In this way, everyone bid farewell to Li Changfeng, the head of Wuwanghai early the next morning, and set off in the direction of Jiusheng Mountain in the north.

It's just that the Qianqiu Grand Meeting is still early, and they are not in a hurry.In addition, Zhuo Qingtan has always been adhering to the educational philosophy of "reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles", so he decided to take the juniors to Jiusheng Mountain on foot, and experience a lot of experience along the way.

Xi Ningyan has been very convinced by Xie Yuci's cultivation and knowledge since the competition in Duanxu Palace's Martial Arts Field.He has always only admired people who are down-to-earth, conscientious, and motivated.Of course, Xie Yuci is obviously not a solid understanding of duty and progress, his cultivation base from ancient times to the present is purely due to innate talent.

But what's rare is that Xi Ning's acting as such a young genius with his eyes above the top actually puts Xie Yuci in a good light.

In this way, everyone traveled all the way to play in the mountains and rivers, and then stopped by to solve some evils for the local people passing by along the way, which can be regarded as a combination of work and rest.

Not to mention, this way of preaching, accepting karma and solving doubts is surprisingly suitable for Li Luowei.

After two months, she has made great progress.From the beginning, Ai Ai was a little bit conflicted when mentioning the Qianqiu Grand Festival, but now she is full of air and waiting to "show her skills".

Of course, Lingrong dismissed this, saying that Li Luowei wanted to win the championship, but it was too beautiful to be awake.

Zhuo Qingtan warned her very pertinently that although she has made some progress now, there are many talented immortal monks in the Qianqiu Grand Gathering.She should calm down, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and never think too highly of herself.

Li Luowei smiled and said: "Senior Sister Zhuo, don't worry, I know I'm still far behind! Not to mention, I'm still far behind Senior Brother Xi and Brother Luo Fu."

Xi Ningyan glanced at her lightly and said nothing.

Now she is more obedient and more polite, and actually "condescends" to arouse "senior brother" to him.I don't know if he has really improved after being taught, or if he is pretending to be obedient in front of his senior sister.

Li Luowei "grew up" so fast that she also understood some etiquette, but Xi Ningyan is still holding a wait-and-see attitude.

An Luofu smiled shyly, and said: "Among the hundreds of disciples of the Immortal Sect, there are a lot of fellow disciples who are extremely talented, and my senior brother and I are nothing. Fortunately, our master and senior sister taught us well, and we like to ponder these things ourselves, so A small gain."

Li Luowei immediately nodded vigorously in agreement.

"That's right, Senior Sister Zhuo's teachings really enlightened people and benefited them a lot! Look at me, how fast I am improving? I think this young lady can hit ten now!"

Everyone laughed endlessly when they heard the words.

Ling Rong couldn't help laughing at her even more, saying: "Ten? Hit ten? What? Ten cats or dogs?"

Li Luowei snorted and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Hit ten rabbits!"

A few days ago, when she was exorcising demons, she accidentally saw Ling Rong's real body.Ever since she found out that Ling Rong's real body is a little jade rabbit, she has made fun of Ling Rong a lot.

Ling Rong immediately "tsk" and looked at her expressionlessly.

"What do you mean? What's your expression? Do you want to fight?"

Li Luowei hurriedly said "Oops", and asked pretending to be surprised: "What's wrong with me? What kind of expression do I have? What kind of fight are you fighting for? You actually want to make trouble out of nothing and want to fight with me?"

She turned her head and blinked her big round eyes, looked at Zhuo Qingtan innocently and said:

"Senior Sister Zhuo, don't worry, I won't fight! Even if Sister Lingrong is unreasonable, misunderstands me, bullies me, beats me, I will never fight back!

Because in Luowei's heart, Senior Sister Zhuo's order is higher than the sky. If Senior Sister doesn't let me fight, I will never fight!Even if she was beaten to death by Sister Ling Rong, she would never make Senior Sister Zhuo unhappy! "

Zhuo Qingtan laughed, and shook his head lightly, ignoring their noise.

Ling Rong was so disgusted by her mouthful of "Sister Ling Rong", she immediately rolled her eyes and spat heavily.

"Disgusting! Li Luowei, you little white lotus!"

