Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 264 The truth of the creation of the gods, the real candlelight of the sun

because of him?
Xie Yuci was stunned.

More than words of thanks?Everyone present frowned upon hearing this.

For a moment, everyone even wondered if they had been stunned and had auditory hallucinations, or if this false god had lost his mind and lost his mind.

Zhuo Qingtan turned his head to look at Xie Yuci, who was full of doubts, and gently shook the back of his somewhat cold hand comfortingly.

Xie Yuci frowned, he glanced back at Zhuo Qingtan, and then turned his gaze to the sun candle.

He was quietly observing the expression of the sun candle, trying to discern what his intentions were.

What does the sun candle mean?
Did he just mean to say that the reason why he can use the divine power of Liangyi Zhiyang is because of his thanks?
Sun Zhuzhao looked at the two of them with a smile.

He seemed to be pleased by everyone's surprise and uncertainty at this time, his smile was very different from that of the Holy God Emperor in the past, and his demeanor was completely different.

The Holy Emperor looked at the imprint of the Sun Essence in his palm, which symbolized the supreme authority, and murmured softly:
"After pretending for so many years, I always thought that to be respected by the Three Realms, to be worshiped by all living beings, and to have the infinite glory of God is to have everything.

Looking at it now, from the beginning of chaos to the tens of thousands of years now, I am actually the happiest at this very moment!Not in vain-"

He slowly looked away from his palm, and looked at Xie Yuci with a half-smile.

"—It's not in vain that in the past, when the chaos was not opened, and you were not born, I tried my best to forcibly snatch your godhead and Liangyi Zhiyang divine power in the chaos."

Everyone was stunned at first, and then shocked!

"what did he say?"

"Di Zun said that he took away Xie Yuci's godhead and power?"

At this time, Zhuo Qingtan's eyes had lost the slightest bit of warmth.

She stared intently and coldly at the former "yoshi brother" who was rumored to be "co-born" with her from the beginning of chaos, as if looking at a complete stranger.

Xie Yuci was stunned at first, then frowned and fell silent, as if digesting this powerful sentence.

But in just a short while, he had already figured out the cause and effect of this place from the few words of the Holy God Emperor's sun candle.

Xie Yuci let out a long breath, then nodded suddenly.

"So that's how it is. The incomprehensible matter that has troubled Xie in my heart for tens of thousands of years, now I finally understand. Although you have committed a heinous crime, I still want to thank you for telling me the truth."

This time, the slightly stunned person turned into the Holy God Emperor.

He let out a slightly surprised "Huh", then shook his head and smiled.

"Intelligent, really intelligent. I didn't expect you to smooth out the cause and effect in such a short period of time. You are worthy of the ancient gods-the sun, the sun, the candle, and the light."

Although I have vaguely guessed it before, when the words "ancient holy sun candle" were spoken word by word from the mouth of the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao, no matter whether it was Jiarong Shangxian or Yu Shiran, the two former The Immortals of the Nine Heavens, or the disciples of Wanqing Lingrong and Duanxu Palace, who have been wandering in the mortal world all year round, were all silent.

This is really too unexpected!

At the beginning, when Yu Shiranyan and the Holy God Emperor Zun actually possessed a pure black primordial spirit, everyone thought about countless possibilities in their hearts.

But the first thought that pops up in most people's minds is that in the past, the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao split half of the soul of the primordial spirit to keep the shadow of the sun, and then fell into the devil and fell into the devil's way, so he made a mistake. !
It's just that they never expected that the Holy God Emperor was actually a demon from the beginning to the end!
——And it was also a most vicious and evil demon who forcibly plundered and stole the real Sun God's divine power and godhead from the chaos when the world was not yet opened!

It turned out that as early as the very beginning, there was a person who cheated the world and occupied the magpie's nest for thousands of years!
The Holy God Emperor "Sun Candlelight" seemed to be very happy because of their expressions at this time, and he actually smiled again.

