Chapter 74
At this time, Taiyin Youying's primordial spirit collapsed, and her divine power scattered, covering almost the entire Lu Guiya, and even the entire Xianshan Daiyu.

This is clearly the precursor to the soul flying away!
Xie Yuci firmly embraced her slumped body with one arm, while with the other arm he hurriedly put his hand on his forehead.

In his panic, he tried to take out the "Qing Qizhu" again to heal Taiyin Youying!
However, Taiyin Youying suddenly raised her hand vigorously, and firmly grasped the hand that he placed on her forehead, which was about to cast a spell forcefully, preventing him from the next movement.

On the back of her pale and thin hands, the veins were sharp and bulged due to too much force.

The cyan veins almost burst out from the back of the hand, making people feel frightened just by looking at them.

Her fingers were also trembling non-stop, but they seemed very stiff under the force, as if they would break off in the next moment.

She smiled in a low voice, tried to raise her spirits, and comforted him: "Don't, Xie Yuci, my primordial spirit is now completely torn and broken, and it's useless, even the Qiongqizhu is useless."

"You haven't tried it, so how do you know it's useless!"

Xie Yuci suddenly shouted and interrupted her!

His expression at this time was extremely ferocious, but a line of tears suddenly slipped from the corners of his eyes, even he himself did not realize that he was actually crying.

Taiyin Youying gasped for breath a few times, and finally seemed to be exhausted.

She began to cough intermittently, which seemed to make her feel particularly painful.With the sound of coughing, a large amount of blood trickled down from her mouth, dripping all over the front of her chest.

In the past, the holy emperor, the shadow of the sun, traveled the world all his life, and has always been the most dignified flower of the high mountains in the three realms. He has never been so embarrassed.

She raised her hand tremblingly, trying to cover the blood overflowing from her mouth and nose with her palm, but it was all in vain.

She couldn't help laughing wryly at herself.

Even though she had imagined the day when she died countless times before, she never imagined that when this day really came, she would walk away in such a disgraceful and disgraceful way.

Xiang Shengdijun suddenly remembered something, and then frowned slightly.

The bell for the sacrifice of the gods has already rung, and there is too much movement here, which will definitely alarm Jiuchongtian.


He cannot be put in danger.

Panting, she clutched Xie Yuci's arm tightly tightly, and explained word by word:
"Xie Yuci, don't stay here any longer, leave quickly!"

Xie Yuci was still trying to inject his divine power into her body, but it was still in vain.

He was already anxious at this time, and he was even more angry when he heard this.

So, he resolutely shouted: "Shut up, don't talk anymore——Calm down and gather your breath in your chest."

Xiang Shengdijun panted eagerly, but continued to warn him intermittently:
"Let's go! My primordial spirit has been shattered, and my god will fall in an instant, and I will not be able to protect you from now on. There is a lot of movement here, and it will definitely alarm—"

Unexpectedly, at this time, before she could finish her sentence, a bright yellow yang power suddenly appeared in the devastated Xianshan Daiyu Luguiya, accompanied by a scolding sound filled with overwhelming anger.

"--Zhuzi Ganer!"

The Holy God Emperor Zun in the Nine Heavens was finally alarmed by the explosion of two strands of primordial power blasting towards the Holy Emperor from Xianshan Daiyu at the first time, and came down to the world in shock and anger!
For tens of thousands of years, it is rare to see the moving color of the Holy God Emperor Zun's sun candle. At this moment, he stared blankly at the Taiyin Youying, whose primordial spirit was shattered and his divine power dissipated. It seemed that he couldn't believe that all of this was actually real for a while. ?

For a while, how could he not care about Xie Yuci?
After slapping Xie Yuci with a palm, the Holy God Emperor instantly cast a spell and flashed in front of Taiyin Youying, hugging her body that had almost lost all strength.

He suddenly opened his palm, and concentrated his divine power of Yang and Gang into her eyebrows.

Xie Yuci naturally couldn't care less about arguing with him at this time.

Seeing him appear, he was not angry but happy, and when he was knocked away, he just took a step back silently, leaving the place for him.

Sun Zhuzhao is the supreme ruler of the Nine Heavens, and even the most powerful and noble holy god in the universe. If there is anyone in the three realms who can save Taiyin Youying, then it can only be Sun Zhuzhao.

However, Xie Yuci was going to be disappointed after all.

After a while, Holy God Emperor Zun could only retract his hand with a sad expression.

He wrapped the arm around Taiyin Youying's shoulder, tightened it unconsciously, and murmured:

"I once said that day, I hope that the emperor will not regret the past in the future. It is unbelievable that the words now come true. Youying, you are so confused!"

Xiang Shengdijun panted weakly in his arms, but there was still a trace of a relieved smile on his face.

