Chapter 34

Perhaps it was because half of the divine power of the Holy Emperor in the past was now on Junbie.

Therefore, Zhuo Qingtan unexpectedly found himself in the illusion, and could switch to the perspective of either Dijun or Junbie at will.

Junbie rejected Shangxian Jiarong's kindness to accompany him to the heaven, and took the token of the Zhuozhi Immortal Palace to the Holy Emperor, and cast a spell to rush to the Fallen God Pavilion in the Nine Heavens.

Since then, he has become a temple priest of the Fallen God.

He was concerned about Yu Lan, who was missing in the mortal world, and also about the body of the Holy Emperor. He still remembered that when he left, the emperor seemed to be a little uneasy.

One day above the Nine Heavens, nearly a year has passed between Dai Yu's fairy mountain and the mortal world.

Every day that Junbie works in the sky is equivalent to missing a year for the two most important people in his heart.

Therefore, he was worried and could not be at peace.

On the tenth day of Junbie's tenure in Jiuchongtian, his heart was already overgrown like weeds.

Although the daily errands are being done meticulously, it is always difficult to calm down and is often very irritable.

Although Dijun's spirit is ailed, but Dijun is an ancient god who created the heaven and earth, with boundless divine powers, and there are many immortals in Zhuozhi Immortal Palace to take care of him, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

However, Yu Lan is different.

She is just a mortal, a mortal who will experience birth, old age, sickness and death.

When he parted from Yu Lan, Yu Lan was about 20 years old in the human world.

Now, one day in the sky and one year in the mortal world, it is already the tenth day for him to go to heaven, I am afraid that the beauty is now in her thirties.

I don't know if Ah Lan is still safe now, is she still walking alone, alone?
Or, she has already met the person she likes, and she will marry and have children with him, and join hands in love?
Thinking of the latter possibility, Junbie felt a little restless in his heart.

What Dijun said is right, he...has a mental block.

However, he is not an ordinary heavenly official, but an immortal from the Temple of the Fallen God.

Priests have heavy responsibilities, and they are not allowed to leave Jiuchongtian without orders, let alone go to the mortal world to find Yu Lan.

This long-lasting love, which ended without a cause, made him worry and worry.

However, he hadn't had the opportunity to experience much of the difficulty of being in love for the first time as a teenager, but Jiarong Shangxian had brought him a bad news on the 11th day of farewell to the Nine Heavens.

"This is."

Jun Bie stared blankly at the book of life and death handed to him by Shangxian Jiarong, speechless for a long time.

There is only a short sentence in the book of life and death, but it tells the short life of a mortal woman.

"Yu Lan, a person from Chongzhou, died in Huainan after eliminating demons. During his lifetime, he practiced immortality and defended Taoism, accumulated good deeds, and promised to be reincarnated into a wealthy family."

Jun Bie silently looked at the thin yellowed paper with only three crosses on it, his face ashen.

"Alan, she passed away."

Jiarong Shangxian looked at the ashes on his face, nodded, and then patted his arm lightly.

"The emperor knows that this woman is someone you care about, so give me this piece of life and death book, and let me tell you about her recent situation.

The emperor also said that although the two of you met by chance and stayed together for several years, Yi Ren has passed away, and I hope you will find out the past as soon as possible. "

Jun Bie's fingers trembled slightly, and he lightly brushed the two lines of words, as if touching Yu Lan's washed white haired and worn sleeves of Taoist robe again.

A moment later, the corner of his mouth slightly raised a line.

That is not a laugh, but a bitter memory.It's the bitterness that he longs for, and it's what he longs for and can't give up.

But in the end, he still said softly: "The emperor was too worried. In fact, Ah Lan never promised me anything. All of this is just my own suffering."

After thinking about it, he raised his head and asked softly:

"Aunt Jiarong, did Ah Lan feel pain when he left?"

Jiarong Shangxian was startled, she frowned and shook her head.

