Chapter 252
The Qianqiu Festival is approaching, and disciples from various factions are arriving one after another.As a result, the guest house of Jiusheng Mountain, where Duanxu Palace and his party descended from the pagoda, became more and more lively.

It's just that Zhuo Qingtan couldn't bear the excitement
Lingrong and "Li Luowei", also known as Yu Shiran, had constant quarrels and disputes;

And every time Yu Shiran found an opportunity, he couldn't help but sneer at Xie Yuci;
Although Xie Yuci didn't care too much about Zhuo Qingtan's face, Wan Qing couldn't get used to it.
——Thus, Wan Qing, who is always gentle and gentle on weekdays, has a slight criticism of Yu Shiran because of this.

Do you think this is over?
And won't!
An Yunong, the closed disciple of the lord of Duanxu Palace, recently returned to Jiusheng Mountain in Bozhou Prefecture with the team of Duanxu Palace!

She and "Li Luowei" didn't get along very well in the past, although An Luofu was an exceptionally polite and honest mud bodhisattva with no temper, who pretended to be deaf and blind all day long and did not participate in the disputes among female disciples.

However, Xi Ningyan, the black-bellied and sharp-mouthed Duanxu Gong third senior brother, doesn't care about that!
He couldn't get used to "Li Luowei" before, and at the same time, he admired Xie Yuci quite a lot, so he would definitely pull a bias towards his little junior sister.

This made Zhuo Qingtan suffer. She was surrounded by the former Nine Heavenly Heaven Immortal, the ancient fierce god who lost half of his divine power, the self-appointed peerless monster, and the disciples who were the head of hundreds of mortal sects.

The guest courtyard, which was once sunny and sunny, is now like a mortal market and vegetable market.

- Noisy all day long!
Except before Yinshi, when these little ancestors hadn't got up yet, Zhuo Qingtan could get a moment of peace and meditate well, and she was hardly idle at other times.

It is difficult for an upright official to settle housework, and Zhuo Qingtan has endless "lawsuits" every day, which makes people laugh and cry.

Seeing this, Xie Yuci would often whisper "Pillow Wind" in her ear.

"Look, let me just say, they are very noisy! When the Qianqiu Grand Festival is over, we need to find a quiet place to hide from the world early. Whether it is Duanxu Palace or the Four Great Immortal Gates, it will delay your cultivation. .”

An Yu Nong heard a few words from the side, and immediately the boss was unhappy!

She let out an angry "Hey" and said loudly: "Hey! What are you talking about? My senior sister has a calm mind, and she can travel thousands of miles even in a busy city!
In the past, she also practiced meditation in our Duanxu Palace, isn't she the same as the chief of the younger generation of Xianmen?Where is your exaggeration?

——I said, you little boy, you actually trampled me on the holy land of the fairy gate like this, are you trying to abduct my senior sister to leave alone?It's really unpredictable! "

She grabbed Zhuo Qingtan's sleeve, bit her back molars hard and said:

"Senior Sister! You can't be fooled by this little boy! The Cang Hai Wu Qing Jue practiced by Senior Sister is all about 'no desire and no heart'! This thank you speech is obviously uneasy and kind, he wants to shake your Dao heart!"

Zhuo Qingtan's sleeves were messed up by her pull.

She sighed helplessly, and glanced at An Yu Nong with a smile: "Yu Nong, I have made up my mind that I will no longer practice the Cang Hai Wu Qing Jue."

An Yu Nong immediately turned pale with shock, she quickly stood up and stomped her feet hard.

"Senior Sister! How could you be deceived by beauty and shake your Dao heart? You must practice the Cang Hai Wu Qing Jue!
Canghaiwuqingjue is the first heart method of our Duanxu Palace, and the old master has said more than once that you are the most suitable person in the whole sect to practice Canghaiwuqingjue! "

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and waved his hands to comfort her:
"Don't worry, I didn't make a random decision, but after careful consideration and careful consideration.

Now that I have recovered the memory of my previous life, although Cang Hai Wu Qing Jue is the strongest mental method in Duanxu Palace, there are actually other immortal methods that are more suitable for my practice in my mind-the senior sister is not fooling around, so don't worry. "

An Yu paused, she looked at her hesitantly, and asked tentatively:
"Is there really a more suitable Taoism? Sister, you are not kidding me, are you?"

Zhuo Qingtan smiled and nodded, she said helplessly: "Of course it is true, when did senior sister deceive you?"

An Yu Nong pursed her lips slightly, she glanced warily at her thank you words with a half-smile, and then whispered:

"...Senior Sister never lied to me in the past! But now that I have this little face, it's hard to say that Senior Sister will be deceived by him too!"

Xie Yuci was laughed angrily by her, and he pointed at An Yunong from afar.

"You little girl is really heartless. Fortunately, I pity you for not being able to go to Wuwanghai with us before, and I specially brought you the night pearl of the East China Sea as a souvenir."

An Yu Nong let out a "hum" when he heard the words, his nose almost went up to the sky.

"Who cares about your bead? It's just a night pearl. I am the direct disciple of the head of Duanxu Palace, the head of the four great immortal sects in the world. Do you still need a bead from you?

Besides, my brother went too, wouldn't my brother pick it up for me? "

Hearing this, An Luofu immediately scratched his nose with some guilt, and then cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Yu Nong, I'm sorry, Brother Wei actually forgot, I will definitely pick up the biggest one for you next time."

"--elder brother!?"

An Yu Nong looked at his own brother, who was a compatriot, with a shocked face.

"After a few months, brother, you didn't think about me at all? Even when you went to play in the 'Chasing the Sea Festival' in the East China Sea, you didn't think about your poor little sister who was trapped on Chong'a Mountain and practiced so hard?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

An Luofu also suppressed his smile, he was a little embarrassed to beg for mercy amidst everyone's laughter.

"My brother will go to the shop in the town at the foot of the mountain tomorrow to buy you bead strings, okay? Buy the biggest beads and thread them into bead strings, they're really pretty."

An Yu Nong was really wronged, she pursed her lips and refused to let go.

"Who wants the finished bead strings in the store? Brother, you are too perfunctory! You have no sincerity at all, and you still want to buy ready-made ones to deal with me."

An Luofu was tortured by his own sister and had a headache. Before he could figure out how to deal with it, Ling Rong raised his hands high and said beamingly:

"—Miss An, don't you like the finished beads? Isn't it a coincidence? I like it!"

She looked at An Luofu with those extraordinarily bright eyes happily.

"Mr. An, I don't dislike the beads you bought in the shop in the town. It doesn't matter if Mrs. An doesn't like it. I want it, I want it!"

As she talked, she let out a thoughtful "Hey", then slapped the table heavily, and said very happily:

"I remembered! The last time we went to the town to play—oh no, I mean, the last time we went to the town to slay demons, guard the way, and fight for justice, I had a bunch of them in a jewelry store. Let's go tomorrow Go and buy that!"

Before An Luofu opened his mouth, An Yunong took the lead and pulled his brother over.

She pulled her brother behind her like a hen protecting a chick, and stared vigilantly at the woman in yellow shirt who was smiling like a cunning fox.

"Wait! Why do you want my brother to buy you beads? You think it's beautiful!"

Lingrong smiled and said: "Didn't you want it? You can't do it if you don't want it?"

An Yu Nong immediately shook his head seriously when he heard the words.

"I can't do what I don't want-men and women can't kiss each other!"

(End of this chapter)

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