Chapter 110

After a while, Shen Zhiyi went downstairs wearing a casual sweater dress.

Fang Huaizhou Taohua's eyes were full of stars, and he snapped his fingers in the air, "Yes, you look much better than her in it!"

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips. I didn't know who said it was the first time for me. Believe me, it was the first time I hid a woman's clothes at home?
Judging by his flirting ability, he is at least at the level of kidney deficiency, otherwise I would be sorry for his aggressive appearance.

Shen Zhiyi didn't want to have breakfast with him, she hadn't returned all night, and now she wanted to return home.

"Fang Huaizhou, come out!"

The sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the marble carpet was particularly crisp and hasty.

"Hey, you hide first!" Shen Zhiyi, who was completely confused about the situation, was pushed upstairs by Fang Huaizhou.

It was too late, someone called to stop him, "stop for me"

Fang Yao took three steps at a time, "Fang Huaizhou, what do you mean? It's fine to run to my father and give me a small report, and you even hid my piano. Tell me, where is that piano hidden?" "

Fang Huaizhou turned around, his broad figure just blocked Shen Zhiyi behind him.

He raised his lips and smiled, with a sly attitude, "Oh, you said that piano, look, this house is not big in size, and you still made such a big one to occupy the place. It looks intrusive to me, so... for sale Already!"

"Sold?" Fang Yao stared blankly, and the blood on the top of his head instantly used up, "That's the collector's edition, do you know how much effort I spent to get it, you can solve the problem by selling it? You sell it to Who is it, go and buy it for me now! Otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

Fang Huaizhou rubbed his ears impatiently, "I have a bad memory, I forgot who to sell it to, isn't it just a piano, the old guy has money, just ask him to buy another one!"

"You..." Fang Yao trembled all over, but she couldn't do anything to Fang Huaizhou, so she could only stare bitterly.

"It's okay, I'll go up if it's okay, don't come here to disturb me again!"

"Wait!" Fang Yao tilted his body, squinting at the half-hidden figure behind him.

She had seen it in the first place, only now she was more interested in knowing the identity of this man.

Since Fang Huaizhou is ruthless, why should she be a good person?

After confirming that the person behind him was a long-haired woman, Fang Yao felt more confident, and she snorted coldly.

"Second Young Master Fang, don't forget that you are engaged, if Dad knows that you are playing with women outside..."

"You are unmarried, why don't you still have fun with married men? We are the same, don't talk about each other!"

Shen Zhiyi, who was hiding behind, couldn't help applauding Fang Huaizhou, this man was even more talkative than her.

Fang Yao was choked up by Fang Huaizhou and couldn't speak a word. She was about to leave when she suddenly caught a profile of the woman hiding behind her.

"Miss Shen?"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes helplessly.

She had already heard it was Fang Yao.

He hid thousands of times, but he still didn't hide.

"Hi, Miss Fang!" Shen Zhiyi walked out from behind Fang Huaizhou, waving her hands in a generous greeting.

Fang Yao's eyes wandered between the two of them for a few times, and his eyes had a deep meaning, "You two..."

Four large characters were clearly engraved on her face, adulterer and adulterer.

Shen Zhiyi scratched her head, strong and calm, "I just came to see Fang Shao for something, what a coincidence, you are actually brother and sister, hehe, right, Fang Shao, this world is really small!"

"What's wrong with me, we're not...well..."

Not giving Fang Huaizhou a chance to speak, Shen Zhiyi covered his mouth with his hands and bared his teeth to warn him, if you dare to speak nonsense again, your tongue will be pulled out.

The interaction between these two people, not to mention in Fang Yao's eyes, is a little ambiguous in anyone's eyes.

Fang Yao flashed her eyes knowingly, and smiled heartily, "It seems that you are still very familiar! Oh, by the way, Miss Shen, you look better in this dress than I do!"

The moment she turned around, her elegant smile turned cold.

Shen Zhiyi sighed helplessly.

This is too bad, even if she jumps into the Yellow River, she won't be able to clean up.

"Why didn't you let me tell you that you stayed here last night? Also, how did you meet her!" Fang Huaizhou followed behind Shen Zhiyi like a curious baby and asked.

Shen Zhiyi turned around and pushed him away, opening the distance between the two of them, "You are not allowed to say a word about what happened last night, otherwise I will ignore you again, do you hear me?"

Fang Huaizhou smiled angrily and wiped the corner of his lower lip, "Why? Do you think I'm unworthy?"

"You can think so! I'll return the clothes to Ms. Fang myself. I'm leaving, so don't send them!"

"Hey, Shen Zhiyi, I won't take you with such a heartless..." Fang Huaizhou couldn't laugh or cry.

What kind of woman is this?He still had a little bit of a heartbeat.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Fang Yao took off his sunglasses, showing a simple and elegant face, and nodded slightly at the front desk lady, "I'm here to look for Mr. He, I'm sorry, I didn't get through to his phone, please let me know!"

"Ah! You, are you Miss Fang?" As an old employee of the He Group, the front desk lady recognized this face at a glance.

A few years ago, the company was madly rumored that the big boss had Bai Yueguang and gave birth to a son for him. The big boss loved Miss Bai Yueguang very much. He wanted the sun for the sun and the stars for the stars, but he didn't know Why, this Bai Yueguang left the country.

Few people in the company have seen this Bai Yueguang, but the photo was picked up by someone who cared, and the old employees in the company all recognized this face. Miss Bai Yueguang appeared at the entrance of the hospital, and the gossip-loving employees formed a small group in private, discussing whether the two people's old relationship was revived, and even speculated on the time when Miss Bai Yueguang officially named Mrs. He.

No, people really appeared here aboveboard, it seems that their inferences are all true.

Fang Yao nodded, "How do you know me?"

The front desk blew a wave of rainbow farts, "Not only I know it, but many old employees in the company know it. Who doesn't know you, you are the treasure of our Mr. He, the future Mrs. He, Miss Fang, I am your fan, and I will always be your fan." I want to go to one of your concerts, but it's a pity that you haven't performed in the past two years, but it's my honor to see you again today, can you sign me?"

"Of course!" Fang Yao said with a smile, "However, it's not like what you said. Mr. He and I are just good friends. What is Mrs. He's favorite thing? suitable!"

"Miss Fang, you are too modest, Mr. He's love for you is obvious to all, Mrs. He will be yours sooner or later, it's still a while away, oh yes, I will take you up to see Mr. He, please follow me Come!"

The front desk lady is complacent, this is the future Mrs. He, as long as she pleases her, she will be able to get along well in He's in the future.

Jiang Xue'er and Fang Yao brushed past each other, and slowed down to a halt.

When I turned back, the elevator doors had already closed.

She read it right, that person is... Fang Yao?
(End of this chapter)

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