Chapter 75

The Holy God Emperor was stunned, and immediately lowered his head to look at the person in his arms, and stopped softly:

He stared at the extremely thin person in his arms with painful eyes.

Even in the current situation, even if you are about to die, do you still want to protect this vicious god who doesn't know what to do?

What's so good about him!

Xie Yuci looked at her blankly.

"You want to seal me with a god bone?"

Even though she is dying, does she still hate him so much?
I hate it so much. Even if I don't live in the world soon, I have to seal him forever first?
He suddenly covered his brows and eyes and smiled hoarsely.

At that time, she once said that it was not his fault that she was born fierce. Now it seems that he is the only one who believes it to be true.

Taiyin Youying didn't look at Xie Yuci again, as if she didn't want to look at him any more.

She gently stretched out her long and slender fingers, groping and grabbing the sleeve of Holy God Regal.

At this moment, she seemed to have exhausted all the energy she had gathered so rarely, and the light in her eyes was slightly slackened again, her eyes wandered, and she couldn't even focus on the face of the Holy God Emperor.

". Regal, please."

Holy God Regal was silent, he almost gritted his teeth.

He really hates it.

As a born and merciful god, the only time the Holy God Emperor Sun Zhuzhao really lost his divinity was at this time, like a mortal who understands the eight sufferings, he understands what is birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment and hatred, love and separation , Unable to seek, five grasping aggregates.

For Xie Yuci, now he hates him so much that he wants to die, sealing him is too cheap for him!

Taiyin Youying didn't get his answer, and gradually couldn't see the expression of Holy God Emperor Zun at this time.

So, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and almost clenched the sleeves of the Holy God Emperor, leaving a few deep creases.She didn't even know that the skin on the back of Emperor Zun's hand was accidentally scratched by the nails.

Taiyin Youying panted lightly, and hissed as hard as she could: "Emperor, Youying, in this life, whatever you order, I will be rewarded with death.

This time, is the last time.This is the last time I beg you, Emperor Zun, please agree, okay? "

She grabbed the finger of Holy God Regal, so hard that it seemed that it would break off in the next moment.

the last time.
Holy God Emperor's eyes were already wet.

He seemed unable to bear to look at her any more, and turned his head abruptly.

After a while, he finally agreed.

"Okay, I agree with you."

A faint smile suddenly appeared on Shengdijun Taiyin Youying's face, even though the smile was fleeting, it also set off her blood-stained face extremely beautifully.

Even in the most embarrassing situation, she is still beautiful.

Like a blood-stained plum blossom, even if it is scattered into mud and dust, it still smells the same.

Xie Yuci looked at her blankly, and suddenly smiled expressionlessly.

"Taiyin Youying, are you going to die?"

Taiyin Youying struggled to pull back a smile, and nodded slightly as a response.

Xie Yuci suddenly covered his face and burst into a big laugh. He shook his head while laughing and said, "Then you are truly a ruthless god who was born to be holy. Harmful.

Why, the primordial purple energy in my body makes you uneasy like this?Even before the death of the gods, the bones of the gods that had to fight were shattered and sealed in me again? "

The Holy God Emperor's eyes suddenly looked like thunder and dark clouds.

He suddenly turned his head, and said coldly: "You Ying, I have already said that this evil spirit doesn't know good from bad! He deserves to die! You really shouldn't keep him!"

Xie Yuci stopped drinking: "The sun is shining, do you really think I'm afraid of you!"

Suddenly his eyes were red, and two lines of tears suddenly fell, but he didn't know it.

"The sun is shining! Then let's fight! You and I will never die!"

Destroy it!
Just let it all end!
A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Holy God Emperor, with a sneer that was about to come.

"Zhuzi, since you want to seek death, why not let me give you a ride?"

Taiyin Youying was panting with difficulty, she firmly held the hand of the Holy God Emperor, shook her head slightly to him, and pleaded.

Holy God Emperor paused for a while, and finally stopped his movements of getting up, and stopped talking.

Taiyin Youying breathed heavily, she couldn't let them argue any longer.

Because her time is really running out.

After Taiyin Youying took a breath, she slightly turned her head to Xie Yuci.

Her divine body was on the verge of fragmentation, she slowly squeezed out a voice from her throat that was so painful that it was almost torn apart, and said hoarsely:
"Xie Yuci, you are really presumptuous and unruly. If you have been away to the mortal world for many years, if you don't get rid of the evil spirit in your heart, the seal set by this lord will never be erased."

She slowly raised her right hand, and under the gaze of Xie Yuci, who couldn't tell whether it was pain or sorrow, she put her two fingers together in front of her chest, trying her best to gather the last trace of divine power in her heart, and then said softly:

"The heaven and earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric.

Give up my god bones, nine chapters of star distribution.

The three worlds meet each other, and the nine states and eight wastelands.

