Chapter 216
"Xie Yuci, be honest, if I really beat her up, will Zhuo Qingtan get angry with me?"

Ling Rong asked blankly.

She had her hands on her hips, her tone was very indifferent, and she looked down at Xie Yuci who was drinking tea with her chin raised high.

The Muyun boat they took this time is the largest and best one in the Duanxu Palace, and it is a specification that can only be used by the lord or the palm of the Duanxu Palace when traveling.

Not only is there a lot of space in this Muyun boat, but it is also very comfortable.The interior decoration is elegant and extravagant, and there are even a lot of rooms.

It's just that the "Master of the Palace of Chuan" always sees the head and sees the end, and never uses it when traveling alone.And Zhuo Qingtan has always been used to being frugal, and it is enough to go out with a natal sword Hongwu, let alone use this kind of travel tool lightly without wasting people's lives and money-so much so that this Muyunzhou has been "dusted by jewels" for many years and has been cast by spells all the time Stored in the Jubao Pavilion of Duanxu Palace, the sun never sees.

It was outrageous to say that even Zhuo Qingtan, the palace master, almost forgot that there was such an eye-catching Mu Yunzhou in Duanxu Palace.

...It is also thanks to An Yu's good memory.

Maybe it's because she has been thinking about this magnificent Muyun boat for a long time, so she strongly recommends everyone to take this boat for this trip.

Of course, she must have missed the chance to ride this time, but at least she can take another look at the appearance of this Muyunzhou.

——The last time she saw it was at the Qianqiu event hosted by Wuwanghai ten years ago.

However, she was only five years old at that time, and she had never entered the Duanxu Palace, nor had she had the chance to take a closer look at this extremely magnificent treasure boat.

Therefore, under An Yu's nonsense and Xie Yuci's feeling that Zhuo Qingtan was carrying a bone-suppressing nail and it would not be easy to overwork, Zhuo Qingtan finally agreed to take out the Muyunzhou and use it.

However, no matter how big, beautiful and magnificent the Muyun Boat was, everyone would still feel visual fatigue after walking around for half a day, so they went back to their respective rooms to take a nap.

Therefore, the person who should be hit will still be hit after all.

As Zhuo Qingtan expected, even though she had arranged the rooms of Ling Rong and Li Luowei at the farthest ends of the Mu Yunzhou, the two little ancestors met unexpectedly.

Not only met, but almost fought.

And the reason for the quarrel between the two is even more lingering.

It's just because Lingrong likes to wear yellow clothes, and Li Luowei, a girl with an open mouth and a heart higher than the sky, actually looked at her for a while and said that her clothes are ugly, and that the yellow clothes are not in their hands. Wuwanghai, only the handyman who pours the chamber pot wears it.

——Her words really offended Lingrong, and Lingrong was so angry that she almost exploded on the spot!
Thinking of her being the majestic "No. [-] Rabbit in the Three Realms", she has never suffered such a big loss!

If it wasn't for Wan Qing who was not far away at that time, and immediately came over and dragged her away when she realized something was wrong, she might have fought Li Luowei on the spot.

But even though Ling Rong was pulled away, she couldn't swallow her breath.

She should have come to Xie Yuci's room immediately to seek his misfortune.

After Xie Yuci heard the reason of the matter, he sighed softly, dumbfounded.

".It's a beautiful noon. Xie can drink a few cups of tea alone and find some leisure. Is it so difficult?"

When Ling Rong heard this, she immediately stared at him dumbfounded.

"Hiding leisurely? Okay! You are hiding here? I said, why can't I see you all at noon? So you are hiding on purpose?"

Xie Yuci sighed with a blank expression on his forehead.

For a moment, he didn't know which of the two little girls, Ling Rong or Li Luowei, was more difficult to deal with.

He said perfunctorily to Lingrong solemnly: "You don't know, but I have a serious illness, which is that I am very prone to seasickness. And if I can't rest well when I am seasick, it will do great damage to the soul, especially at this time. Don't listen too much. Loud voice."

