Fairy Bone Order

Chapter 33 Farewell, Don't Be Stupid

Chapter 33 Farewell, Don't Be Stupid
Jun Bie didn't know what came to mind because of Xiang Shengdijun's words, he slowly lowered his head slightly dejectedly, and rested his chin on Xiang Shengdijun's lap presumptuously.

"But Dijun, Junbie doesn't want to grow up."

Looking at his slightly dim and gloomy eyes, Xiang Shengdijun suddenly fell silent, not knowing what to say.

There was a trace of confusion in Junbie's eyes that he hadn't noticed, and he asked softly:

"Emperor, since Junbie is a beast born with divine bones, why is he still infected with the eight sufferings of the mortal world?"

Xiang Shengdijun subconsciously turned his eyes away from his face, looked at the dreamlike clouds and smoke in the fairy mountain in the distance outside the window, and said slowly after a while:
"Birth, old age, sickness, death, meeting with hatred and hatred, parting from love, not being able to get what you want, and the five aggregates of grasping, these eight sufferings are not limited to ordinary worlds.

Whether it is a human being, a god, an immortal, or a demon, when one is born with feelings, one has worries, and once there are worries, it is difficult to find out the path of the eight sufferings. "

Junbie sighed: .

"It's no wonder that although the rules of heaven have never restrained the gods from being emotional, the immortals in the heavens rarely have people who are emotional. If there is love, there will be love and parting. If there is love, there will be no request. If there is love, there will be hatred.

The immortals are all people of great wisdom, so naturally they don't want to suffer. "

Xiang Shengdijun was silent for a moment, but suddenly said softly:

"If you are sentient, you will have the love and joy of being sentient. If you are ruthless, you will have the freedom of being ruthless. Don't be obsessed with paranoia in everything, just let nature take its course and follow your heart, that's the best."

Jun Bie paused slightly when he heard the words, he tilted his head to look at the god on the jade throne, his eyelashes flickering.

Then, after a few moments, he said softly: "Emperor, everyone knows that God is ruthless and knows all kinds of suffering. But Jun Bie feels that this statement is wrong."

He looked down at Shengdijun slightly.

Jun Bie continued: "Jun Bie has never met the Holy God Emperor, so I don't know if the Emperor is as ruthless as the rumors. But Jun Bie was raised by the Dijun, and he knows that although the Dijun is a god, he has compassion in his heart. .

How can it be said to be ruthless with compassion and love for the weak gods of the common people?Dijun, you are the softest god in the world. "

Xiang Shengdijun was slightly startled when he heard the words, but smiled lightly the next second, and her smile could not distinguish between sadness and joy.

Junbie saw this smile but was slightly dazed, for a moment he couldn't even judge whether Dijun was really laughing or laughing at himself.

After a while, he whispered to Shengdijun:

"Shangshen is ruthless. His intention is to give up small feelings and think of great righteousness. If you give up small feelings, you can be fair in your heart, and then you will not be biased towards the common people. This is the way of great love."

She silently looked into the young man's confused eyes, and asked softly, "Jun Farewell, you have a mental block."

After a farewell pause, he was silent for a moment as if he was thinking, then nodded slightly after a while, and replied in a low voice:

"Dijun, many years ago Junbie once said that there is no personal relationship in this life, and he only wishes to practice quietly under the emperor's seat."

Xiang Shengdijun looked at him lightly and asked, "What about now?"


There was a trace of bewilderment in Junbie's eyes, and he lowered his head in bewilderment.

"Emperor, after Junbie went down the mountain, I met a mortal woman named Yu Lan. She was very humble and righteous. She was a very unusual woman.

Jun Bie has known her for many years, and every time he sees her smiling, he feels peace and joy in his heart.

Later, when I was about to return to Daiyu, I wanted to know her thoughts and report our affairs to the emperor.But Ah Lan left without saying goodbye.

Dijun, come to think of it, this is the answer Yu Lan gave me. "

After Junbie said that, his expression was gloomy, and the youth's always inflated and optimistic spirit was also slightly sluggish.

Xiang Shengdijun was silent for a long time, as if he didn't know what to say.

After a while, she said softly: "Farewell, she is not a lover, so you don't have to worry about it."

Jun Bie was slightly startled, he raised his head in astonishment and looked at Shengdijun in surprise.

He was very surprised, because for so many years, he had never heard a single word of belittlement of others from Xiang Shengdijun, and this was the first time.

And the object that the emperor belittled in his words was actually a mortal woman...or someone he liked.

"Dijun, what do you mean by this? Alan, although she is just a mortal, she is a kind-hearted woman who cares about the sufferings of the world. Why does the emperor make such an assertion?"

As soon as Jun farewell said, he subconsciously bit his lower lip, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

What did he say?
He dared to question and offend the emperor.

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of the taciturn woman who had been silently by her side for several years, no matter whether it was cold or hot.

Xiang Shengdijun was stunned for a moment by the young man's questioning.

She fixedly looked at Jun Bie who was struggling, and said after a while: "It is true that she is as good as you said, but if she has no love and you in her heart, then she is definitely not your lover."

She said softly, "Farewell, don't be stupid."

Junbie stared stubbornly at the Dijun's eyes, with a peculiar stubbornness of a teenager.

"Dijun, it's because I'm not good enough that she didn't like me. So Dijun, this is my fault, not Qing's fault. Where the heart goes, she feels at peace, and she is definitely not stupid."

The emotion that the young man experienced for the first time in his life came so strongly and resolutely, sincerely and frankly in the past few years, amidst the joys and sorrows and adversity.

