Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 251 tit for tat

Zhuo Qingtan frowned slightly when he heard the words.

It must be an extremely urgent matter to make Yu Shiran, the Immortal Si Yu, who can't wait for a moment, even if the immortal spirit is injured and the immortal memory power is lost, to ask her from the lower realm to Cheng Bingzhi.

But now, she doesn't remember at all?
Zhuo Qingtan couldn't help thinking of the whole story of healing the fairy's injury for Yu Shiran before, and looked at her quietly for a moment.

Her slender index finger tapped the coffee table subconsciously, which was her usual habit when thinking.

Then after a while, she slowly said: "Aran, your fairy was probably tampered with when she jumped off the Fallen God Pavilion."

Yu Shiran was stunned for a moment, still a little unbelievable.

"But Dijun, I'm just a mere immortal, and I have no entanglement with the evil spirits in the world. Who would not have such a big heart to tamper with my fairy?"

Zhuo Qingtan shook his head silently.

"I don't know, but the celestial power that you left on the Luoshen Ridge of Jiusheng Mountain when you fell in the past years ago actually attacked your own celestial spirit, which already explains the problem.

In addition, your memory is messed up now, and you can't even remember your original intention of going down to earth. It can also explain that after you fall into the Fallen God Ting, there is something weird about the fairy that stores your fairy memories.

And just now, you said that you no longer remember things from your childhood. "

She turned her head and looked at the girl in front of her with a trace of confusion on her face.

"—Is it because you have forgotten it because of the ages, or is it because... your immortal memory has a problem at this time, so your memory is not complete?"

Yu Shiran stared at Zhuo Qingtan in a daze, and was silent for a moment.

Immortal gods have excellent memory, and their minds are far superior to ordinary people.

Now that Yu Shiran's fairy age is in his prime, there is absolutely no reason for his memory to decline.

Unless, her fairy memory at this time is not complete
Could it be that someone intercepted her before she fell into the Fallen God Ting and had time to reincarnate, and tampered with her fairy memory, making her memory confused and forgetting the memory of a certain period of time?

So, who would do that?

What is the intention of that person doing this?
As Yu Shiran said, although she is listed as a fairy, she is a Siyu Xianjun.

As the Four Immortal Lords of "Wind, Thunder and Lightning", their immortal duties have always been to be kind to others and form good karma.

——Within her power, she is all about being kind. Logically speaking, she doesn't have much chance to turn against others.

The four immortals of "Wind, Thunder and Lightning" are different from the priests in the Temple of the Fallen God.

The priest of the temple of Fallen God Ting is responsible for apprehending and punishing criminals and evil spirits. Although it is an awe-inspiring job, it is also very offensive.

That being the case, who will target Yu Shiran, who has formed good relationships and will not offend other immortal officials or mortal monsters?
Even after she fell into the Fallen God Ting, did she even try to tamper with her fairy?

If someone can tamper with her fairy spirit without anyone noticing, it must be a powerful fairy, also a high fairy, or some peerless great monster who could not hide from the world in ancient times.

After Yu Shiran was silent for a long time, he frowned and shook his head in confusion.

".But Dijun, Ah Ran has never had any enmity with other immortals in Jiuchongtian. Every time he goes down to the world to perform the errand of Si Yu Xianjun, it is also a good deed that benefits the mortal world. Even the great monster in the mortal world, think about it. won't make things difficult for me unless—"

Yu Shiran was talking, but suddenly stopped.

If it is said that there is a hidden monster or a murderous person who has had a feud with her in the mortal world, a name flashed in Yu Shiran's mind.But when the incident happened, it was heard that the person had already been sealed by the emperor in the four great secret realms in the mortal world.
At this time, a lazy voice sounded outside the door.

"—unless that person is Xie, right?"

Zhuo Qingtan and Yu Shiran turned their heads at the same time, only to see Xie Yuci leaning against the door with a nonchalant expression on his face.

This pose, which seems to have no bones and no face, if someone else does it, it will look like a rascal.But in Xie Yuci's writing, there is actually a unique romantic meaning.

His eyes rolled slightly, his brows were like ridges, and he shrugged indifferently.