Lingrong immediately squinted at him when she heard this, and pierced him coldly and said:

"Oh? Really? Seasickness? But why do I remember that a certain person went boating in Luoshen Lake more than a month ago, isn't it fun?"

She tapped her chin lightly, pretending to think:
"Looks like you drank too much, right? Hey? It's up to who you drank with. Since you are so inconvenient, I don't want to bother you. I'll go talk to Zhuo Qingtan right now, and it's the same."

After Lingrong finished speaking, she turned around very chicly and was about to leave.



Lingrong let out a triumphant "hum" in her heart, but when she turned around, she looked confused.

She pretended to be impatient and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie Yuci heavily placed the teacup in his hand on the tea table, and then glanced at her lightly.

Ling Rong feigned surprise and said:

"Hey? Xie Yuci, why are you so angry? Too much anger will make your seasickness worse, right? Be careful, don't hurt your soul!"

Xie Yuci said with a very dangerous tone and expressionless face:
"Tell me, how are you doing? Let me explain first that beating someone is definitely not acceptable."

Ling Rong immediately frowned tightly.

She tentatively asked: "Is it okay to hit secretly?"

Xie Yuci shook his head.


She still didn't give up.

"What about the kind who beat people without showing their face and wear sacks?"

Xie Yuci frowned.

"Or not."

Ling Rong stretched out two fingers, making an oath.

"——I promise, it will never be discovered!"

Xie Yuci immediately looked at her with the eyes of a mentally retarded person.

"Are you as stupid as everyone else? Mu Yunzhou is flying in the sky. At this time, there is no one else in the whole Mu Yunzhou except us. Even if the Li family's father and daughter guess with their heels, they all know that you did it. gone."

Lingrong let out an annoyed "tsk" when she heard the words.

She first looked at Xie Yuci with disdain, and lashed out at him: "What heels? You are really vulgar!"

Then, very distressed, he said:

"This is really troublesome! In the past, my aunt could beat whoever she wanted, and if she did, she would just hit it? How come after meeting you, you have to be suppressed everywhere!"

Xie Yuci sneered upon hearing this, and never gave her any face.

"—what a joke.

First of all, even if you never met me in the past, Wan Qing would not let you hit whoever you want, you can brag, but you have to be careful. "

Ling Rong stared dissatisfiedly and said: "—You!?"


Xie Yuci slightly raised his eyebrows, and continued: "In the mortal world, you must abide by the rules of the mortal world. After all, you are also a big monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and you are not some uncivilized wild rabbit in the deep mountains and old forests. A teenage hairy kid cares about something, a little bit of tolerance."

Ling Rong snorted immediately: "You don't come to teach me! I have heard Mr. An Xiaolang say, who was it that quarreled with that little girl in Duanxu Palace yesterday?"

She tsk-tsk said loudly: "No! I heard that you did something! Tsk, you are not as young as I am, why don't you observe the rules of the mortal world and be humble to her?"

Xie Yuci snorted, raised those freehand brows and eyes, and said in a manly voice: "Is there such a thing as 'rules'? Naturally, it varies from person to person."

Lingrong gave him a blank look, and said, "Do you want to abide by the rules of the common people, or the rules of Zhuo Qingtan? Your surname is Xie, your heart is already creaking!"

Xie Yuci glanced at her, did not refute, but said slowly:

"Then you are wrong. Although Qingtan is very polite, he never uses rules to restrain others."

Ling Rong frowned and thought for a while, it seems that this is really the case.

Although Zhuo Qingtan is very strict and disciplined, she has restrained herself and returned to etiquette, but she has never asked her to abide by the rules, nor has she ever used dogmatic rules to restrain the younger brothers and sisters in Duanxu Palace.

Thinking of this, Ling Rong couldn't help becoming a little curious.

"It seems that this is really the case. From this point of view, Zhuo Qingtan is really strange. She is so harsh on herself on weekdays, but she has no demands on others. Isn't this making things difficult for herself?"

"—By the way, has she acted like this in the past?"

(End of this chapter)

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