Chapter 109 Who is Fang Dang

The rotating stage lights are gorgeous and colorful, sweeping across the men and women who are shaking their bodies desperately on the dance floor. In the flickering light and shadow, it seems that one thought of heaven and one thought of hell.

Amidst the deafening music, Shen Zhiyi sat on a high pedal with her legs crossed and tasted wine leisurely.

This is the fourth cup tonight. If she hadn't held her chin in one hand, she might have drunk it already.

There is never a shortage of "corpse pickers" on such occasions, especially those who want to prostitute for nothing.

No, a few pairs of wretched eyes have already been fixed on her.

"Sister alone? How boring this is, do you want my brother to take you out for a drive!"

While the visitor was speaking, his hand was stretched out irregularly.

The moment it touched Shen Zhiyi's shoulder, the claw was twisted and snapped by a sudden force.

"Take your sister, get out!"

"Hiss! You are a bitch, you bastard, wait for me!"

The little gangster gave a vicious warning, turned around and recruited his accomplices.

Shen Zhiyi was suddenly surrounded by several young people from society, probably because they passed by, they were a bit powerful, and the bar attendant didn't dare to step forward to dissuade them.

Shen Zhiyi twisted her neck, stretched her muscles and bones, and then wobbled off the chair while leaning on the table.

"Yo, it's still delicious, brothers, whoever can take her down tonight will be the first one, you guys agree...uh..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Zhiyi splashed wine all over his face.

She smashed the cup to the man's feet, clapped her hands, and yelled at the waiter, "Pay the bill!"

The person who was splashed with wine spat on the ground, "Damn it, dare to splash me, brother, just take off her clothes for me now, and I will broadcast live for you!"

Several younger brothers were eager to try it excitedly.

At this moment, a shadow flashed.

Then there was a muffled sound, and a chair fell on the person who was splashed with wine.

Everything happened so suddenly that everyone was dumbfounded.

Fang Huaizhou didn't think it was enough, so he made up for the fallen man.

Just as the younger brother was about to rush up to help, he was frightened by Fang Huaizhou's look.

Someone recognized him, "Fang... Second Young Master Fang?"

"If you know, why don't you hurry up and get out?" Fang Huaizhou brushed back the broken hair that fell on his forehead, pointed at the door and said coldly.

The Fang family has a great status in Ningcheng. In the past few years, because the project has developed to Hangzhou, some of the Fang family moved to Hangzhou to settle down.

This Second Young Master Fang can be said to be a frequent visitor here. He spends a lot of money and has an unpredictable temperament. Anyone who comes here to play around will recognize him.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, so the younger brothers naturally didn't dare to confront him, helped up their boss and ran away in despair.

Fang Huaizhou dusted off the dust on his body, and turned around to look for Shen Zhiyi.

Seeing that the little girl was drowsy holding a vase as tall as a person, he was amused and laughed.

He took out his phone as a prank, and frantically took a picture of her current appearance.

"Shen Zhiyi, wake up, we should go!" As soon as Fang Huaizhou reached out his hand, Shen Zhiyi suddenly grabbed it like a corpse and bit it.

" hand!" Fang Huaizhou shook her off vigorously, and when he looked down, he saw a row of bright tooth marks on the back of his hand.

Boy, is this woman crazy hungry?
Seeing Shen Zhiyi staggering to and fro, he quickly helped him up regardless of past suspicions, "Be good, I'll take you home!"

Shen Zhiyi smacked his mouth like a baby, raised his dim eyes and stared at Fang Huaizhou for a few seconds, then suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch his face and pulled it back and forth vigorously.

" look like Fang Langlang!"

The question mark written on Fang Huaizhou's face, "Who is Fang Langdang?"

Shen Zhiyi chuckled and pointed at the tip of his nose, "You don't even know this? Of course it's Fang Huaizhou!"

Fang Huaizhou: "..." He was wronged, who can explain why he was a good man, so he wandered away?

"Hmph, you have the conscience to admit the wrong person, let's go!"

"I don't want it, you are a human trafficker who specializes in deceiving underage girls!" Shen Zhiyi pushed him away and wanted to escape.

In her state, she would be watched by a man with a heart when she went out. Fang Huaizhou couldn't be more relieved, and immediately caught up with her and grabbed her shoulders to push her away.

"Help, abduction, abduction! Hmm..."

Fang Huaizhou covered Shen Zhiyi's mouth, and smiled at the onlookers, "Sorry, sorry, my girlfriend and I are having fun!" Then he picked up Shen Zhiyi and ran away.

Fang Huaizhou, who hadn't been lost for more than 20 years, was completely lost tonight.

Shen Zhiyi, you have to pay back this favor.

The person was stuffed into the back seat by him, and he touched Shen Zhiyi's phone to see that it was out of battery.

to the hotel?It seems inappropriate.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car went straight to Fang's house.

Early in the morning.


A scream resounded through the sky.

Fang Huaizhou, who was eating breakfast, dropped his knife and fork and ran upstairs, and when he pushed the door of the room, the pillow hit his head.

Fortunately, he hid quickly, otherwise his carefully groomed hairstyle would be messed up.

"What are you doing, revenge for your kindness?" Fang Huaizhou straightened the collar of his shirt and said half-jokingly.

Shen Zhiyi wrapped the quilt tightly, only her head was exposed, her little face flushed with anger was extraordinarily vivid under the halo.

"Fang Huaizhou, why am I here, and who changed my clothes? You, what did you do to me?"

This is fun!Fang Huaizhou leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, whistled frivolously, and said deliberately, "What happened, don't you really remember? No, Shen Zhiyi, how can you be so uncomfortable when you put on your pants?" The woman who confessed? I don't care, this is my first time, you have to be responsible to me!"

Shen Zhixin said, I'm in charge of your sister, if it's your first time, I'll twist your head off and kick it for you.

Seeing the little girl biting her lip and staring, looking like she was going to eat someone, Fang Huaizhou leaned over and slightly bowed to meet her eyes.

This man's peach blossom eyes are really beautiful, as if soaked in poison, it makes people want to stop.

Just looking at each other for a moment can make people drown in it.

"Pfft!" Fang Huaizhou didn't hold back his laughter, and rubbed her hair pamperingly, "Okay, okay, I'm teasing you, just like your ghostly look last night, you just took off your clothes and threw at me, I You may not be able to stand up, don't worry, my aunt changed the clothes for you, I didn't even touch you, you are still finished!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

With a perfect body, her daughter would call her uncle.

Forget it, anyway, they won't meet again in the future, so why did she tell him so much about her family.

Shen Zhi pointed to the door, "Go out, I want to change!"

Fang Huaizhou straightened up and took two steps back, nodded his chin towards the bedside table, "Here, get ready, if you don't like it, I'd love to come out naked!"

Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth and threw another pillow, but unfortunately it only hit the closed door.

She scratched her hair in frustration, why did she follow Fang Langdang home?

Unexpectedly, Fang Langlang suddenly turned back, "Oh, by the way, hurry up, the breakfast is cold and won't taste good!"

After giving Shen Zhiyi a wave, Fang Langdang whistled and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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