"Emperor, don't worry about the balance of the three realms and the two instruments. I have already practiced the heaven and earth two instruments to the Yin magic circle in the East China Sea. After many years, even without me, the mountains and rivers will be safe."

There were tears in the eyes of the Holy God Emperor, and he looked down at her in pain.

"The mountains and rivers are safe, what about you? The son of a thousand gold, you can't sit down! When you used half of the power of the primordial spirit to set up a god on this son to protect him from the evil spirit, I felt uneasy and worried. There will be such a day! Now it has come true
You slashed your primordial spirit for his sake, your divine power was greatly reduced, and you couldn't even maintain the state of Yuanshi's divine body and was forced to turn into a female body.You once asserted that he would not hurt you, but now?You were born a holy god, but because of his demise, it is worth it! "

Xie Yuci was taken aback when he heard the words.

what did he say?
Because of him, Taiyin Youying was forced to choose a gender and turn into a female body because of the slashing of her primordial spirit and her divine power?

Taiyin Youying's eyes were slightly distracted at this moment.

For a while, she didn't have the strength to answer the question of the Holy God Emperor, because she was in too much pain.

It turned out that the pain of the primordial spirit bursting, the weakness of the scattered divine power, and the pain of chapped every inch of the divine body were actually this feeling.

It's just that it's difficult to have both in the world, and to exist in the world, one has to make a choice.

In her opinion, it is worthwhile to use the risk of her disappearance to exchange for the safety of the "Jun Farewell" back then.

If it hadn't been for Junbie to find the "Qingqi Pearl" by accident and regain her memory and change back to Xie Yuci, she would have taken back Qiongqi's fierce power to destroy Daiyu Xianshan. Let me say goodbye to a certain life and stability.

Therefore, even if she ended up like this now, she never regretted it.

The seal she made together with the Holy God Emperor more than 1000 years ago is her only regret in this life.

But despite her regrets, she didn't regret it.

Just because at that time, apart from this, she really had no other way to preserve his life.

That being the case, even if being hated by him is her choice, there is nothing to regret.

She smiled softly, and the blood in her body seemed to be draining at this moment.

Gradually, what gushed out of her mouth turned out to be blood froth instead of fresh blood.

She is definitely the most embarrassing one who "walked" among the gods in the ancient heavens.

Xie Yuci suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, and he seemed to have finally smoothed out the time sequence.

When Taiyin Youying placed Yuanshen Shenfeng on him, it must be the time when "Jun Farewell" was affected by the power of the great demon Yao Yuan and couldn't control the fierce power in his body?

He stared blankly at her tragic appearance at this time, and asked in disbelief:
"The seal of the half-primordial spirit, this seal is actually a divine seal made with the power of your half-primordial spirit?"

His eyes were half flustered and half confused for a moment.

"Taiyin Youying, since that's the case, why didn't you say it when I was about to break this seal just now? Why didn't you stop me! If you try to stop me, even if I hold the Qiong Qizhu in my hand, I won't be your opponent!"

Taiyin Youying's hand holding her chest collapsed feebly, she was in too much pain, really too much pain.

In the chaos so far, she will become the only God who was attacked to death by her supreme divine power, which is really sad and ridiculous.

I don't know how the ancient books of later generations will record her ridiculous and sad life.

Taiyin Youying originally wanted to say a few words to Xie Yuci at the last moment, and persuade him to let go of the grievances in his heart and start again.

But when she turned her eyes, she just happened to see the monstrous killing intent that could not be concealed in the eyes of the Holy God Emperor.

She frowned, and even her fingers were throbbing with pain.

The Holy God Emperor might really have murdered Xie Yuci this time.

She and Emperor Zun are born in a chaotic state, although they are not siblings, they are more like siblings.

After her spirit disappears, Emperor Zun will definitely not let go of Xie Yuci who caused her death and live on.

Taiyin Youying's soul was already hovering on the verge of disappearing, almost losing consciousness.

However, at this time, anxiety and thinking suddenly arose in her heart, and she actually forced herself to cheer up a little bit.

No, if she left like this, Xie Yuci would never survive!
However, in order to keep him alive, I'm afraid I can only break his heart again this time.

I'm afraid that such an act might save his life, but after her soul is gone, Xie Yuci's grudge will have nowhere to pour out, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to dispel it in this life.

But no matter how much you resent her, living is always better than dying, isn't it?

She made up her mind, and immediately forcibly raised her spirits, coughed lightly, and said slowly:

"Why did I stop you? Although I promised to let you escape, I never said that I would not punish you. Thank you Yuci, you are guilty of destroying the spirit of Xianshan Daiyu.

Although my primordial spirit is shattered now, I still have a divine bone.

Today, I use the bones of the gods as a sacrifice, and I set up four enchantments of secret realms in Kyushu, entrusting your soul and power, you—go and regret it for thousands of years. "

(End of this chapter)

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