Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 263 False God

The Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao was silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled very gently.

His tone was exceptionally soothing and gentle, completely different from the previous agitation, and he couldn't see the fierceness that opened up the world just a few breaths ago.

"Youying, I'm very happy to see you regaining your divine bone, reshaping your primordial spirit, and regaining the power of Yin and Yang."

But Zhuo Qingtan didn't answer immediately.

She first moved the slender fingers printed on her forehead outward a little, and the huge divine power and pressure on Mount Chong'a from the ancient sacred god Emperor Zun suddenly broke!
After a long time, everyone heard the long-lost birdsong and wind again.

The next moment, she flicked her cloud sleeves lightly, and a soft yet strong white divine light instantly enveloped Xie Yuci and the other injured people.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other dumbfounded.

Because they could clearly feel that the chapped and tingling celestial veins and spiritual veins in their bodies had the potential to heal in an instant.

"My God."

Ling Rong murmured in astonishment: "Is this the real power of Zhuo Qingtan? This is too much."

This is too scary, right?
Although there have been rumors in the world for a long time, it is said that the divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang, the holy emperor, Taiyin Youying, is the most powerful in the world, and can heal everything in the world, but after all, they have never been lucky enough to see them in the mortal world, so... this is actually true ?

In the past, she already felt that Zhuo Qingtan was very scary!

Just ask a young mortal immortal disciple in his early twenties, who actually possesses terrifying strength enough to fight a big monster!Isn't this ridiculous?
Looking at it now, where were those in the past?
Now Zhuo Qingtan, after recovering the divine bone, reshaping the primordial spirit, and recreating the divine body, is the real terrifying power!
Ling Rong silently babbled and stopped talking.

Zhuo Qingtan appeared next to Xie Yuci in an instant.

She leaned down and supported Xie Yuci's half-kneeling body, then frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Xie Yuci raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly: "Naturally nothing happened."

Zhuo Qingtan frowned.

What a bravado.

In fact, as early as the moment she put her hands on Xie Yuci's back, she had already felt the turbulent soul and the chaotic pulse in his body.
While losing Qiong Qizhu, he was also mercilessly fatally hit by the ancient gods.

However, Zhuo Qingtan didn't break through his "disguise", but once again entered his body with a soft and gentle divine power of Liangyi Zhiyin to help him stabilize his soul and restore his veins.

After finishing all this, she slowly raised her head, and once again quietly looked at the Supreme Being of the Nine Heavens floating in mid-air.


Before Holy God Emperor Zun could speak, Ling Rong regained her spirit after being healed by Liangyi Zhiyin divine power, and couldn't help but speak first again:

"You fool, you still call him Emperor Zun? You don't know yet, I think he is the most evil monster in the world! His soul is actually—"

Zhuo Qingtan suddenly raised his hand slightly to stop her next words.

"I heard it all."

Ling Rong was startled when she heard this.


Zhuo Qingtan didn't look back, she still quietly looked into the eyes of the Holy God Emperor Zun's sunlit candles.

"I said, I heard all the conversations you had just now. The moment Yuci's 'Qingqizhu' entered my soul, I already had consciousness and ear awareness.

It's just that during the remodeling period of 'Qing Qizhu' and my body's spirit and soul, except for this second consciousness, my other four consciousnesses are empty, and I can't control my body for the time being. "

——It was not until her primordial spirit was completely reshaped, the new primordial spirit and the divine bone were completely fused, and this body became a real god's body, that she finally regained control of her body!

Fortunately, it is not too late.

She finally opened her eyes before the final blow of the Holy God Regal's sun candle.

Ling Rong was stunned when she heard the words, and then said "ah" in a daze.

She actually heard it all?
That would have saved a lot of trouble. But originally she planned to add fuel to the fire and sue Sun Zhuzhao for bad behavior again, so it would be easier for him.

When Zhuo Qingtan said that she had heard all the conversations between them just now, the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao fell silent extremely rarely.

Zhuo Qingtan looked at him quietly for a moment, then slowly said: "Di Zun, do you have anything else to say to me."

Although she had already heard the general idea before, there were many unclear causes and effects, and she still wanted to hear his explanation.

The Holy God Emperor sighed softly when he heard the words, his tone seemed a little doting, but also a little helpless.

