As expected, Xie Yuci found a few "immortal grasses" in Zuzhou, East China Sea. When he cast a spell and flew close to Jiusheng Mountain, his brows frowned suddenly.

In the guest courtyard in Jiusheng Mountain in Bozhou, the immortal energy faintly overflowing due to the shattering of Li Luowei's fairy spirit disappeared at this moment!

Xie Yuci's expression changed, could it be that he came back late?

There is no leakage of immortal energy from Jiusheng Mountain, could it be that Li Luowei has already
Immediately he cast a spell and landed, rushed to the guest house prepared for distinguished guests on Jiusheng Mountain, opened the courtyard door, and Ling Rong's face full of sorrow was in sight.

"What happened? But Li Luowei"

He frowned and looked at Ling Rong, and asked.

Lingrong let out an "ah", and then stopped talking: "Li Luowei's little girl seems to be fine, she's fine."

Xie Yuci's eyebrow peak never let go.

Nothing?How can it be?

He asked again: "Where is Qingtan?"

This time Lingrong was obviously a little more guilty, her eyes wandered up and down in a circle, and she mumbled: "Rest in her own room."

Xie Yuci frowned upon hearing this.

Is Li Luowei alright?

Zhuo Qingtan was resting in his room?
He raised his head again, raised his eyes to see the aura in the courtyard, and immediately his expression became concentrated—there was no trace of immortal energy or power leaking from the courtyard.

It stands to reason that Li Luowei's celestial spirit has been damaged in the past few days, so her celestial power and celestial energy will always be centered on her, drifting around the courtyard.

But at this moment, he can't even sense a trace of immortal power or energy, so there are only two possibilities.
One possibility is that he came back late, and Li Luowei was already shattered into pieces.

If she dies, there will naturally be no more fairy power and fairy energy overflowing from the damaged fairy—but judging by Lingrong's appearance at this time, Li Luowei doesn't seem to have been
Another possibility is-

Xie Yuci's face was ugly and scary.

". But Qingtan used the Yin power of Liangyi in her body to heal Li Luowei's fairy?"

Ling Rong didn't dare to look up at him.

She paused, then nodded limply.

"...Well, don't be angry. At that time, the situation was so critical. So there was a reason for it."

Xie Yuci suddenly said coldly: "—I'll kill her."

Ling Rong immediately looked up at him in astonishment.

"Kill who?"

Kill Zhuo and Zhuo Qingtan?
No way?
At this time, Xie Yuci's slightly loose hair seemed to be filled with overwhelming anger because of running around all the way.

Ling Rong exchanged a glance with him, and immediately came back to her senses.

What is she thinking!

How could he hurt Zhuo Qingtan?
With his posture, he was clearly going to kill Li Luowei!

The coldness and anger in Xie Yuci's eyes did not falter, and almost overflowed.

Seeing that he was already dazzled by anger, Ling Rong started to go to Li Luowei's room, and hurriedly hugged his arm desperately.

"Thank you, Yuci! Be sober! Are you crazy? Zhuo Qingtan saved that little girl's life after trying so hard! If you kill Li Luowei, do you think Zhuo Qingtan can follow her?" I'm in a hurry with you!"

Xie Yuci's footsteps really stopped.

Although he closed his eyes and said nothing, he didn't take another step forward.

But just looking at the violent ups and downs of his chest and trying to suppress his panting, Ling Rong knew how angry he was.

After a while, Xie Yuci seemed to have finally calmed down a bit.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his tone could not hear any emotion: "How is she now?"

It is conceivable who this "she" refers to, but of course it is not Li Luowei.

Hearing this, Ling Rong raised her head suspiciously and glanced at his expression at this time. It was clear that Zhuo Qingtan's room was not far away, but he didn't seem to dare to take a look in person, but chose to ask her.

She cleared her throat and said vaguely: "It should be all right?"

Anyway, it seems that I can't die for a while?

In fact, she couldn't tell what happened to Zhuo Qingtan.

But at least, Zhuo Qingtan looked much better than Li Luowei's golden-faced, ready-to-die two days ago.

Ling Rong was worried that Xie Yuci would act impulsively, so at this moment, Tozai held him tightly.

Therefore, I felt it immediately. After hearing her answer, Xie Yuci's previously tense body obviously relaxed a little.

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "She promised me."


Ling Rong looked at him puzzled.

For some reason, his tone was not fluctuating, but Lingrong suddenly felt that he was actually a little sad.

