoughtfully: "Zhuo Qingtan, are we off topic?"

Zhuo Qingtan laughed when he heard this.

"It's not my fault, Mr. Xie, you interrupted me suddenly and lost your temper."

Xie Yuci paused when he heard the words, then turned around and walked ahead.

However, with the tips of his red ears, even Zhuo Qingtan behind him can still see clearly.

The next moment, his cool voice came from the front.

"—That's because you're angry too."

Zhuo Qingtan couldn't help chuckling.

She could see that Xie Yuci was still annoyed just now, but because of her "I'm sorry", his anger died down in an instant.

She couldn't bear to tease him anymore, so she passed a step and said:

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. According to my original assumption, the barrier of the secret realm will only be opened if the supreme divine power contained in my divine bones and your primordial purple energy and fierce power cancel each other out.

At that time, the four major secret realms will be just ordinary mortal landscapes, without the power of ancient gods filling them.

But now in the two secret realm enchantments of Juntianya Cliff and Sufenggu Secret Realm, my divine bones have not fulfilled their missions, nor have you completely transformed your primordial spirit and divine strength, and you have found an opportunity to run away ' came out
Therefore, if I am not mistaken, my divine bone should still be at the King of the Secret Realm at this time, exuding power continuously.

Now the enchantment around the secret realm has disappeared, and it can no longer stop mortals from entering the secret realm.But mortals can't bear the power emanating from the god's bone among the kings of the secret formation, so they are turned into statues by this power.
——This is my guess. "

Xie Yuci chuckled, then turned around and nodded seriously.

"It's reasonable, and it fits perfectly. It's worthy of Zhuo Zhanggong, who is known as a virtuous and intelligent man."

Zhuo Qingtan glanced at him with a half-smile, and said softly:
"However, these are just my conjectures at present. The truth of the matter is that we still have to go to the two major secret realms to see for ourselves before we can be sure.

At that time, if the root cause of the problem can be determined, then we can prescribe the right medicine and think about how to deal with it best. "

Unexpectedly, Xie Yuci suddenly hit the bull's-eye and said in a deep voice:

"If it's really because of the divine bone, how should we deal with it?

You have lost your godhead, your primordial spirit is no longer, and you are no longer the ancient god Taiyin Youying.As for a mortal, he no longer has the supernatural power to freely retract the divine bone.As for the sun candles."

He frowned slightly, and continued: "The sun candle has stayed behind closed doors in Yuxiao Palace for many years, and now it can only release a weak ray of primordial spirit power, turning into a mortal body.

Since his Shangshen body is still too busy to take care of himself, he can't leave the gate and leave Jiuchongtian.Then he is just a mortal monk '楌桪' that's all, and a mortal is even more hopeless in terms of the predicament of the god bone. "

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly silent when he heard the words.

Actually, what Xie Yuci said was right.

Whether it is her mortal body in this life, or the mortal body of this generation transformed by a ray of primordial spirit illuminated by the sun of the Holy God Emperor, it is very likely that those scattered in the secret realm of Juntianya Cliff and the King of Sufenggu Secret Realm will be used. The divine bones of "Taiyin Youying" have nothing to do.

The two of them used to be the only existing ancient saints in the Three Realms, the most noble and boundless divine power.

But now, a fragmented and scattered everything that belongs to the gods;
The other lost half of his primordial power, and his divine power and body were unstable, so he had to be forced to close the barrier of life and death in the Dongji Yuxiao Palace in the Nine Heavens.

Zhuo Qingtan was silent for a moment, but suddenly raised one corner of his lips slightly, and smiled faintly.

"It doesn't matter, the methods are all thought up by people. Since I was able to plant them in the past, I can subdue them now."

Xie Yuci looked at her silently for a moment, and suddenly asked thoughtfully, "Have you already thought of something?"

At this time, they had already returned to Zhuo Qingtan's dormitory in Ziwei Palace.

Zhuo Qingtan walked into his bedroom calmly, and then in the hall where he met guests outside, he took off the fox fur scarf around his neck and hung it on the screen.

Then, she lightly shrugged her shoulders and said with a low smile:
"At this moment, I'm just having some uncertain thoughts. I'll have to wait until I see the King of the Secret Realm to make a judgment on the specific situation. Therefore, since it is an uncertain thing, it is nonsense to talk about it now."

