Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 248 "Insiders" and "Outsiders"

Chapter 248 "Insiders" and "Outsiders"

The Qianqiu Grand Festival is approaching day by day, and the Jiusheng Mountain is crowded with people, and the disciples of hundreds of immortal sects from all directions in Kyushu gather to respond, and they gradually arrive one after another.

Pingjinge and Wuwanghai arrived here one after another, and even An Yunong came to Jiusheng Mountain with the muyun boat that the disciples of Duanxu Palace took.

The elders of various immortal sects gathered with their disciples one after another, and the arrival of the "guests" also added a bit of excitement and popularity to Jiusheng Mountain, which is not too lively and prosperous on weekdays.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction, but the only person who makes Zhuo Qingtan a little bit worried is Li Luowei—no, she should be called Yu Shiran now.

What is strange is that the fairy spirit has been healed by Zhuo Qingtan with the power of the god bone, but now he is still in a coma and has not woken up for a long time.

But fortunately, the cracks in the fairy spirit in Yushiran's heart veins have disappeared, and the vital signs have completely calmed down.Therefore, although she did not wake up for a long time, Zhuo Qingtan and Li Changfeng were not too worried.

That's right, after Li Changfeng received the news that his only daughter had been hit by the strange celestial power from Luoshen Ridge of Jiusheng Mountain, he immediately rushed to Jiusheng Mountain without stopping Yujian.

But when he arrived, Zhuo Qingtan had already healed Yu Shiran's injury, which made him worry for nothing.

Li Changfeng, the head of Wuwanghai, looked at his daughter who was still sleeping on the sickbed, but her face was extraordinarily rosy, and muttered to herself, "Wei'er is actually a fairy from the heavens, so it's hard to come down to earth? This is too much." .”


His daughter, he himself knew that Li Luowei could be said to be an arrogant and self-willed child since childhood. In his perception, Li Luowei really didn't seem to have any relationship with the immortals above the Nine Heavens.

When he learned from An Luofu that Li Luowei was actually the reincarnation of the Rain God that the ancestor of Wu Wanghai had the good fortune to meet by chance in the past, his face was expressionless for a while, and his soul flew into the sky.

The head of Wu Wang Hai, who was over half a hundred years old, once thought that it was because he was too old that he had already begun to hear hallucinations.

Zhuo Qingtan suppressed a smile, sighed softly and said: "Perhaps it was because of the strict discipline in the Nine Heavens in the past, Ah Ran was bound for a long time, but now he is more carefree and indulgent when he seals the fairy memory and goes down to be a human being."

Xie Yuci said indifferently: "Only you can help her. How can a person's temperament be completely different because of the calamity? I said a long time ago that Yu Shiran was just pretending to be obedient in front of you. She thought I was honest at that time. , You have bullied me a lot in private."

The "before" he was talking about was naturally the lawsuit between him and Yu Shiran when he was "Jun Farewell" and he didn't dare to go to Shengdijun.

Li Changfeng nodded with a complicated smile when he heard this.

——That's right, as expected, his daughter was also a troublemaker when she was a fairy in her previous life.

Lingrong's eyes rolled around, then she leaned in front of Zhuo Qingtan, and asked in a low voice:
"Hey, Zhuo Qingtan, since this little girl has recovered her immortal memory, shouldn't she also recover her immortal power?"

She used to rely on her strong demon power to bully and threaten "Li Luowei". If this little girl recovers her fairy power by chance, wouldn't she want revenge in the future?

Zhuo Qingtan seemed to know what she was worried about. Hearing this, he gave her a funny look, and then shook his head slightly.

"No. The restoration of the fairy memory was because Aran's fairy exploded at that time, and she was dying. This will stimulate the fairy memory in her fairy spirit that was sealed due to the disaster.

Now that she has turned from danger to safety, she cannot return to her throne and return to heaven after all the hardships. She is still a mortal body, so the fairy power cannot be recovered for the time being. "

Ling Rong immediately raised her head, staring at her with sparkling eyes, the joy in her eyes couldn't be hidden at all.


Zhuo Qingtan glanced at her with a suppressed smile.


After hearing this, Ling Rong let out a long sigh of relief.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the smile lines on Zhuo Qingtan's lips that had not yet retracted, and she quickly reiterated: "Don't think too much, my aunt is not afraid of her! I just want to care about this little girl's body."