The saliva almost spit on the instep of Xi Ningyan who came from behind, but fortunately Xi Ningyan watched all directions and listened to all directions, so he dodged in time.

Wan Qing raised her forehead and lamented: "Lingrong! A girl's demeanor!"

Ling Rong put her hips on her hips and said, "Grandma! If all girls look like Li Luowei, then I don't want to be a girl!"

Li Luowei let out a "hey" and said unconvinced: "If you are a little bit like Miss Ben, you are a little rabbit!"

Ling Rong spit out: "Who wants to be like you little white lotus?"

At this moment, Zhuo Qingtan suddenly said thoughtfully: "Speaking of lotus."

Ling Rong didn't know what she thought of, and quickly said: "No, what kind of white lotus is Li Luowei? She is obviously a pot of Biluochun!"

Li Luowei was furious: "You are the green tea!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

They happily walked all the way from the southeast to the north, and gradually approached Bozhou, the state capital where Jiusheng Mountain is located.

Bozhou is on the verge of Yanzhou, the largest city in the north, and together with Yanzhou and Suzhou, it is also known as the three northern states.

The group of them had just entered the boundary of Bozhou, and at the inn in the wilderness on the outskirts of the city, they met the people from the Jiusheng Mountain Gate who had been waiting for them for many days.

"Greetings to Zhuo Zhang Palace."

The leading disciple of Jiusheng Mountain first led many disciples to make a formal salute to Zhuo Qingtan. After Zhuo Qingtan nodded in return, he looked at An Luofu behind her.

"I have seen the young master."

An Luofu nodded, and said politely: "Brother, you are welcome."

He seemed a little puzzled, and asked again: "It is my father who asked all senior brothers to come here to wait for us?"

He had clearly written to his father before, saying that they would keep their trip simple and intend to travel, and Jiusheng Mountain did not need to send a ceremony to welcome Duanxu Palace and his party grandly.
The leading disciple smiled honestly, and said: "Exactly, the master knew that Zhuozhang Palace was going to bring his fellow disciples to practice, and the arrival date was uncertain, so he arranged for me to wait half a month in advance near the border of Bozhou.

There are disciples waiting for the three necessary roads from southeast to north.But we were lucky, Zhuo Zhanggong and the young master actually took the path we were ordered to wait for. "

Zhuo Qingtan heard the words and sighed: "Uncle An Shi is bothering you, all fellow immortals are troubled."

That disciple bowed his seal respectfully and respectfully: "Don't dare, Zhuozhang Palace visits Jiusheng Mountain, due to the situation and reason, our sect should show their friendship as a landlord. What's more, Zhuozhang Palace is the foundation of my sect's invitation One of the 'executives' of the Qianqiu Grand Meeting."

The so-called "scorer" is the person who scores and judges the disciples of the hundreds of immortal sects who are compared in the Qianqiu grand meeting.It was specially invited by Xianmen who hosted the Qianqiu event, so it was naturally a distinguished guest.

Over the years, the heads of the four great celestial sects have been the "official officers" in person.

Zhuo Qingtan smiled back.

"It's a great honor for me to be a 'participant' for the Qianqiu event hosted by Jiusheng Mountain."

In fact, Zhuo Qingtan is not the first time to be the "manager" of the Qianqiu event.

Speaking of which, she also had the experience of being a "participant" once before, but at that time she was traveling for the "teacher", replacing the seat of the Duanxu Palace's lord.

But this time it was different.

In this Qianqiu Grand Gathering, in addition to the heads of the Four Great Immortal Sects, the "Executive Person" set up by An Pinhan, the head of Jiusheng Mountain, also added an extra seat, which is to add a "Executive Person" specially for Zhuo Qingtan. Divide” seats.

Even though the "Master of the Palace of Chuan" does not like to participate in such celebrations as usual, and has never been there in person, as usual, Zhuo Qingtan, as the head of the Duanxu Palace, has to perform the ceremony on behalf of the master, so he would have attended.

But this year's Qianqiu Grand Meeting, Zhuo Qingtan no longer went as the head disciple of Duanxu Palace's lord for his teacher, but took the place of "Executive Person" under Zhuo Qingtan's own name.

The disciple smiled naively and held his hand in salute.

"Zhuozhang Palace, young master, and all the honored guests who came from afar, please."

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