Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 237 Settlement

Chapter 237 Settlement
Arriving at Jiusheng Mountain, the group of them received the highest standard of courtesy.

As the palace master of Duanxu Palace and the half teacher of the young master of Jiusheng Mountain, Zhuo Qingtan and the others were placed in a very magnificent courtyard in the east of Jiusheng Mountain.

The scenery in the courtyard shows the style and atmosphere of the Northland.

A few pines stand tall in the courtyard as if they are holding the sky from a distance. The crystal clear ice-snow pine flowers are accumulated on the pine branches, and under the thin winter sun, they project a dazzling silver light.

Xie Yuci stood in front of the window looking at the scenery outside the window, curled his lips, and muttered to himself: "I hate the Zhengdong courtyard the most."

Zhuo Qingtan laughed lightly when he heard the words "puchi".

She knew that he must have thought of the palace of the Ninth Heaven God, the Dongji Yuxiao Palace.

Dongji Yuxiao Palace is exactly in the due east of Jiuchongtian.

She squinted her eyes and looked at him with a smile: "Okay."

Xie Yuci shrugged, turned around and half leaned against the window.

"Forget it, Mr. Xie has a lot of people, so just don't bother with him."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and sighed: "You guys"

It is strange to say that even though Xie Yuci was transformed by the evil power of the primordial chaos in the past, and his real body was Qiong Qi, the first of the four evils in ancient times, he never really committed evil.

But as soon as the servant of the Holy God Emperor saw Xie Yuci, he disliked him very much. He asserted that he was definitely not a kind person, and that he would be a disaster for the common people in the future.

Maybe some people are not very compatible by nature, so they don't have the fate to be friends.

Just like Xie Yuci and Emperor Zun.

Zhuo Qingtan didn't want to force either of them. In her previous life, the reason why they had intersections was probably because there was one of them caught in the middle.

Now I won't return to the throne for nine days in this life, and go to be a fairy king or a god.After she cultivates the immortal body and ranks in the immortal class to stabilize her soul, she will invite herself to return to the mortal world and become an earth immortal.

At that time, Xie Yuci will naturally spend eternity with her in the mortal world.The two of them live their lives in peace, and Xie Yuci will no longer have too many entanglements and conflicts with Emperor Zun.

Since Emperor Zun of the Holy Spirit and Xie Yuci have known each other for tens of thousands of years and still can't get along, then there is no need to force it.

Xie Yuci suddenly frowned and said: "Tell me, where did the sun candle shine? Is it Jiuchongtian?"

Since Duanxu Palace parted, the Sun Candle of the Holy God Dizun disappeared like a ghost, leaving only a handwritten letter in the bedroom of Duanxu Palace, saying that he went out for "traveling" again.

Zhuo Qingtan was slightly taken aback, and said slowly, "I guess so."

She sighed softly.

"Actually, Emperor Zun has rarely lived in the palace for a long time in the past 20 years. Most of the time he was in retreat, or went out for 'traveling'.

Thinking back now, it should be Emperor Zun's divine soul that is sent to the mortal world. It is not appropriate to leave his original divine body for a long time, so he must return to his main body from time to time. "

Xie Yuci frowned in puzzlement: "But I remember that in the past, when the divine power and physical body of Liangyi Zhiyin were unstable, you separated a ray of primordial spirit in the mortal world, even for several years."

He refers to those years when the Holy Emperor Zun Taiyin Youying separated a ray of primordial spirit power, transformed into a mortal woman "Yu Lan", and went to the mortal world to travel and practice together with "Jun Farewell".

At that time, Taiyin Youying used half of her primordial power to strengthen the divine seal on "Junbie", which caused the innate divine body to be unstable, unable to maintain the original divine body, and had to choose a gender and transform into a female body.

But under such circumstances, the mortals transformed by her ray of primordial spirit are still flawless, and can even walk in the mortal world for many years.

It stands to reason that what the Holy Emperor Taiyin Youying could do in the past, as the most powerful and noble holy god in the universe, the Holy God Emperor Zun Sun Candle shouldn't be so difficult.

Why does the mortal body illuminated by the sun return to the divine body in the Nine Heavens so frequently?

Zhuo Qingtan pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice thoughtfully: "I guess it's because Emperor Zun violated the laws of life and death in heaven and earth, and forcibly kept me, the spirit of an ancient god, in the Three Realms, so he paid a huge price."

She let out a long sigh and shook her head lightly: "I'm the one who made Emperor Zun suffer."

Xie Yuci frowned slightly.

Regardless of the purpose, what Sun Zhuzhao and Taiyin Youying gave and lost is the same half of the power of the primordial spirit. Why are there such big differences in the consequences of each?

Could it be that Taiyang Zhuzhao has been in a high position for a long time and rarely makes a move, so the use of the divine power of the two forms is not as good as the former emperor Taiyin Youying who has been eliminating evil spirits and suppressing evil in the mortal world for many years?
That's why he was so much more embarrassed than Taiyin Youying under the same situation of losing half of his primordial power?
He shook his head lightly, thinking about it, what does the sun candlelight have to do with him?

He just needs to protect the person he wants to protect.

So, Xie Yuci smiled and changed the subject: "Where are those troublemakers?"

Zhuo Qingtan chuckled a few times when he heard the words.

"They can't rest for a moment. Just arrived at Jiusheng Mountain, it's like a wild monkey entering the mountain. They don't regard themselves as outsiders at all. They are all playing."

Xie Yuci was puzzled: "What are you playing?"

Zhuo Qingtan replied with a smile: "There is a peak in the northernmost part of Jiusheng Mountain, where the altitude is extremely high, and there is snow all the year round, which does not melt all the year round, so disciples of all ages like to carve on the top of the snow peak.

When Lingrong and Luowei heard about it, they clamored to see it, but Luo Fu couldn't resist them, so he had to take them there. "

Xie Yuci was speechless: "Everyone has gone?"

Zhuo Qingtan nodded, and couldn't help laughing.

"Except for me, who had already seen the scenery, and you, who just went to investigate the kitchen, everyone else went together. After all, it is the crystallization of ice sculptures made by hundreds of generations of Jiusheng Mountain disciples, and it is very magnificent."

Xie Yuci shook his head and smiled: "Isn't Ling Rong the happiest among them?"

He said helplessly: "Hundreds of generations, but less than 1 years. She is a monster with tens of thousands of years old. She really needs to get involved in any excitement."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled: "What's wrong with that?"

Xie Yuci also smiled: "It's nothing bad, they're not here, it's really very clean. But what's so interesting about seeing the ice bumps carved by the predecessors in this icy world? I think the scenery of Bozhou is far inferior to that of Chong'a Mountain and Yunzhou. The Wuwang Sea in the southeast."

Zhuo Qingtan glanced at him upon hearing this.

She laughed and said: "Eight wastes and nine states, four seasons and various scenery, each is different, each has its own beauty. You, you have stayed in one place for a long time, so you are always too lazy to look at the other scenery."

Xie Yuci also muffled a chuckle.

Then raised one eyebrow, stared at her like strong wine, and said: "Why does Xie want to look at the 'scenery' beside me? I have already got the best one, so I won't spend half my energy looking at it next to it."

His eyes were burning hot, and Zhuo Qingtan was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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