Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 260 The Dark Primordial Spirit

Chapter 260 The Dark Primordial Spirit

The Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao was silent for a long time, and then smiled suddenly.

"Fierce God, you really have the posture of not crying when you see the coffin. Do you know that your death is approaching, so you are more presumptuous and lawless?"

Xie Yuci immediately sneered when he heard the words, and didn't give the celestial supreme any face.

"Isn't it? When did Xie Mou act presumptuously and lawlessly?"

He looked at the sun candle with a half smile, his eyes were condensed.

"Your Excellency, when I was at the peak of my divine power in the past, it seemed that you were not so unscrupulous and magnificent when you spoke to me?"

He thought for a while, then turned his head and smiled sarcastically, let out a prolonged "oh", and said:

"That's right, now that you finally got the chance, and you took advantage of my unpreparedness to exert force with these children, you were able to seriously injure me and gain the upper hand. Don't you want to show off the majesty of the emperor?"

Ling Rong's expression froze.

She quietly nodded Xie Yuci from behind, and then whispered:
"—Hey, Xie Yuci, time is not waiting for us, please don't act like a dead man!"

This guy can't even stand up!
If Emperor Zun was so angry and dizzy, and he was so ruthless again, they might all be reimbursed!

Immortal Jiarong suddenly stood calmly between the Holy God Emperor Zun and Xie Yuci, and bowed respectfully.

"Jiarong, the God of the Southern Sea Guard, pays homage to Dizun. Dizun, I don't know that you have received Jiarong's warning summons, so you condescended to come here?
However, I'm afraid that this time I have to trouble Emperor Zun, and you are wasting your time.Now that Dijun is all right, he can wake up immediately if he thinks about it. "

She twitched her brows slightly, and added a sentence at the right time.

"Here, they are all old friends of the emperor, please respect the emperor's affection, don't blame Haihan."

What she meant was that as long as she went to the Holy Emperor, it was possible to wake up.

If Emperor Zun kills all directions and fights here, whether it takes Xie Yuci's life, or accidentally injures Dijun's juniors, it will probably affect the friendship between the two saints.

Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao paused slightly upon hearing this.

He turned his head in silence, looking at Zhuo Qingtan who was suspended in mid-air and shrouded by a piece of pure white Liangyi Zhiyin divine power.

There is a door!

Jiarong Shangxian was overjoyed.

Ling Rong was also very vigilant. She also saw that the Holy God Emperor's expression had been shaken, so she quickly added:

"That's right! That's right! Jiarong is right! We are all good friends of Zhuo Qingtan. It's not a big deal if you hurt us, Emperor Zun, but if you hurt the relationship between the two of you, it's not worth it !"

After thinking about it, she added another sentence decisively.

"We are extremely important in Zhuo Qingtan's heart!"

So immortal, it seems that her words became a superfluous pen
Because, the moment Lingrong's words hit the ground, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly changed!
The Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao slowly turned his gaze back.

His eyes fixedly swept across the faces of Wan Qing and Ling Rong, and finally settled on Xie Yuci.

Then, the Holy God Regal Sun Candle said thoughtfully:
".Yes, Youying's heart is too soft. Therefore, I should help her cut off some weaknesses that shouldn't exist. lest she take some ants too seriously."

The expression on his face was very strange, and then he looked at them with a slow smile.

"Xie Yuci, you had two mortal encounters—one was at the Nantian Gate of the Nine Heavens, and the other was at Xianshan Daiyu Mountain.

It's just that these two times, You Ying fought to the death in exchange for your chance of survival.However, today is the third time.thing, not more than three."

Sun Zhuzhao shook his head slowly with a smile, then said softly:
"—So this time, you must die."

At the same time, Yu Shiran, who has been speechless and thoughtful since the sun candle came down just now, looked at the mysterious smile on the face of the Holy God Emperor. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the sea of ​​consciousness!
She suddenly covered her forehead and took two steps back.

Jiarong turned around: "Aran?"

Yu Shiran said in a daze: "It's you, it's you, it's you? So it's you!"

She remembered!
She remembered it all!

On that day, it was such a divine power that seemed to be able to crush her fairy bones!It was such a strange smile that was both familiar and unfamiliar!

Holy God Regal Sun Candle!

Shangxian Jiarong looked at her in surprise.

"Aran? What's wrong with you?"

Yu Shiran lowered his hands, and stretched out his fingers to the Lord of Heaven and Earth in mid-air with a vigilant expression.

"——It's him! Jiarong! The person who brought me to this point back then was his Holy God Emperor Zun Suncandle!"

Shangxian Jiarong was shocked: "What?!"

She turned her head in a daze to look at the compassionate Holy God Emperor Zun, then at Yu Shiran, and then murmured in disbelief: "...how...how is this possible?"

Yu Shiran is an innate star, a natural immortal official who can easily attain the Tao without much effort in cultivation, and even the rain god of the fairy world!

If she is guilty, Emperor Zun can directly convict her, so why bother to play tricks on her fairy spirit secretly?
If she was innocent, then why did Emperor Zun, as the Supreme Being of the Three Realms, kill and mutilate the immortals?
Yu Shiran looked solemn, she said slowly and solemnly:

"More than 6000 years ago, the mortal world suddenly encountered a severe drought that was rare in a thousand years. At that time, ten rooms were empty, and countless people died of thirst.

But Emperor Zun once ordered me and other immortals not to come to the mortal world, but just standing outside the Nantian Gate of the Nine Heavens and spreading rain is already insignificant and far from enough to relieve the drought.

As a last resort, I had no choice but to go to Dongji Yuxiao Hall to see Emperor Zun.I hope that Emperor Zun who is in retreat will allow me to ask for my order to go down to rescue those mortals who are trapped in the mortal world.

I begged for many days outside Dongji Yuxiao Palace to no avail, in the end I could only dare to offend, avoid the guards and sneak into Yuxiao Palace to ask for orders, only to find out by accident.”

Speaking of this, she still felt very unbelievable after many years, and she couldn't help but pause slightly.

Ling Rong is impatient, seeing that she didn't say anything, she asked urgently:
"But what did you find? Oh! You said it!"

Yu Shiran closed his eyes forcefully, then opened them again suddenly.

"I avoided the guards and entered the Dongji Yuxiao Palace without authorization, only to find that the Primordial Spirit, which was leaking out from the emperor who was repairing the Primordial Spirit, was actually pitch black!"


"No way?"

"--How can it be?"

All the people present, except for the three mortals who didn't know what to say, the rest of them, whether they were immortals or demons, turned pale with shock when they heard the words.

Even Xie Yuci, who was always calm, couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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