Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 244 Difficulty 2 All

Zhuo Qingtan violently clenched his fingers covered by the long cloud sleeves, even so hard that his nails cut through his palm.


She shook her head slowly, the pain in her brows hard to bear.

No wonder.
No wonder she always felt that Li Luowei seemed to have known each other before, and Li Luowei had also been inexplicably close to her since she was a child. The relationship between them was so far away.

It turned out that Li Luowei was the little "Bi Xing" who was educated and raised under her in the past, one of the 28 constellations and one of the seven Western constellations.Later, the immortal art progressed rapidly, and he was dyed by the Shangxian Yushi who was appointed by the emperor as "Siyu Immortal Monarch".

Yu Shiran, as a born star fairy, has a strong personality and is extremely proud throughout his life.But at this moment when she looked at Zhuo Qingtan's eyes, they were moist and soft.

She has always been like this in front of her, always so thoughtful and respectful, it seems that she has never changed for so many years.

"Dijun, you are indeed able to see Dijun Tianyan again today in the mortal world. A Ran has no regrets for more than 6000 years of mortal reincarnation."

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head lightly with a sad expression: "Aran, you are confused, how can you dance in Fallen God Ting?"

However, before Yu Shiran could answer these unresolved matters, her celestial power had collapsed again, and she slowly closed her eyes like a flash of light, and the aura of her whole body weakened rapidly.

Zhuo Qingtan's expression changed, and there was struggle in his eyes.

What should she do?
She promised Xie Yuci that she would never act recklessly.

But the person in front of him who is about to be wiped out is not the heinous sinner they had expected before.

——It was the proud little Aran who followed behind her step by step when she was young, and saw the proud little Aran who always held her small chin high and refused to fall behind in everything.

How could she just sit back and watch Ah Ran disappear in front of her like this?
More than 6000 years ago, why did Ah Ran suddenly and recklessly jumped off the Fallen God?

Why was her fairy spirit hurt by the fairy power she left on Luoshen Ridge in the past?
There is no chance for her to ask about all kinds of mysteries at this time.

Time waits for no one, and Zhuo Qingtan has no choice.

She immediately formed a mudra with both hands, and gathered her hands on her forehead and heart respectively.Trying to cast a spell to stimulate the power of the divine bone that was buried deep in her body and taken from the secret realm of Juntian Cliff and Sufeng Valley.Then, with the divine power of Liangyi Zhiyin in the divine bone, help Yu Shiran reunite the fairy spirits.

Seeing her behavior, Wan Qing knew her decision.

She suddenly changed color, cast a spell seal, and quickly stepped forward to stop it.

But her skills were limited, and she was suddenly knocked away by Zhuo Qingtan's vigorous immortal bone power.

Wan Qing fell to the floor, raised her head with difficulty the next moment, changed from her usual docile appearance, and shouted loudly:

"—Dijun! Don't be impulsive! Think about it, my lord! It was hard for him to find you, and it was hard for you to have a stable life today! If something happens to you, what will happen to the lord?"

Zhuo Qingtan felt as if he could hear the bones in his "fragile" mortal body under the impact of the passionate divine bone power in his body, and let out bursts of hoarse mourning.

Xie Yuci was right, with her mortal body, it was still too reluctant to fully control the power of the divine bone.

She heard Wan Qing's screaming, so under the agitation of her divine power, she managed to speak:
"Wan Qing, even if the power of the divine bone overwhelms the power of my divine soul, my divine soul is the host. I may not die, and even if I die, I will not die immediately. I just need to survive until the emperor comes to the world. , everything will still be alive.

But Ah Ran is different, she cannot be delayed for a moment in her current situation.If I don't save her, she will die in half a day, and there will be no chance of saving her. "

Wan Qing shook her head slowly, looked up at her, and said hoarsely:

"Dijun! When can you only pretend to be yourself once in your heart? If I am in Yu Shiran's situation now, I would rather die myself than let you risk your life to save me!
——Although Master Yu is not conscious now, I believe that if she is still awake, she will definitely be so decisive! "

At this time, Zhuo Qingtan had already used the Yangyi Zhiyin divine power aroused from the divine bone to cast spells to gradually condense the fairy fragments scattered around the body by Yu Shiran in front of the heart veins.

