Chapter 112 Let's see who can resist who
"Huh? Where's Shen Zhiyi? Why didn't she come back with you?" Xiaobao, who was running and playing with Dashu in the living room, saw He Jingyao coming back, and poked his head behind him.

He Jingyao tugged at his neckline irritably, and lied, "I didn't see it!"

Didn't see it?
Xiao Bao rubbed his chin, feeling weird.

As soon as Shen Zhiyi cleaned up the room, she received a call from her own daughter.

"Shen Zhiyi, where are you? Why don't you go home?"

Shen Zhiyi propped her forehead, not knowing how to explain to Xiaobao, "I, I'm going back to Shen's house, and I just want to come back to live for a while, it's strange that it's deserted, let's add some popularity!"

Xiaobao curled her lips, "Shen Zhiyi, you should go to further study your acting skills. Be honest, did you quarrel with the handsome uncle?"

Shen Zhiyi has no choice, this woman can pinch and count, she can't hide it, as long as she tells the truth.

Of course, I only briefly talked about the quarrel with He Jingyao, and kept the details secret.

Xiaobao is still a child, but any individual will not spread the grievances between adults to children, which will seriously affect the physical and mental growth of flowers in the motherland.

"Xiaobao, what happened to Aunt Zhizhi?" As soon as Xiaobao hung up the phone, Dashu moved his little head over.

Xiaobao gave him a cold face, "Also, it's all your mother's fault!"

After a pause, she continued, "Dashu, it's time for you to perform!"


"Ah Yao, it's you..."

As soon as Fang Yao opened the door, his joyful expression froze suddenly.

"Big, big tree? Why are you?"

The little guy looked bitterly, "Is mom very unhappy seeing me?"

"How come, come, come in!" Fang Yao enthusiastically welcomed the little man in, and brought pure milk and snacks from the refrigerator.

Dashu stared at the pure milk box in front of him, his starry eyes dimmed a little bit, "Mom really doesn't remember, I never drink pure milk!"

Fang Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then pretended to say, "Of course I remember, but I still hope you can drink some, pure milk has high nutritional value, you are much thinner than before, you should drink more milk in the future, otherwise mother will worried!"

The little guy pursed his lips, and sat obediently opposite Fang Yao. Although they were mother and child, the picture didn't look intimate at all, and the two seemed as far apart as a galaxy.

"Mom, did you come back because you wanted a big tree?" The little guy summoned up his courage and asked.

Fang Yao laughed, "Of course, the three of us are still together, okay?"

"But Dad already has Aunt Zhizhi, Aunt Zhizhi is very nice, Dad likes her very much!"

The corners of Fang Yao's upturned lips pressed down suddenly, this is the expression Dashu is most familiar with, the little guy is really not used to her enthusiasm just now.

She took a sip of scented tea and said in a cool voice, "What do you know, kid? That Aunt Zhizhi just temporarily took over the position of mother and helped me take care of you and father. Now that mother is back, you and your father don't need her." Already!"

She put down the teacup, squatted down in front of the big tree, and held his shoulders, "It's like when you eat, occasionally adding a small snack will make you happy, but the real meal that can fill your stomach is the main meal. You, dad, and mom are a family, and we are together again, aren't you happy?"

"I..." The little guy's expression was very tangled.

Fang Yao rubbed his little face with her fingertips, her eyes were fond and expectant, "Dashu, your father and I just quarreled before, so you will help mother, right?"

The big tree is the treasure of the He family, as long as he can hold him, is it afraid that he will not be able to take down the He family?

Thinking that the little guy would be dealt with easily, who knew that he suddenly broke away from her hand and jumped off the sofa.

"Mom, it's wrong for you to do this. Aunt Zhizhi is very good, and she and Dad are also very good. Although I don't want to make you sad, I don't want to make Aunt Zhizhi sad either!"

Fang Yao was shocked by Dashu's strong reaction, she squinted her eyes, "Dashu, good boy, I am your mother, how can you help an outsider? Mom will be sad!"

The little guy clenched his fists, his eyes were extremely determined, "I'm sorry mom, I really can't help you with this matter, well, I'm leaving, I'll come see you when I have time, goodbye mom!"

After speaking, he walked away with short legs without looking back.

Fang Yao stood up, drank the scented tea in one gulp, then threw the cup with her hand.

I really underestimated this Shen Zhiyi, who actually confused the two men of the He family in a short period of time.

Do you really think that if you cheat the little kid, you can sit firmly in Mrs. He's position?

snort!Simply fantastic.

"What about Dashu, what's your mother's reaction!"

Little Treasure, who was swinging under the plane tree, saw the big tree coming out, so he immediately jumped down to inquire.

After much deliberation, she still felt that Dashu's mother should be dealt with first. If she could be successfully persuaded to leave, then the handsome uncle and Shen Zhiyi would be able to love each other till the end of life.

This rumor, she knew it was not a good thing after pinching her fingers.

Forget it, since she is Dashu's mother, she is too embarrassed to slander her.

The big tree drooped its head and sighed heavily like an old man.

He felt that his mother was different from before.

The mothers of other children will smile at their own children, know that the baby is long and the baby is short, will hug and hold high, and will hug and tell bedtime stories at night.

But his mother wouldn't, even if he didn't do anything wrong, her mother would always lose her temper with him, and even ignore him for a day.

He thought that he really made her angry, so he didn't dare to disturb her, annoyed her, hid in the room by himself, buried his head in the quilt and cried secretly.

I can't help but apologize to my mother, she will blame him for interrupting her work and drive him away.

Dashu sometimes wonders why his mother can't like himself as much as other mothers?

He Jingyao looked at his phone countless times, but it was still as calm as water.

He couldn't sit still anymore, so he called Ah Shen, "Go and find out what your wife has been up to these two days?"

What on earth was he busy with, and he refused to call him even if he begged for mercy.

Well, even if she refused to explain the matter between herself and Fang Huaizhou, she should at least ask why Fang Yao lived in his private apartment, right?
Did she regard herself as Mrs. He, as his woman?

Not caring, not asking, ignoring, the little girl's indifferent and ignorant attitude really made He Jingyao's heart rage.

He began to care about how Shen Zhiyi felt about him.

Shen Zhiyi on the other end enriches herself with being busy, anyway, she has money and a nest, so what if she doesn't return to the He Mansion?

Is He's grandson amazing?

Can you do whatever you want and hurt people infinitely?

I didn't wipe my ass shit clean, so why should I question others?

This time, Shen Zhiyi was determined to fight him, to see who could beat the other.

A day later, Fang Yao came to He Mansion.

Xiao Bao looked at her from a distance with his arms around his shoulders.

Slender figure, elegant temperament, gentle voice.

The smile is more charming than Shen Zhiyi, but not as real as Shen Zhiyi.

Generally speaking, it is definitely the type that uncles like.

Basic evaluation: [-] points.

Favorability: [-] points.

There is no way, who made her Shen Zhiyi's rival in love, and Xiaobao is not pleasing to the eye everywhere, and it is not bad to pass the favorability degree.

(End of this chapter)

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