He knelt in front of the emperor, frankly.The light in his eyes was so bright that for a moment, even the emperor was speechless.

After a while, Xiang Shengdijun seemed to have finally made a decision, and she withdrew her gaze from the boy's face.

Then he straightened his slender but tall waist, leaned on his chin slightly with his right hand, and closed his eyes.

She said in a deep voice, "Go out."

Jun Bie was slightly taken aback: "Dijun?"

Xiang Shengdijun didn't look at him again, and said softly:

"Go out, I'm tired."

Jun Bie was startled, he looked carefully at Shengdijun's small chin and jaw line profile, and sure enough, he saw that Dijun's complexion was not very good at this time, he just thought she was really tired.

So, he immediately stood up, made a seal on his chest, and saluted respectfully.

"Yes, Dijun, then you should rest first. Junbie will go to take a bath and change clothes, and then prepare 'Sanying Morning Dew' for Dijun."

"No need."

Xiang Shengdijun's voice was low, with a trace of exhaustion and melancholy that could hardly be concealed.

"My retreat is not over yet, and you don't have to come again."

Junbie was really stunned this time.

His saluting hand stopped in mid-air, and he didn't make another move for a long time.

However, Emperor Shengdi closed his eyes and continued to say calmly:

"The experience in the mortal world is over, so it's time to go to the Jiuchongtian to practice. After you rest for a few days, go to Jiarong to get the warrant of the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace, and then go to Fallen God Ting to take up the post."


Jun Bie frowned slightly: "Are you trying to drive me out of Zhuozhi Immortal Palace?"

Xiang Shengdijun shook his head slightly, and said softly: "It's just to practice."

Jun Bie looked stubbornly at the previous emperor, but he couldn't hold back for a while, and blurted out.

"Dijun, but because I moved the heart, so the emperor wants to drive me away? But you have clearly said before that Jiuchongtian does not restrict the feelings of the immortals in the immortal world, let alone Junbie is not an immortal official at this time."

This time, Xiang Shengdijun finally opened his eyes.

She looked at him quietly, with a sense of sadness and desolation in her eyes that she couldn't understand at this moment.

"You have traveled in the mortal world, and you already understand the eight sufferings in the world, and you have gained some insights and benefits in self-cultivation and Taoism.

I want you to go to Fallen God Ting to practice again, and I want you to see the past of those sinners and demons who violated the precepts and do evil in the Three Realms, understand the paranoia and obsession in their hearts, and then go to repair your heart. "

It was the first time in Jun Bie's life that he heard Xiang Shengdijun speak to him in such a cold tone.

"Farewell, your heart is confused, and you are messing around with unworthy personnel and affairs. I will not prevent you from being affectionate, but the wrong payment of affection is really useless to others and yourself."

She seemed impatient to be entangled with this stubborn young man, and waved her hand lightly.


Immediately, Shangxian Jiarong, outside the hall, sensed the decree from the God of God, and she walked into the hall quickly, bowing her body and making a salute.


As soon as she entered the hall, she was a little taken aback by the weird stalemate atmosphere in the hall.

But without waiting for her to think about it, the Holy Emperor had already spoken on the high platform.

"Send Jun farewell to Fallen God Ting."


Jiarong Shangxian turned pale with fright, and she knelt down quickly.

"Emperor, calm down! Did Jun Farewell offend the Emperor with inappropriate words and deeds? But if the Emperor wants to be punished, he can be punished in our Zhuozhi Immortal Palace. Please be kind and don't send him to Fallen God Ting to be punished."

Junbie was silent.

Xiang Shengdijun rubbed his sore forehead, and sighed very lightly.

"This is not a punishment. I have already ordered Yu Bie to go to the Fallen God Ting to practice, so I will go to the Fallen God Ting to become the priest of the temple."


Jiarong Shangxian breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately smiled and said:

"It turns out that the Fallen God Pavilion is directly under the Holy God Emperor Zun, and is responsible for arresting and punishing criminals. It is a good place to be respected by the immortals of the Ninth Layer Heaven. Sure enough, the Emperor thought a lot about the farewell."

But Junbie suddenly said, "I don't want to go."

Jiarong Shangxian was stunned, and immediately turned around and reprimanded after realizing:
"Farewell! Don't be presumptuous! Serving in the Temple of the Fallen God, the status is so respectable, you must not let down the painstaking efforts of the emperor."

Looking quietly at the stubborn young man with his neck up and his body stiff not far away, Shengdijun suddenly said:
"Then what if I insist on you going? Farewell, are you going to disobey my order?"

Junbie froze for a moment.

He seemed to be struggling violently in his heart, but after a long time, he finally loosened his tightly clenched palms and bowed to salute.

"Farewell. Don't dare."

Jiarong Shangxian heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the words.

"it is good."

Wang Shengdi Jun Dingding stared at Junbie's unwilling and sad face, then turned his head to look at Jiarong Shangxian.

"Jiarong, bring the warrant of the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace, there is no need to choose a date, it is now. You personally, send him to Jiuchongtian."

Jiarong Shangxian was slightly stunned, she subconsciously interceded for Junbie.

"...Ah, but Dijun, Junbie has just returned from the experience in the mortal world, do you want to leave him for a while—"

"You step back."

Xiang Shengdijun gently closed his eyes and interrupted her.

This is the answer to the Holy Emperor.

Jiarong Shangxian bit his lip, then said softly: "Yes, Dijun."

Junbie was also silent for a moment.

After a while, he still slowly bent his knees and knelt down on the cold white jade floor tiles, facing the jade steps and kowtowing heavily.

"Jun farewell, it will be a long time, please take care of yourself, the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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