——Then formed this array, towning all directions. "

As soon as the words are finished, the sky is full of colors and fragrances!
When the chaos first opened, the ancient gods used the power of their divine bones to draw the world and the earth to meet each other!

Countless radiant divine powers from all directions condensed from the top of the sky between the heavens and the earth, and finally converged on the body of the former emperor Taiyin Youying!
She trembled suddenly in the arms of the Holy God Emperor, and almost broke free from his arms because of the pain, but she held back the next moment.

Xie Yuci subconsciously took a step forward, but stopped again.


Holy God Regal looked at her with tears in his eyes.

The sun candle can be felt, at this moment, this thin body with broken soul in his arms is experiencing the pain of broken bones!
Living with one's own divine bone as a battle array, this is such pain, and how cruel it is!

Xiang Shengdijun Taiyin Youying finally couldn't restrain her soft cry of pain, and her eyes that once made Xie Yuci want to indulge in this life were fixedly looking in his direction.

But in fact, she couldn't see anything anymore.

Thank you, sorry.

In fact, she still has a lot to say, but she always has no time to talk openly with him.

They have met and known each other for thousands of years, but they always seem to run in opposite directions and miss each other.

But, he's really, really, really, really nice.

Up to now, it seems that many things have never had the opportunity to be told, but it is better.

It's better for him.

——Knowledge is impossible to obtain suddenly, entrusting the legacy to resound in the sad wind.

Xie Yuci, you have experienced the eight suffering diseases in this life, and you will know that there is no cure for Fengyue.

Don't forget each other when you die today, and you will never lose your love and thoughts.

Sealed with my divine bone, you go to sleep, and when you wake up, you will be born again.

Thank you for your resignation, farewell forever.

After this farewell, they never saw each other again.

All the bones in her body were shattered, and the primordial spirit had completely dissipated. The whole body slowly turned pale golden, and then gradually became transparent.


A sound that resounded through the Three Realms, an incomparably heavy mournful sound from heaven and earth suddenly resounded!

——That was the sound of the sacrificial bell shattering beside the Fallen God Ting of the Nine Heavens!

The Bell of Sacrifice, which has stood in the Nine Heavens since the dawn of chaos, has finally completed its mission after three warning bells for tens of thousands of years.

——Shangshen falls, the martyrdom bell shatters, the sea mourns, and heaven and earth mourn together!

Countless golden rays of light flew out from the dissipated body of the Holy Emperor Taiyin, covering Xie Yuci's body, surrounding him layer by layer.

Xie Yuci stared blankly at the place where Taiyin Youying disappeared, and at the empty arm of the Holy God Emperor.

He didn't even care at all what the golden light surrounding him would do to him.

Isn't it just to divide his divine power and soul into four and seal them in the mortal world?

She is sealed with a divine bone, and will be with him from now on. I don't know if this counts as the saying "Birth is different, death is the same hole"?
Xie Yuci lowered his head in a daze, and looked at the golden aura that surrounded him, which was transformed from the god's bone and body.

These golden lights are warm and cool, and when they touch him lightly, there is still warmth, just like her.

If you think about it this way, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He still seemed to be unable to digest the fact that Shengdijun, Taiyin Youying, the ancient true god who was crowned in the nine heavens, actually "gone".

From now on, even if he goes to heaven and enters the earth, and travels through the three realms and nine states, there will be no such person in the world.

Whether it is the person who lied to him, the person who deceived him, the person who hated him, or the person who still hates him, there will never be any more.

This person is completely gone.

The tears in Xie Yuci's eyes suddenly fell like ice crystals with broken threads, uncontrollable, and instantly wet his face.

He slowly raised his hand and touched his cold and wet cheek suspiciously.

Then, he suddenly lost his mind and murmured in a low voice:
"Death is fine. Death is clean"

There was an earth-shattering earthquake and the mountain shook, Xianshan Daiyu shook loudly, and then sank slowly.

——Daiyu is about to sink!
Immediately there was chaos in Zhuozhi Immortal Palace!
The priests, immortals, soldiers and generals in countless palaces hurriedly cast spells and rushed to help each other, transferring the immortal beasts in the mountains to the Nine Heavens Immortal Beast Department.

And the immaculate white jade, majestic and majestic Immortal Palace in Daiyu Immortal Mountain suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, and exploded in the next moment, turning into nothingness!

For tens of thousands of years, the Zhuoyi Immortal Palace in the West Pole, which had been admired by people for tens of thousands of years, was finally destroyed on this day.

And Xianshan Daiyu also sank in the East China Sea.

Your green tomb is always there, and the fairy mountains fall together to respect and weep for you.

Since then, there has been one of the five great fairy mountains.

After more than two hundred years, Yuanqiao in Xianshan disappeared without a trace.

Since then, the five great fairy mountains in the mortal world have gone to the second.

Since then, there are only three fairy mountains left in the mortal legends.
They are - Yingzhou, Fanghu, and Penglai.

(End of this chapter)

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