Xie Yuci said in a low voice with no expression on his face: "She promised me that she would never act recklessly, and everything will be discussed when I come back."

Seeing that he had calmed down, Ling Rong let go of his arm.

Hearing this, she scratched her head and said with a little distress:
"It doesn't seem to be her fault that as soon as you left, Zhuo Qingtan received a summons from Emperor Zun of the Nine Heavens to go to Luoshen Ridge to get the elixir.

But who knew, the fairy surnamed Li's little girl was actually shaken away by someone who was hiding in the dark!

At that time, if Zhuo Qingtan hadn't rescued her, the little girl would have died without a doubt, and she would have died completely in such a way that she would lose her soul and never have a chance to be reincarnated, which was too tragic. "

Xie Yuci frowned, his eyes were serious: "Someone secretly waited for us to come and kill Li Luowei deliberately?"

Lingrong said "Hello", nodded bitterly and said, "That's right! Zhuo Qingtan said that Li Luowei's fairy spirit wouldn't be shattered so quickly. Someone cast a spell and shattered her fairy spirit."

Xie Yuci was silent for a while, it seems that Li Luowei's identity is not simple, at least when she was a fairy, she offended someone who shouldn't be offended.

He was silent for a moment, but he was still very cold when he spoke again.

"It's just a sinful fairy who has gone through thousands of years of atonement and can't pay for her sins. Everyone has a life, and she died when she died. Is Zhuo Qingtan crazy? He almost got himself for a person who deserved it? "

Hearing this, Ling Rong is still in disbelief.

She pinched her braids and let out a long sigh, her face full of disillusionment.

"But... she doesn't seem to be that heinous, vicious sinner. Zhuo Qingtan said that she is the Si Yu Xianjun who jumped off the Fallen God Pavilion more than 6000 years ago!"

Xie Yuci was taken aback when he heard the words.

"What? She is Yu Shiran?"

That cold and proud female immortal who always found an opportunity to sneak back to Zhuozhi Immortal Palace to visit Zhuo Qingtan when he had completely forgotten to be "Jun Farewell" when he was running errands in the lower world, and still looked at him disliked everywhere?

Ling Rong hurriedly nodded vigorously, puzzled and said: "Tell me, is this Shangxian not out of his mind? The four immortals are not in the right mood during the 'wind, rain, thunder and lightning' season, and they actually jumped off the Fallen God Ting to die?

Now it's all right, I don't know how many lifetimes I have suffered in the mortal world, not to mention, this life almost broke my fairy spirit and completely ruined it. "

Xie Yuci frowned.

"Has Yu Shiran ever said why he jumped off the Fallen God Pavilion in the past?"

Ling Rong shook her head.

"Never. Mr. An Xiaolang and I went to the town below the mountain to buy herbs, and when we came back, Zhuo Qingtan was already casting spells to help her heal the fairy. However, at that time, she was already on the verge of losing consciousness and completely lost consciousness.

But I heard from my grandma afterwards that Yu Shiran retrieved Xian Yi when she was dying, and the first thing she said when she opened her eyes was that she finally saw Zhuo Qingtan again.Listen to what this means. Could it be that she came here for Zhuo Qingtan? "

Xie Yuci frowned.

Came here for Zhuo Qingtan?

However, according to what Jiarong Shangxian said earlier, after the sinking of Xianshan Daiyu, the Holy God Emperor did not inform the heavenly gods about the true situation of the Holy Emperor.

Instead, he chose to conceal the truth, inform the Three Realms, and go to the mortal world under the shadow of the Holy Emperor to go through hardships.He also specially ordered the immortals not to come to the mortal world, let alone interfere with the disasters of the immortals and gods.

The calamity of the immortals and gods cannot be interfered by human beings, otherwise it will bring great trouble to the people who have experienced the calamity.

That being the case, how could Yu Shiran disregard the instructions of the Holy God Emperor and the safety of Zhuo Qingtan, jump off the Fallen God Ting and forcefully escape from the Nine Heavens?
That's right, Xie Yuci used the word "escape" to describe Yu Shiran's behavior.

Because apart from the fact that Yu Shiran was eager to escape from the Jiuchongtian, he couldn't figure out what kind of situation it would be, so that the majestic Siyu Tianshen was locked at the Jiuchongtian gate, and the gods were ordered by the emperor to prevent immortals from coming to the world. Under the premise, she would rather be stripped of her immortal memories and immortal powers than fall into the mortal world from the Fallen God Pavilion, narrowly escaped death.

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