With clear and gentle eyes, Zhuo Qingtan nodded with a good temper.

"I know."

Ling Rong nodded seriously.

"...you understand."

She suddenly remembered something, rolled her eyes, cleared her throat with a smile, and said, "What, you guys talk first, I think I promised Mr. An Xiaolang that today I will help him arrange the preliminaries of the Qianqiu Grand Competition venue, I'm leaving first!"

Zhuo Qingtan nodded with a smile, very saving face.But Xie Yuci, who was drinking tea in the courtyard, snorted lightly when he heard the words, and made a faint sound to expose her.

"Is that so? Why did Xie remember that when he happened to be taking a nap in the courtyard last night, he heard that someone pestered An Luofu and insisted on setting up the Qianqiu event venue with him. An Luofu couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to accept it? "

Ling Rong turned around with a blank expression on her face, looking at Xie Yuci who was leisurely sitting on the rocking chair in the courtyard, she became very angry.

She took a deep breath, thinking that she couldn't beat Xie Yuci, and said she couldn't beat him, so she could only hum in a depressed voice:
"Xie Yuci, don't be complacent! Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps, eldest brother let alone second brother, you are no better than me!"

Hmph, is he Xie Yuci still following Zhuo Qingtan like a dog skin plaster all day long?

What is the difference with her?
Xie Yuci lifted up his cloud sleeves, picked up a white jade teacup from the side coffee table, and raised his hands and feet with a touch of nobility and coquettishness.

"How can it be the same? I am in Qingtan's heart, that is unique."

His brows and eyes glowed with anticipation, and that clear and handsome face was white and clear under the sun, very dazzling.

Ling Rong gave a disdainful "ha" and looked at him with lowered eyes.

"What's so special about you? How is it unique? Why didn't I see it?"

Xie Yuci smiled sassyly when he heard the words, and then said lightly: "Have you ever eaten the dishes cooked by Zhuo Qingtan himself?"

Lingrong: "?"

It doesn't seem to have.

Zhuo Qingtan covered his face uncomfortably.


As far as her craftsmanship is concerned, after eating the food she cooked, it seems that she has nothing to be proud of.

Xie Yuci nodded in satisfaction.

He raised his left hand, seemingly casually, but in fact he raised his chin like a peacock spreading its tail, and looked at the other people in the courtyard one by one.

"I know you don't have this blessing, so you don't need to be too envious."

He has!

He also ate three times!

Although that was all in the past.

However, based on this alone, he is naturally the most special and unique in Zhuo Qingtan's heart!
It's a pity that the people in the courtyard can't appreciate his happiness.
——Zhuo Qingtan held his forehead and said nothing, Li Changfeng turned his head with a sneer, Ling Rong was stunned for a moment, and then snorted heavily like a sneer.

"Oh, I thought you were going to say something, that's it?"

Thank you words: "."

The smile on his face paused, then he turned his head slowly, frowned and looked at Ling Rong, with a threatening meaning of "you speak carefully to me".

Seeing this, Ling Rong didn't take it seriously, she wouldn't be afraid of Xie Yuci when she was in front of Zhuo Qingtan.

She didn't believe it anymore, could it be that Xie Yuci would still bully her in front of Zhuo Qingtan?

So, Ling Rong raised her chin, and proudly took out a token from the storage bag.

"Come here, right? Then do you know what this is?"

Xie Yuci frowned and looked intently at the object above her palm that was suspended in mid-air by the demon force, and did not speak for a long while.

Seeing this, Ling Rong immediately snorted.

"Haven't you seen it before? Just look at your ignorant appearance! This is Duanxu Palace Spirit Beast Command! Do you know what a Spirit Beast Command is?
It was Zhuo Qingtan who was afraid that when my grandmother and I were walking in the mortal world in the future, our real body would be discovered by a high-level hermit and cause trouble, so he specially gave me the imperial order of the spirit beast of Duanxu Palace! "

She looked at Xie Yuci's ashen face, smiled and made another cut.

"Hey, judging by your expression, don't you think you haven't? You haven't even heard of it, have you?

How can I put this into words, so I am already from Zhuo Qingtan, it turns out that you are an outsider! "

(End of this chapter)

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