Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 250 The Rain Master Awakens

Chapter 250 The Rain Master Awakens
In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was still dark, Wan Qing hastily knocked on the door of Zhuo Qingtan's room.

"Prince Zhuo, have you got up yet?"

Zhuo Qingtan's work and rest schedule is regular, every day at the end of Yin Shi and the beginning of Mao Shi, he must have already got up to do "morning classes".

At this time, it was the second quarter of Mao Shi, and she was already fully dressed and was sitting on the cattail mat by the window to adjust her spiritual power.

Wan Qing has been with her for a long time and is familiar with her work and rest time, so she guessed that she must have woken up at this time, that's why she asked this question.

"Wan Qing, I'm awake, please come in."

Upon hearing the response, Wan Qing hurriedly responded.She pushed open the door of Zhuo Qingtan's room, and her tone of voice couldn't hide her lightness when she spoke.

"Xianchang, Miss Li—ah, no, it's Yushi Xianjun who just woke up!"

Zhuo Qingtan got up immediately, and asked with a little surprise: "When?"

Wan Qing smiled and replied: "Just now, but I was in a hurry to report to you, and I haven't had time to talk to her yet."

There was a slack smile in Zhuo Qingtan's eyes, she nodded slightly, and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Walking in the corridor, she turned back and asked, "Does Yuci know?"

Wan Qing replied with a smile: "Just now Lingrong has gone to inform the Lord, and the Lord probably knows by now."

However, it seemed that her Patriarch didn't deal with Immortal Yushi very much. When he heard the news, he responded with a faint expression, and there was no joy on his face.

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and nodded, and while speaking, they had already arrived at the door of Yu Shiran Xiata's guest room.

When Yu Shiran heard the footsteps outside the door, she raised her head, and her eyes met Zhuo Qingtan who had just walked to the door.

The next moment, her expression changed, and she immediately got up from the bed and knelt straight on the ground, with her hands knotted in front of her chest, and then respectfully and solemnly performed a big gift for a nine-fold heavenly emperor when he paid homage to an emperor.

"Aran pays homage to the emperor, the emperor will be blessed forever."

Zhuo Qingtan paused slightly.

In fact, she had long been used to the relatively relaxed way of getting along with "Li Luowei" and her. In addition, Yu Shiran bowed down and saluted so fast that she didn't react for a while.

After a short pause, Zhuo Qingtan immediately took a few steps forward, held her hands in front of Yu Shi's dyed and knotted hands, motioned for her to get up, and then pulled her to sit beside the coffee table in the room.

She sighed softly, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Aran, you are so respectful in front of Miss Wu Wanghai, it makes the 'senior sister' not used to it."

Perhaps Yu Shiran was so excited to see the familiar Xiang Shengdijun again in a waking state that his eyes were always warm and filled with a thin layer of crystal clear water.

At this time, when she heard Zhuo Qingtan's jokes, she couldn't help bowing her head in embarrassment, and then laughed through tears.

". Dijun, don't make fun of me anymore. Aran didn't remember her past, and her deeds in the mortal world were so absurd and shapeless. She has caused Dijun a lot of trouble. Now thinking about it, I feel ashamed."

Zhuo Qingtan chuckled lightly and said, "It's really fun, but it's somewhat similar to when you were a child."

Yu Shiran was startled when he heard the words, with a puzzled expression on his face.Then I heard Zhuo Qingtan continue to say in a soft and gentle voice with a hint of memory:
"What? Don't you remember? When you were young, you were also the most naughty and lively child among the 28 constellations. At that time, you had just transformed into enlightenment, and were assigned by Emperor Zun to the West Pole Zhuozhi Immortal Palace.

In the beginning, Xian'e from the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace was responsible for teaching you the basic methods of immortality, but one day, Xian'e suddenly came to report in a very embarrassing manner, saying that the new little stars in the palace were fighting. "

When Zhuo Qingtan said this, she seemed to recall some interesting past events, she smiled and shook her head.

"I thought the kids wouldn't make any big troubles, so I didn't want to intervene in person, lest you feel restrained.

Xian'e, who didn't want to take care of things, refused, saying that these little stars who had just transformed into enlightenment were already higher than her in immortal rank, and they were really naughty and hard to manage. Her limited ability made it impossible to continue. "

Yu Shiran had long forgotten the childhood memories of such a long time ago, and when he heard Zhuo Qingtan's narration, he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

"Did we fight when we were young?"

Zhuo Qingtan chuckled: "It's not just about fighting, but also fighting with cliques. When you 28 Xingxiu were young, it was you Xiqisu who were the most noisy. When fighting, you wish you could use all your military skills."

Yu Shiran seemed a little surprised and a little embarrassed.

"Maybe we were too young at that time, and we just opened our spiritual consciousness and didn't know the rules. At that time, we must have caused a lot of trouble for Xian'e who was in charge of taking care of us."

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and waved his hands.

"It's not just a fight. I didn't know why Xian'e was in such a difficult situation until I went there. You were too young at that time, and you hadn't learned how to freely retract and release your immortal power. When you got into a fight, you almost demolished the fairy palace you lived in. "

Yu Shiran let out an "ah" and said thoughtfully: "Ah, Dijun, I seem to have a little impression, so you taught us yourself afterward?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and nodded.

"Yes, you are originally immortals of the stars, and you are born as immortals. If no one guides and educates you correctly, you may be in big trouble in the future.

So, later on, I will teach you in person.Fortunately, you are all pure and kind children, and you are all willing to be taught. "

Yu Shiran pursed his lips and smiled when he heard the words, and nodded vigorously.

"It's such an honor to be taught by the emperor himself. We should devote ourselves to being taught. You don't know the emperor, do you? Later, after A Ran finished his studies, he went to the Nine Heavens. Many immortals in the heavens are very envious of me. Who doesn't I envy that I can grow up in front of you."

Zhuo Qingtan also smiled.

"You are really well-behaved and sensible when you are by my side, you are highly talented, and you are extremely fast at mastering celestial powers and celestial techniques. It is completely different from the little monkey you looked at when you first came to the West Pole Zhuozhi Immortal Palace."

She looked at Yu Shiran with a little relief, and sighed: "When you first came to Zhuozhi Immortal Palace, you were only as high as my knee. Later, you became very promising and became the Si Yu Xianjun who guards the prosperity of all directions in the world. .”

Having said that, Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly.

"By the way, you have already been an immortal who has attained the Tao. You don't need to go through hardships to ascend to the Tao. An immortal in the Nine Heavens will be sent to the lower realm only if you are convicted. Why did you jump off the Fallen God Pavilion without permission?"

Yu Shiran's expression was momentarily confused.

She turned her head and thought about it for a moment, then said with a little hesitation: "Dijun, I don't seem to remember."

Zhuo Qingtan was startled when he heard this.


Yu Shiran also frowned very puzzled.

"I just remember that I seemed to have a very important matter to ask Emperor Cheng Bing, so I wanted to go down to the earth to find the emperor.

But at that time, Tianmen had been blocked by Emperor Zun, so I jumped off the Fallen God Pavilion.As for the others, Ah Ran doesn't remember anything. "

She subconsciously clutched her delicate red skirt, muttering to herself:

".But, what happened at that time, so that I will find you immediately regardless of the difficulty of destroying the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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