"Xianjun Yushi, although there were some quarrels between you and me in the past, they were all trivial matters of verbal disputes——Xie won't be so shameless, taking advantage of others' dangers, and losing immortal memory and immortal power in your calamity It's time to add insult to injury.

What's more, at that time, I was still sleeping in the secret realm and was too busy to take care of myself, so I didn't have this opportunity. "

Yu Shiran now has in his mind most of the memories of Yu Shiran as Si Yuxianjun in the past, and at the same time retains all the memories of Li Luowei as a mortal, so when facing Xie Yuci, there is a kind of inexplicable feeling. awkward.

She was silent for a moment, her eyes condensed on Xie Yuci's face, and then she said lightly: "Oh? Are you not so shameless? Well, let's put aside the grievances between us.

But farewell, you really have the courage to be so ungrateful and rebellious, dare to offend the emperor, and even destroy the ancient temple Zhuoyi Immortal Palace! "

In fact, when Yu Shiran was taught under the seat of the former emperor Taiyin Youying, she was in the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace in the West Pole of the Nine Heavens—so, at that time, she did not know that fierce god Xie Yuci.

Later, when she and Xie Yuci intersected, Xie Yuci had already been sealed with divine power and memory, and became the young Qiongqi "Jun Farewell" in Xianshan Daiyu Zhuozhi Immortal Palace.

So, strictly speaking, Yu Shiran actually didn't know about the previous entanglement and many past events between the former emperor and Xie Yuci.

In her heart, Junbie is just that little poor Qiongqi who hangs around the emperor all day long, "stealing and playing tricks" to flatter him.

It wasn't until later that Xianshan Daiyu sank in the East China Sea, Zhuozhi Immortal Palace disappeared, and the previous emperor, Taiyin Youying, suddenly descended to the world in a single night, and she heard that——

It turned out that the little Qiongqi who was raised by the emperor's side for thousands of years and sent him to the most promising Fallen God Ting in Jiuchongtian secretly rebelled!
That daring Qiongqi actually made a mistake in front of the emperor, not only destroying the fairy mountain Daiyu, but also making many auspicious beasts on Daiyu nowhere to live, so the emperor sealed him in the mortal world in a rage.

Later, she also heard some rumors. According to legend, that Qiongqi "Jun Farewell" turned out to be Xie Yuci, an ancient evil god with a godly bone.

At that time, Yu Shiran was actually very surprised for a moment.

Could that farewell be the legendary ancient evil god Xie Yuci?

It turns out that the fierce god actually looks like that?It doesn't look as vicious as the rumors say, and it's strange. It's young and good-looking.

However, now it seems that - a fierce god is a fierce god, even if the emperor puts all his efforts and training on him, he still can't achieve a positive result, and finally he became fierce, right?

She also heard the rumors from the immortal officials of the heavens afterwards, and she heard that it was because of this that the emperor had a knot in his heart, so she asked the emperor to go down to the mortal world to endure hardships and strengthen his heart.

Therefore, in Yu Shiran's heart, "Jun Farewell" is a complete white-eyed wolf.

Xie Yuci heard Yu Shiran's accusation and did not refute it.

After all, Xianshan Daiyu and Zhuozhi Immortal Palace were wiped out overnight in the past, and he really has the responsibility that cannot be shirked.

Yu Shiran leaned towards him, and said coldly: "Although you have changed your real name back to 'Xie Yuci' now. However, no matter how much you pretend to be gentle and gentle, I will not relax any more. Be vigilant.

—— Xie Yuci, if you have any ill intentions towards Dijun again, even if I have no immortal power now, I will definitely not break up with you! "

Zhuo Qingtan looked at the two people who were very at odds with each other when they were in Xianshan Daiyu in the past, and couldn't help rubbing their foreheads with a headache.

"Okay, you two, don't feel like you've eaten gunpowder when you meet, okay?"

Yu Shiran paused when he heard the words.

She put away the arrogance on her face, turned around and saluted Zhuo Qingtan respectfully, then looked at Xie Yuci arrogantly.

"For the emperor's sake, the Shangxian doesn't care about your fierceness."

Xie Yuci gently raised the corners of his mouth with a smirk, and then said coldly:

"To each other, to each other."

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