"Farewell, to be honest, except for this page of life and death book handed over by the emperor, I don't know anything about it.

But my aunt would like to advise you, since Miss Yu Lan has passed the Naihe bridge and was reincarnated again, and she will have the good fortune to be reincarnated in a wealthy family in the next life. To disturb her next life. "

".Yes, I understand the rules of the world."

Junbie looked at the page of the book of life and death for the last time, and smiled lightly, with a touch of distress.

"Yu Lan lived a cold and lonely life in this life, and didn't know how to take care of herself. Before she met me, she was alone wherever she went. In the next life, she will be born in a wealthy family, and she will no longer eliminate demons and guard the way, and there will be family members who regard her as a treasure." , a life of wealth and worry-free, I am happy for her."

"That's right!"

Shangxian Jiarong took a step forward, and she smiled with relief.

"It's great if you think so! Perhaps you have never left Dai Yu before, and you are new to the mortal world, so it is inevitable that you have something in your heart.

But in the future you will know that the immortals have a long time and the matter of love is so complicated, so although the rules of heaven are not restricted, most gods avoid the matter of love. "

"There is no need to go back, I know now."

Jun Bie shook his head, and finally returned the book of life and death that he had held for a while to Jiarong Shangxian.

He was silent for a few moments, but still asked: "I have been in Jiuchongtian for eleven days. Several great fairy mountains are located at the junction of immortals and mortals, and go with the time of the mortal world. Eleven years of spring and autumn have passed in Daiyu fairy mountain. it is good?"

Unexpectedly, Shangxian Jiarong sighed slightly after hearing the words.

She shook her head slowly.

"Emperor is still the same. He goes to Luguiya every day, expending his own divine power to run the energy of the Three Realms and Yangyi, so as to ensure the harmony of yin and yang in the mortal world.

Now, Dijun can't leave Lu Guiya easily, and she talks less and less, sometimes she doesn't see Dijun speak for a whole day.Except when I have something important to report, I can go to Lu Guiya to ask to see the emperor, and the fairy attendant Xian'e is not allowed to enter Lu Guiya without authorization. "

Jiarong Shangxian was a little worried and said:
"...It was better when you were here before. You used to act like a baby, but you can tease her for a while under the emperor's seat. We are too useless."

Jun Bie frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Aunt Jiarong, why did the emperor spend so much of his divine power these years to repair the aura of Liangyi? But is there any big change in the world?"

Shangxian Jiarong was also puzzled, she thought about it thoughtfully, and then said:
"I've never heard of this. However, Dizun and Dijun, one is in charge of the Yang Qi of the Three Realms and the Two Forms of the Three Realms, and the other is in charge of the Qi of the Three Realms and Two Forms to the Yin. To ensure the eternal balance of the three worlds and the two ceremonies, the fortunes of the mortal world will last forever. It stands to reason that the two gods are both there, and the aura of the two ceremonies between heaven and earth should not be out of balance."

She thought for a moment, and guessed: "Maybe the emperor kept the original divine body for tens of thousands of years before, but suddenly turned into a female body many years ago, and his divine body was unstable, which caused the yin energy in the three realms controlled by the emperor's divine body to be constantly turbulent. , so the emperor needs to spend a lot of divine power to repair the two appearances, right?"

Jun fare disagrees.

"But. It shouldn't be like this. Emperor Zun chose the incarnation early on, but his divine body has never been hindered."

He frowned.

"Could it be that the emperor has suffered some injuries in recent years, so that the primordial spirit or divine power has been damaged? Therefore, the most yin energy in the god's body cannot be balanced with the emperor's most yang energy?"

Jiarong Shangxian shook his head decisively.

"How is this possible! If the most yin divine power in the emperor's body cannot compete with the supreme yang divine power of the emperor, it must be a very serious injury, and it may even be the kind that hurts the primordial spirit.

——If this is the case, the Sacrifice Bell will definitely ring through the nine heavens, and this cannot be concealed from anyone. "

(End of this chapter)

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