There was sarcasm towards all beings in the three realms in that smile, as well as the madness that had been hidden for many years and finally got his wish and was able to vent.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"It's ridiculous, isn't it? A fierce god born from the chaos of heaven and earth, from the fierce to the evil, actually managed to hide the truth from the ancient gods after the chaos first opened, ranking first among the gods, and being reverently worshiped by all living beings Thousands of years! Am I amazing?"

He seemed to find it particularly amused, and couldn't help laughing.

"It's ironic to say! The world has not yet opened, and the first person to awaken in the chaos is not you so-called innate gods, but me!
What does this show?Explanation - this is God's will!I am the way of heaven!

It was God's will that allowed me to be the first to open my eyes from the chaos before the world opened; it was the way of heaven that allowed me to have the opportunity to change your fate before the gods woke up! "

Zhuo Qingtan frowned and looked at his insanity at this moment, lightly opened his pearly lips, and uttered a few words coldly:
"You are crazy."

The Holy God Emperor "Sun Candlelight" slowly put away his smile when he heard the words, and he sighed softly:

"Really? Am I crazy?

But if it were any one person, who would give up this easy-to-get opportunity?Give up this supreme power that can change the world and change your life against the sky? —At least I can't do it.

do you know?Looking at the ancient gods floating in the chaos surrounded by all kinds of pure divine light, but ignorant and without a trace of consciousness, the scene is really enviable and exciting. "

"At the time, I was thinking, why?
Why are you people born holy once you come into the world?Why should I become a fierce god that everyone shouts and beats once the chaos is opened? "

Xie Yuci sneered when he heard this.

"So, your Excellency came up with a coup? Taking advantage of the ignorance of the gods, they have not yet awakened and cannot resist, choose one person, and take away their godhead and power, and it happens to be the 'unlucky ghost' you have chosen ,Yeah?"

The Holy God Dizun "Sun Zhuzhao" lifted up the long cloud sleeves on Dijun's mianfu, covered his lips and laughed.

"Exactly! Since I have to choose, I naturally want to choose the best one.

Among the two instruments, the absolute yang energy and the essence of the sun, the most powerful and noble divine body in the universe - Xie Yuci, since you have such a unique divine way, I want to change my life against the sky, and I can sacrifice you who? "

He thought for a while, then looked at Zhuo Qingtan with a smile again.

"Actually, Youying, I also considered changing my life with you at the beginning. However, compared to the divine power of the two instruments to the sun that is the most powerful in the world, the divine power of the two instruments to the yin that heals all things is not so much to me. Great attraction."

Xie Yuci suddenly said indifferently: "Xie is just curious. Since you have taken advantage of my unstable appearance and unable to fight back, you have forcibly exchanged my godhead and divine power. Then why did you leave it alone, which is enough to overturn the three worlds?" , the majestic purple energy that pierced the sky, and my divine bone?"

He raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Your Excellency seems to be... not such a kind person?"

Holy God Emperor shook his head and smiled again.

"If you say this, then you should thank Youying."

Zhuo Qingtan frowned.

However, the Holy God Emperor did not give in again.

"In the past, when I just exchanged the divine power in you with my body and took away your godhead, before I had time to absorb the majestic purple energy and shatter your god bones, who would have known that the ancient gods had appeared one after another? signs of birth.

——The holy god Taiyin Youying, who is transformed by the congenital yin energy and the Taiyin essence in the two forms, and is second only to your sun candle in the universe, is about to wake up first.

Immediately, I saw the divine light of Liangyi Zhiyang's divine power suddenly appear in the chaos, and there were signs of the beginning of heaven and earth. "

He sighed regretfully.

"Time doesn't wait for me. As a last resort, I have no choice but to let you go temporarily, pretending to wake up at the same time as Youying."

The Holy God Emperor "Sun Candlelight" looked at everyone with a half-smile.

"The next thing, you should all know.

The primordial purple air breaks through the chaos, separating the heaven and the earth into two ends;
The gods of ancient times came to the world one after another—replenishing the sky, building mountains and rivers, creating all things, distributing stars, and opening up secluded capitals, making today's Three Realms and Kyushu, and the four seas and eight wastes.

——And this ancient anecdote is called "the creation of the gods" in later history. "

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