Chapter 113 Tracking
Fang Yao brought dessert and was eating it for Dashu himself.

The picture is warm and harmonious, but Xiaobao just looks uncomfortable.

As soon as Dashu raised his head, he met Xiaobao's vicious gaze, and the former hurriedly distanced himself from Fang Yao with a guilty conscience, with his little hands behind his back and an expression of aggrieved and innocent.

Xiaobao, I didn't do anything, it was my mother who took the initiative!

"This is Xiaobao, right? She looks so pretty!" Fang Yao also saw Xiaobao and smiled softly at her.

Her smile is very healing, and she exudes a kind of maternal radiance.

But Xiaobao wouldn't lose his way, and said coldly, "Everyone who has met me says so!"

Fang Yao choked, then regained her smile, and waved at her, "Come on, Xiaobao, Auntie has brought pineapple cakes, you can try them too!"

"I'm sorry, Shen Zhiyi won't let me eat food from strangers!" The little girl didn't care about Fang Yao's expression at the moment, she snorted and left with her head up.

Fang Yao's knuckles holding the knife and fork gradually turned white.

Xiaobao went upstairs with his front foot, and the big tree followed him in.

"Please start your explanation?" The little girl flicked her upturned feet, full of aloofness.

Dashu turned around anxiously, "Mom wanted to come by herself, it really has nothing to do with me!"


"I'm not! I swear!" Big Tree raised three fingers anxiously.

Seeing his naive look, Xiaobao burst out laughing, "I'm just kidding you, it scares you, anyway, I don't care, you said that you are on the side of Shen Zhiyi and me, you must not be sorry Our business!"

Dashu nodded vigorously, and suddenly thought of something, his little fingers stirred uncomfortably, and asked cautiously, "I'm going to the playground with my mother at that time, am I sorry for you?"

Fang Yao longed for the stars and the moon, and finally made He Jingyao downstairs.

The man was wearing a slim-fit navy blue suit, which was a little less solemn than black, and a little more calm than light-colored.

The introverted and cold color system further complements his noble and noble image.

Stepping on the leather shoes, they descended one after another, like immortals descending from the sky under the starlight, shining brightly.

How can such a man keep her from being moved?
"Ah Yao!" She stood up nervously, clutching the hem of her clothes with both hands, "I'm going to take Dashu to the playground later, do you want to go with me?"

He Jingyao let out a "hmm" and continued to straighten his cuffs without raising his head, "Just go, I have something else to do!"

Fang Yao bit her lip and followed suit unwillingly, "If you can, you can go together. The three of us haven't played together for a long time. I think Dashu is also looking forward to your going together!"

He Jingyao lowered his head to change his shoes, and there was no reaction from the beginning to the end. Seeing this, Fang Yao's heart was half cold.

She rolled her throat and forced a smile, "Of course, if you really don't have time, forget it, we can do it next time!"

"Two hours, I only have two hours!"

Fang Yao's footsteps of leaving sadly stopped suddenly, and she turned around happily, "Thank you, Ayao!"

Walls have ears, Xiaobao immediately told Shen Zhiyi the news.

"Shen Zhiyi, your husband is about to be snatched away..."

After the phone call, Shen Zhiyi was restless, and his mind was full of warm images of He Jingyao and Fang Yao taking the big tree out for fun.

Follow her cold personality, she will definitely turn a deaf ear and be indifferent.

But it was strange, as if her heart was tightly strangled by countless ropes, all the oxygen was robbed for a moment, and she was so stuffy that she was about to suffocate.

Ironically, as soon as I turned on my phone, I saw a news that the main palace was robbed of her husband by the third son.

Shen Zhiyi instantly felt green above her head.

As if sobered up, she got up and ran for the door.

Dashu had a great time playing with some new friends, chasing each other on the emerald green lawn, laughing constantly.Fang Yao thoughtfully prepared snacks, and she handed He Jingyao a can of coffee.

He Jingyao thanked him absently, and put his backhand on the other side of his body.

Dashu ran over tired from playing, and Fang Yao helped him clean his hands with a tissue.

He Jingyao squinted his eyes, feeling that Fang Yao in front of him had changed a lot.

"Sorry to bother you, could you take a photo for us?" A middle-aged woman came over with a mobile phone.

Fang Yao nodded, and took several photos of the family of three with great care.

"Wow, your family of three are so good-looking, you and your husband must be very affectionate, right?" Probably to express her gratitude, the middle-aged woman boasted casually.

Fang Yao just smiled and didn't explain, she enjoyed being misunderstood like this.

Take a look!

Even others thought that she and He Jingyao were so right, what would Shen Zhiyi do to grab her?

When the people left, she turned around and walked in front of He Jingyao, pretending to be pleasing to the eye, "I'm sorry, Yao, I just found it troublesome to explain, so just now... If you think it's inappropriate, I can ask them to explain clearly!"

"It's okay!" He Jingyao's voice was cool, expressionless.

Behind a big tree not far away, Shen Zhiyi's head was wrapped with a silk scarf tied under his chin, and Heichao covered most of his face, and he was very heavily armed for fear of being recognized by others.

He Jingyao and Fang Yao in her line of sight were so matched that they unexpectedly wore clothes of the same color.

Clothes of the same color didn't matter, but He Jingyao thoughtfully helped Fang Yao unscrew the bottle cap, even if he unscrewed the bottle cap, he actually smiled at her.

After all, since Shen Zhiyi married into the He family, she had never seen him smile like this except that he was infinitely gentle on the bed and after getting out of bed.

Bai Yueguang is Bai Yueguang, how can it be the same as other women's women?
Seeing their family of three enjoying themselves happily, Shen Zhiyi felt very uncomfortable.

After sitting for a while, she saw them get up.

Fang Yao didn't know what was wrong, she leaned against He Jingyao, and He Jingyao just held her with one hand, the two looked very intimate, maybe they would hug her in the next moment.

Shen Zhi felt revengeful.

"Hey, sorry for giving way!"

Seeing that a bicycle was about to pass through, He Jingyao subconsciously let go of Fang Yao, and withdrew far away.

Fang Yao's hand was empty, and just as he was about to lean over again, he saw He Jingyao's hand holding up his cell phone to make a call.

She stared angrily at the kid who passed the bicycle between them.

You little bastard, you actually ruined her good deeds!
behind the tree.

"Thank you for your hard work, baby!" Shen Zhiyi gave the bicycle boy two hundred yuan.

Little boy: "Sister, come to me again if you have such a good thing!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

She thought it would end here, but her mind couldn't turn her feet, so she followed them all the way to a restaurant.

"Hello miss, you..."

Shen Zhiyi withdrew her gaze from the two and one, raised her eyelids, and said to the waiter who stood by the table for a while, "I'll read the menu first, and I'll call you later."

"Ah, no miss, I want to remind you that the ordering side is upside down!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

One side is lonely, and the other side is harmonious and happy.

The strong atmosphere contrast made Shen Zhiyi's nose sour.

What's the matter with her?

Breaking his own principles, followed all the way here like a fool, looking for abuse just to stimulate himself?

Shen Zhiyi, Shen Zhiyi, what's the point of your doing this?
"Huh? Strange, he was still here just now!" The waiter who served the meal looked at the empty place and rubbed his hair wonderingly.

(End of this chapter)

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