Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 261 Betting You Still Can't Kill Me

The pitch-black primordial spirit is indeed the appearance of a fierce god!
But even Xie Yuci, who has been called the "fierce god" by the world for tens of thousands of years, has no dark soul.Xie Yuci's primordial spirit is dark purple.

As for the Holy God Emperor Sun Candlelight, he is obviously the most holy god who was born from chaos and became a god. How could he have a black primordial spirit?

Yu Shiran was silent for a moment, then continued.

"It's strange, isn't it? I was too shocked at the time. So I accidentally touched the formation in Yuxiao Palace, and also disturbed the sun candles that were in retreat."

At this time, she didn't even call her "Di Zun" anymore.

"At that moment, I felt the killing intent emanating from Sun Zhuzhao's body, so I panicked and had no choice but to escape from the Dongji Yuxiao Palace first.

While running for my life, I suddenly remembered that he once told the immortals that the emperor is now going through calamities in the mortal world.

At that moment, I was so bewildered and shocked that I completely forgot whether my appearance in the mortal world would affect the emperor's calamity, so I went straight to the Fallen God Pavilion.

——I have a hunch in the dark, if I still stay in Jiuchongtian, then I will definitely die.

I must jump off the Fallen God Pavilion to find the emperor, and report this matter!Even if he becomes a sinful immortal from now on, his bones are stripped and his spirits are crushed, he will not hesitate! "

Having said that, she suddenly gave a wry smile.

"You all know what happened after that. When I jumped down, Xianli and Xianyi were stripped away by the power of reincarnation of Fallen God Ting, completely losing their memory.

Now that I think about it, the person who tampered with my fairy spirit and erased part of my fairy memory was you, the Emperor Zun, who came after me, right? "

The Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao was silent for a moment, then smiled faintly.

He nodded frankly, and said with a soft smile: "It's me."

Although Yu Shiran already had the answer in her heart, when she heard him admit it, there was still a void in her heart.

it is true.

The most powerful and noble holy god in the universe, revered by the Three Realms and born in the heavens and earth since the dawn of chaos, is not even considered a "god".

He is the real evil spirit?
Even the soul is as black as ink, the real god of evil!

Yu Shiran raised his head in a daze, looked at the brow bone of the Holy God Emperor, who was as clear as a breeze, and subconsciously asked a stupid question.


The Holy God Regal smiled with a little compassion.

"Why? Ah, perhaps, because you know too much."

He sighed softly.

"Actually, I should have killed you after you jumped into the Fallen God Pavilion, so as to prevent future troubles. But when I was about to do it, it suddenly occurred to me that you were also a child who grew up under her knees.

If one day, she returns to the throne and dies, but finds out that you are dead, she must be sad, right?So, for a while, I felt compassion in my heart. "

He smiled lightly.

"It's my fault. I really shouldn't be so weak. If I killed you at that time, instead of just erasing part of your fairy memories, I think maybe there would be no need for so many people to die today."

Everyone's heart suddenly jumped.

What do you mean?
Could it be that Sun Zhuzhao actually wanted to kill all those who already knew about this at this time?

The Holy God Regal Sun Candle smiled and looked at them.

"You guys are right. If this is the case, let's make a quick decision. Otherwise, if Youying wakes up, there will be some trouble."

"After all. If it is not inevitable, I really don't want to fight her."

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his fingertips lightly, and suddenly broke through the barrier that Xie Yuci had placed in front of him.

Immediately, Luo Yanchi, Xi Ningyan and An Luofu who were standing in front of him were suddenly overwhelmed by the divine power, and suddenly fell to their knees, spitting blood!

Seeing this, Ling Rong raised her head in horror and shouted loudly:

"—Good day, Sun Candle! Fortunately, you have been the Emperor of the Nine Heavens for so many years, and you are so careless about your shots, you don't even say hello!"

She made a seal on her chest, condensed the monster power all over her body into her arms, and scolded softly:

"What kind of skill is it to bully a few young people who are not as good as the weak crown? We have fought!"

Xie Yuci turned his head and shouted in a low voice: "Ling Rong, step back! I'll do it!"

But he was seriously injured just now, at this moment he raised his breath and opened his mouth, suddenly lost his breath, and couldn't stop Lingrong for a while.

Facts have proved that although Lingrong has tens of thousands of years of Taoism, and many high-quality immortal medicines from the past in the Taiyin Youying Palace of the Holy Emperor, she still has not touched a single corner of her clothes illuminated by the sun candle. arrive.

Sun Zhuzhao didn't even look at her directly, just waved his cloud sleeve lightly, and Lingrong was overturned heavily by the surging divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang.

She was hit hard on the pear tree beside her, knocking the pear blossoms all over the tree so that the branches trembled.


Ling Rong vomited the blood in her chest, her eyes were straight.

". Outrageous! Wait. Didn't you say that his primordial spirit is black? Since he is not a real god, why can he still use such a terrifying divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang? This? Is this in line with common sense?"

Wan Qing sighed distractedly and helplessly:
"Leaving aside how he operates the divine power of the Liangyi Zhiyang, but at least he has been the Holy God Emperor for tens of thousands of years. How can you, a little monster, deal with it? You come here to support the Lord, and I will come !"

Xie Yuci immediately grabbed her arm with his backhand.

"No, you are not his opponent either! I will block him, you take Qingtan and leave quickly!"

Wan Qing smiled gently and pushed away his shackles.

"My lord, I know that I am not the opponent of the sun candle. But at this time you are seriously injured, and you can't win against him. Even if you try your best to leave a picture of the sun candle for us, we still can't escape."

Having said that, she lowered her voice and whispered in Xie Yuci's ear.

"Shangxian Jiarong has sent me a sound transmission just now, and we will go up one by one, so we can always spend more time. When the emperor wakes up, everything will turn around."

Xie Yuci frowned upon hearing this.

He was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll come first."

"No, my lord, you are our trump card, and only you can delay it for a longer time."

Wan Qing lowered her voice and said softly: "If you are strong at this time, I'm afraid you will be the same as Ling Rong, and you will lose in a face-to-face.

Let us come first, so as to buy you more time to concentrate.When we lose, everything will depend on the Lord. "

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Xie Yuci's reply, she saw that Ling Rong had already supported Xie Yuci's arm, so she immediately jumped into the arena.

Wan Qing's arms stretched slowly, as graceful as a dance.

She formed seals on both sides of her body, and immediately converged between her eyebrows, and struck forward fiercely.

Wan Qing was originally a talented fairy beast Teng Snake, who had laid a good foundation in Xianshan Dai Yu when she was young.At this time, with a powerful blow, the imprisonment of the sun candle cast on An Luofu and others was actually forced to retreat a little.

"Oh? It's interesting."

Sun Zhuzhao looked at her with some surprise.

"So it's you? I remember you. You are the snake that violated the rules of heaven and was crushed by me in the past."

He nodded thoughtfully, then suddenly laughed in a deep voice.

"Sigh, it's ridiculous—as a fairy beast, you still recognize the evil god as the master. I originally planned to take advantage of your fairy spirit to be broken, and then I would get rid of you, an unruly beast.

However, Youying was obviously at the end of her strength at that time, but she wanted to allocate a divine power to protect your injury.As a last resort, I can only spare your life. "

Sun Zhuzhao shook his head and sighed.

"Now it seems that whether you die early or late, you will always die."

Wan Qing sneered, and said politely: "Really? Then Wan Qing would like to learn from 'the gnat may shake the tree', and make a bet with Your Excellency!"

The Holy God Emperor slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? What bet?"

"I'll bet you that the sun is shining—it's still the same today, you can't kill me!"

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