But his lowered eyes were indifferent.

"Youying, what do you want to hear from me?"

"for example."

Zhuo Qingtan slightly raised his eyes.

"Why is your primordial spirit black?"

Yu Shiran just said that the reason why she was forced to fall into the fallen gods and go to the mortal world more than [-] years ago was that by chance, she broke through the Holy God Emperor and actually carried a most vicious and evil spirit... The ink color primordial spirit!

But Zhuo Qingtan remembers clearly that in the past, she once went down to eliminate evil from the realm, with few enemies and many enemies, she fought against several ancient beasts, and was injured because of it.

After she returned to the Nine Heavens that time, it was the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao who forced his own primordial spirit out of the body to heal her injuries.

She clearly remembered that at that time, the primordial spirit of the Holy God Emperor Zun was the same as his divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang, both of which were bright yellow.

That being the case, why did the once bright yellow and pure primordial spirit turn into an ominous and evil black?

Or is it just black?

After a moment of silence, the Holy God Emperor suddenly smiled with his forehead raised.

He shook his head with a sigh, and murmured slowly: "So, a soft heart is the greatest weakness and drawback of the existence of ancient gods.

In the past, the god Nuwa and Pangu, which one is not supernatural?But he was born with heartache and pain for all living beings, and even disregarded his own honor and disgrace—one was exhausted while repairing the sky, and ended up with an end of extinction; the other was divided into gods and bodies in Kyushu to form mountains and rivers, and the world was thriving instead."

Speaking of this, he glanced lightly at Yu Shiran who was always on guard against him, and then shook his head slightly unwillingly.

"I am so proud of my Dao heart that I have an iron heart, so that one day I will be misfortune to several ancient sages who also lost their soft hearts.

It's ridiculous to say that there was only such a soft heart and hesitation.Everything that I have carefully managed and calculated exhaustively for tens of thousands of years is like a mountain falling, and nothing remains. "

Xie Yuci frowned slightly.

What is the meaning of the sun candle shining on this?

Could it be that he didn't go into madness because of something wrong in his practice, but that he was born with such a dark and fierce soul, so that he was so careful to hide it from all beings in the three realms for tens of thousands of years?

After a moment of silence, Zhuo Qingtan nodded slowly.

"So, your primordial spirit is black from the beginning to the end. You are also from the beginning to the end."

She held back the last two words and never uttered them.

It turns out that the supreme being of heaven and earth, the Holy God, Dizun, has always been a demon from the beginning to the end.

——A true heaven and earth evil born at the beginning of chaos!
When Lingrong heard this, she was so shocked that she didn't know what expression to make.

She pushed Wan Qing calmly, and whispered:

"Grandma, am I not mistaken? There are monsters who can hide their real bodies for tens of thousands of years in the Nine Heavens, and even become the emperor of the heavens? Isn't this a bit too ridiculous?"

Wan Qing was silent for a moment, then pulled out her sleeve from Ling Rong's hand, quite speechless.

Wan Qing was not the only one who was also speechless.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned tightly, and looked at the Sun Candle of the Holy God Emperor from the air, seemingly also incomprehensible.

"Di Zun, I don't quite understand. If you are born with a fierce spirit, how do you control and control the absolute yang energy and the sun essence in the two instruments of heaven and earth?"

No one will admit that Zhigang Zhichun's Liangyi Zhiyang divine power is the most powerful and noble holy god in the universe.

Unexpectedly, the Holy God Emperor suddenly laughed when he heard this.

After he finished laughing, he glanced lightly at the frowning Xie Yuci, and replied with a sympathetic smile:

"What? Seeing him, don't you understand?"

The look he gave Xie Yuci meant something, which was very weird.

Zhuo Qingtan frowned, turned his head and looked at Xie Yuci for a moment.

But Wan Qing suddenly said coldly: "False god! What have you to do with my Patriarch for doing evil yourself? Don't you want to say that the reason why you can use the divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang is to blame my Patriarch?"

The Holy God Emperor burst out laughing, Zhuo Qingtan couldn't help frowning a little more when he saw him pretending to be crazy.

The sun candles smiled and spread their hands.

"Why can't he be blamed? Of course it's because of him."

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