When she heard Wan Qing's words, she suddenly smiled sassyly.

"But Wanqing, I promised you both."

Wan Qing was startled when she heard the words: ".What?"

Zhuo Qingtan turned his head and stared at her quietly for a moment, then turned his head away, and lightly fell on Yu Shiran's innocent and delicate face.

Her brows and eyes overflowed with warmth like a hot spring.

"I promised you that as long as I am still alive, I will protect you for as long as I can. Taiyin Youying will never break his promise, and Zhuo Qingtan will do the same."

At this moment, Ling Rong and An Luofu, who had just returned from buying wound medicine in the town, looked at the scene before them in shock.

"—Sister? What are you doing?"

"—Zhuo Qingtan? Granny? Are you fighting?"

Ling Rong looked at Zhuo Qingtan, who was casting a spell in front of her, and the celestial light was in full bloom, and then at Wan Qing, who was crawling on the ground with a dazed face, and couldn't help but make a sound of astonishment.

Wan Qing was awakened by Ling Rong's words, and she hurriedly said: "My lord told me before leaving that the emperor has taken the divine bones from the secret realm of Juntianya and Sufenggu into his body a few days ago!

——She has now stimulated the power of the gods and bones in her body, trying to repair and merge with the fairy spirit of Yu Shiran! "

Ling Rong was stunned.

"Zhuo Qingtan took the divine bone from the secret realm into his body? Isn't that a good thing? Wouldn't it increase his skill? And who is Yu Shiran?"

She thought thoughtfully, the name Yu Shiran was so familiar, as if she had heard it recently?
An Luofu carefully observed the beads of sweat on Zhuo Qingtan's forehead with a solemn expression, and then looked at "Li Luowei" who was lying quietly on the bed and said in a deep voice:
"Senior Sister's body must not be able to withstand the power inspired by the divine bone. Sister Luowei should be Yu Shiran - the Jiarong Shangxian said earlier that Si jumped from the Fallen God Pavilion of the Nine Heavens more than 6000 years ago. Immortal in the rain."


Ling Rong looked at Zhuo Qingtan in amazement, and then at "Li Luowei".

"This little girl surnamed Li is actually a Shangxian?"

The next moment, she came back to her senses and knew that this was not the time to worry about these things, so she hurriedly said anxiously:

"What are you waiting for?"

Ling Rong dashed forward, trying to interrupt Zhuo Qingtan's spellcasting.

But obviously, the result was the same as Wan Qing, she was immediately repelled by Zhuo Qingtan's powerful divine power.

Fortunately, An Luofu, who was on the side, was prepared and helped her in time when she was about to fall.


After An Luofu supported Ling Rong, he looked up at Zhuo Qingtan in panic.

"Senior sister, stop! At least. At least wait for Mr. Xie and Master!"

Zhuo Qingtan's lips had already spilled a trace of blood.

Hearing this, she tried her best to stimulate the power of the divine bone in her body, while slowly shaking her head.

"I can't wait anymore. At this moment, Ah Ran's immortal power has collapsed together with her fairy fragments, and her soul will be destroyed in an instant."

Ling Rong roared anxiously: "Then you can't trade her! Don't you want to live?"

"Yes, Senior Sister! We will discuss this matter from a long-term perspective, for your safety."

Isn't your safety important?
An Luofu looked anxious, he made seals on his chest and concentrated his spiritual power on his fingertips in an attempt to prevent Zhuo Qingtan from casting spells, but the result was the same as Wanqing Lingrong, still blocked by the divine bone and divine power.

Zhuo Qingtan smiled very lightly, she turned her head and looked at them with a gentle expression.

"I won't die. I'm not immortal, but the reincarnation of the soul. Even though my body is finally torn apart by the power of the god's bone, my soul may not perish."

Emperor Zun and Xie Yuci were always worried, worrying that if she died in this life before returning to the throne, the soul would disappear again and it would be difficult to enter reincarnation.

But for some reason, Zhuo Qingtan had a premonition in the dark—even if her body died, her soul would never dissipate.

The matter of Yu Shiran is full of doubts, who is the person behind it?
How could she be willing to die if she didn't find out the truth and find out who was behind the scenes?
What's more. There is another person. When she dies, how can she have the heart to miss the appointment.

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