Xie Yuci frowned and thought for a while, recalling the "you come and I go" among the people at the banquet just now, suddenly tilted his head and smiled.

"Let me see, where are you here to solve the problem? It's simply to bring children for others."

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly laughed lightly when he heard the words: "Aren't you talking about Luo Wei, the daughter of head Li?"

Xie Yuci smiled.

"Besides her, who else is there? This little girl is really difficult to get along with. Compared with her, An Yunong looks extremely quiet and weak."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled in a low voice, and then sighed softly: "I understand what Master Li means. He hopes that Luo Wei can follow me and sharpen his mind. But he dare not speak out to me, so he let Luo Wei Wei Lai is obsessed with it."

But Xie Yuci gave a "tsk" and said with a smile: "In my opinion, his thinking is more than that simple."

Zhuo Qingtan understood what he meant, but just shook his head lightly with a smile.

"As a parent, you will naturally have some other thoughts, which is actually understandable. As long as it is harmless and harmless to others, it doesn't matter."

"You are kind."

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows: "I saw it at the banquet just now, that little girl in your family doesn't seem very happy."

"Yu Nong."

Zhuo Qingtan sighed: "Actually, she was innocent since she was a child, and she didn't have much interest in cultivation. Before, I always thought that Duanxu Palace could protect her forever, so I didn't want to restrict her and force her to practice hard.

Recently, she said that she wanted to go back to Jiusheng Mountain to pay respects to her deceased mother, and by the way, to see the excitement of the Xianmen Baijia Qianqiu Festival in March. I have already agreed to her.

As for the trip to Juntian Cliff and Sufeng Valley's secret realm, no matter how angry she is, with her cultivation, I will not take her with her. "

Xie Yu nodded in a clear manner.

Li Luowei is a "burden" that cannot be thrown away, and An Yunong is a "baggage" that cannot be carried.

——It's still an oil bottle that belongs to my own family and I don't want to touch it.

He asked again: "Will Xi Ningyan and An Luofu set off with us tomorrow?"

Zhuo Qingtan nodded slightly.

"Before I recovered my memory, I always felt that there was a 'master' and me in Duanxu Palace. It would be fine if they didn't want to devote themselves to studying the formation. Therefore, Ning Yan and Luo Fu had little contact with the heaven and earth formation.

In the past, in Duanxu Palace, there were emperors who transformed into new identities from generation to generation to preside over the overall situation, but since emperors have waited for my reincarnation, presumably they may not come back to the world after this life is over.And I have already made up my mind to leave Duanxu Palace sooner or later, so I can no longer let them do as they please.

As monks, Ning Yan and Luo Fu still need to understand the art of battle.This time, I will take them to have a long experience. "

Xie Yuci first nodded in agreement, then suddenly "hissed" and looked at her meaningfully.

"By the way, don't those old men also want to go with us?"

Zhuo Qingtan was startled, then smiled and replied:
"According to the order in which the secret realms were broken, we will go to the Wuwanghai Juntianya secret realm at the first stop.

That being the case, Pavilion Master Tantai doesn't need to go with us, he will go back to Wanzhou and wait for us at Pingjing Pavilion.As for Uncle An Shi, he also has to go back to Jiusheng Mountain to prepare for the Qianqiu Grand Meeting.

Therefore, apart from Sect Leader Li, there will be no other seniors walking with us tomorrow.But even if it is the head of Li, he would not dare to target you. "

Xie Yuci smiled lightly and said, "I'm not afraid that those old men will target me, it's just that."

"'Just' what?" Zhuo Qingtan asked puzzled.

Xie Yuci said with a half-smile, "It's just that I'm afraid they might be allergic to the big monster."

Zhuo Qingtan frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Xie Yuci smiled, and then said softly: "You don't know, do you? In fact, Wan Qing and Ling Rong have been living in the inn at the foot of Chong'a Mountain these days. If we leave Yunzhou, they will definitely with us."

Zhuo Qingtan raised his head expressionlessly and looked at him for a moment, then shook his head dumbfounded.

So, are the two mouths of Lingrong and Li Luowei actually going to get together?

She couldn't help but frown.

These two troublemakers are together in one place, I'm afraid that this journey will not be peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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