Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 249 Her Teenager

After Zhuo Qingtan said goodbye to Li Changfeng, he left Li Luowei's room and returned to his guest room.

She turned her head and looked behind her and followed her silently step by step, but Xie Yuci was always sullen, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Okay, don't be angry. Lingrong is a child at heart, why do you still care about these things with her?"

Xie Yuci didn't look up at anyone, but just lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "No, she said that I'm a country bumpkin who has been imprisoned for 1 years and has never seen the world, and I don't even recognize the spirit beast imperial order."

Zhuo Qingtan burst out laughing when he heard the words, then shook his head helplessly.

"That's just an identity mark for raising spirit beasts in the Duanxu Palace. I'm worried that if something happens at the Qianqiu Grand Meeting, you and I will retreat from the world. If they encounter any unsolvable problems at that time, they can hold the Duanxu Palace The tokens support the scene.

After all, this is in the mortal world, and the rules of the mortal world must be followed.Duanxu Palace has been the head of the four great immortal sects for thousands of years, and enjoys great respect in the mortal world. "

She chuckled and shook her head.

"You two, how old are you, and you almost got into a fight over such a trivial matter."

Xie Yuci folded his arms, still very dissatisfied: "It is she who provoked me!"

"Besides, why does she have an ID and I don't?"

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him helplessly, obviously he was the first to expose Ling Rong and "bully" Ling Rong, but he didn't mention a word!

Xie Yuci was so stared at by her, he scratched the tip of his nose with a little guilt, and immediately said righteously:

".What are you doing looking at me like this? It's clear that she provoked me first."

What he said earlier is not a provocation!

He was just telling the truth to justify An Luofu's "justice". How could this be considered a provocation?

Last night, he went to the kitchen at the back of the guest house to see if the tonic soup Zhuo Qingtan took before going to bed was ready, when he passed by the back garden, he happened to see Ling Rong dragging An Luofu.

Curious for a moment, Xie Yuci immediately listened to the corner without any guilt.

It turned out that Ling Rong was pulling An Luofu's sleeve by force to prevent him from leaving, insisting that he promise to take her to set up the venue for the preliminaries of the Qianqiu Grand Competition.


Zhuo Qingtan shook her head inadvertently in agreement, she withdrew her gaze and said in a low voice with a smile:
"Although Lingrong looks heartless on weekdays, she is a girl after all. You must not do this again next time, it will make her lose face."

Xie Yuci curled his lips when he heard the words, and muttered in a low voice: "I don't have face yet. You gave her the token, and she said she belongs to you, but I don't."

Zhuo Qingtan couldn't help feeling a little funny when he saw that he was tangled up in the original question again.

She was silent for a while, then raised her hand suddenly, and gently shook his hand.

"They are not the same as you."

Xie Yuci paused when he heard that, his brows paused slightly, and he focused on Zhuo Qingtan.

"What is the difference?"

Zhuo Qingtan quietly met his gaze with a smile.

Her eyes seemed to be filled with the fine silver brilliance in the Milky Way, more like they were covered with fine stars.

"Lingrong and the others are friends, sisters. And you and I share weal and woe, which means one body."

Xie Yuci was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled.

No matter how many years have passed, his heart, which was born in panic and wandering for tens of thousands of years, will always be comforted and soothed by a wave of her eyes or a clear word from her.

Wan Qing didn't understand in the past, why he was still obsessed with Zhuo Qingtan for so many years and couldn't let go.

——Wan Qing concluded that Zhuo Qingtan was his doom.

In fact, in his opinion, it is not the case.To him, Zhuo Qingtan has never been a catastrophe, but a redemption.

Before getting acquainted with Zhuo Qingtan, he always bears the name of a fierce god, but in fact he has been living a muddleheaded life.

He never knew the meaning of his birth in the world. Could it be that the meaning of his existence since the beginning of chaos was that he was destined to be cast aside by all beings in the three realms?
Even though he had never done any evil deeds at that time, he was still tolerated by the gods and guarded against by monsters and beasts.

It's not that he hasn't tried to be honest with others, but no one is willing to get close to him who bears a fierce aura and whose real body looks like the head of the ancient four evils.

They all seemed to regard him as a moody demon who would devour them alive the next moment.

Gradually, Xie Yuci became more and more confused when he was a teenager. He couldn't find the meaning and value of his own existence.

So, he began to indulge himself, fighting with those fierce beasts who didn't understand him all day long in the mortal world.

Slowly, he found a little bit of pleasure in the fact that those big monsters and ferocious beasts couldn't kill him, and they couldn't do anything about him—but after the pleasure brought by the fierce fighting dissipated, everything would return to the original In emptiness and solitude.

Such a muddle-headed day, he actually lived for tens of thousands of years.

Until that day, he fought an evil dragon on the coast of the East China Sea, and was sued by the local immortal to the Jiuzhong Heaven with a paper pleading, which alarmed the two saints in the heaven.

The emperor who had only heard of his name but never met him personally came to resolve the dispute in person. This was also the first time he saw this emperor of the heavens who had never been masked before.

For some reason, when he saw Taiyin Youying for the first time, there seemed to be a voice in his mind telling him that they should have known each other long ago.

Seeing Donghai, it was never a mistake for life, but a gift.

It is also the best reward for all things in the world, to him who has been wandering for tens of thousands of years.

That feeling is very strange, as if born in the world, suddenly it is worth it.

He put away all his sharpness and sharpness, let himself lie dormant in front of her, and be the most ordinary person.

She doesn't like him fighting, so he will never fight with those big monsters and beasts again.

She doesn't like him disturbing the peace of the world, so he will rarely set foot on the land of Kyushu, stick to a corner, and live in peace in the fairy mountain of the East China Sea at the junction of immortality and mortals.

She undoubtedly had a sincere friendship with him, but she was also the past sage emperor of the people of the Three Realms—the ancient god who was magnificent and graceful, and was admired by all living beings in the world.

She was so good, but so good that she would never be his alone.

But now she said that she and him share weal and woe, which is called one body.

Xie Yuci felt as if he was in a dream.

If, now, all this is really just a dream, a beautiful dream that he was sealed in a secret realm and woven by himself to deceive himself——then, he is willing to sink into it and never wake up again.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at his dazed expression, smiled and gently pushed the back of his hand.

"I don't know if you are willing to share weal and woe with me, regardless of you and me, so I made the decision for you without authorization-you will not reject me, will you?"

Xie Yuci came back to his senses, and it took him a while to let go of the previously frowned brows.

He looked straight into Zhuo Qingtan's eyes, and suddenly said softly: "I'm afraid, you will go back on your word."

He who has always been fearless, rebellious, and unyielding, seems to be always worried and uneasy in front of her.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him with a smile, and the gentle and warm gleam in her eyes would always be the best medicine to heal his broken heart.

She nodded and agreed: "It's a deal, then we'll make it."

One day, as he wishes, she regains the Tao, cultivates the immortal body, and obtains the immortal body again, and they will never be separated by the mundane sufferings, life, old age, sickness and death.

Her youth—has been waiting for her for too long.

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