Chapter 118 Uncle So Handsome
Fang Yao was slapped in the face, and He Jingyao was sitting here, but she could only suffer from being dumb, and the smile on her face almost froze.

After a while, Xiaobao and Dashu heard the sound. The two little guys hadn't seen Shen Zhiyi for a long time, and they hugged and kissed her.

The dark light in Fang Yao's eyes flickered, she got up suddenly, and pretended to say, "Hurry up, you two, if you don't eat, Aunt Zhiyi will also eat, right?"

Saying that, Chaohe Jingyao got closer, and personally prepared vegetables for him, "Ah Yao, you can eat it while it's still hot, by the way, I asked Mrs. Wang to cook this green shrimp specially, and it tastes very fresh!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled and stared at this scene from the corner of his eyes, hehe in his heart.

This way of practice is not a thousand years old, and it really can't achieve this dramatic effect.

Who doesn't like the tea in the tea?
Shen Zhiyi's performance began.

She wiped her mouth with a tissue, pulled out her chair and walked out.

"Ah!" Finding the right time, he sprained his foot when he passed by He Jingyao.

The man caught her with his long arms quickly, and the latter sat on the former's lap, wrapping his arms around the other's neck.

"Is there something wrong?" He Jingyao asked nervously.

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, pressed her head against his chest with some grievances, and said in a coquettish voice, "With my husband here, why should something happen to me? Thank you, husband!"

He Jingyao: "..."

other people:"……"

Fang Yao's knuckles holding the chopsticks gradually turned white, and she forced a smile, "Ah Yao, Miss Shen must have sprained her foot, why don't I help her go upstairs to have a rest!"

As soon as she reached out her hand, Shen Zhiyi hid in He Jingyao's arms as if she had seen a terrifying beast, "Husband, you know I'm very shy, can you hug him up?"

"Okay!" He Jingyao hugged him horizontally.

Xiaobao cheered, "Wow! Uncle is so handsome!"

Dashu secretly looked at his mother, and found that she looked very sad, so the little guy carefully rubbed against her, trying to comfort her: "Mom, actually, Dad and Aunt Zhizhi..."

"Shut up, Aunt Zhizhi, Aunt Zhizhi, you know Aunt Zhizhi, do you still have my mother in your heart?" Fang Yao was so angry that she couldn't help growling, like an abandoned widow.

Looking up at Xiaobao and the servants' complicated gazes, she only realized that her character set was almost overturned.

He hurriedly put on a guilty look and apologized to Dashu, "I'm sorry Dashu, mom didn't mean to lose her temper with you just now, it's just that mom has been under a lot of pressure recently, so..."

Dashu dodged her outstretched hand, took two steps back with eyes full of tears, turned around and ran out.

"Dashu, wait for me!" Xiao Bao glared at Fang Yao, then ran to chase Dashu.

Finally found him under the cherry blossom tree in the vestibule.

"Dashu, are you okay?" Sitting next to him, Xiaobao patted him on the shoulder like a little adult.

Dashu raised his sad face, tears glistened in his eyes, but he didn't let them flow out.

"Xiaobao, do you think my mother really doesn't like me? Other mothers are very gentle and love their babies, but my mother left me early and was always fierce to me. Why? Xiaobao, do you think I am a child picked up by my mother?"

The world of a child is very simple, if you treat him well, he will feel love, if you treat him badly, he will be very hurt.

An adult's random behavior can make him so happy that he takes off, but it can also hurt him completely.

His dream is to have a mother who is the same as others and can love him.

The big tree felt uncomfortable, and so did Xiao Bao. The latter, like a big sister, lent his shoulders to the big tree to rely on, patted the back of the big tree with his little hand, and coaxed softly like an adult, "Don't cry, big tree! It's not a picked child, even if your mother doesn't love you, you still have me, Shen Zhiyi, and your father, there are still many people who love you in this world, you should be happy, right? We The big tree is the strongest and the bravest! Come, wipe away the tears!"

Dashu raised his small face, allowing Xiaobao to wipe his tears for him without disdain.

On a day in June, the child's face changed as soon as he said it. The tree was still sad one second ago, but he didn't know what to think of in the next second, and laughed through tears.

Pointing at the big bubbles blown by his snot, Xiao Bao couldn't help laughing either.

The quiet vestibule was suddenly rendered extra vivid by the crisp laughter...

As soon as the door of the room was closed, Shen Zhiyi stopped smiling and struggled to get down.

He Jingyao refused, and pushed him against the wall in this hugging position.

"Tear down the bridge when you cross the river, is Mrs. He so heartless?"

Shen Zhiyi paused, feeling a guilty conscience that he had seen through, "You, you know everything?"

He Jingyao snorted, and his free hand was already running up the hem of her clothes, "You are too unprofessional, acting is fine, but you have to start and finish!"

While Shen Zhiyi raised his eyebrows, he pressed his restless palm, "So?"

"Come to the end, Mrs. He!"

The world spun for a while, and a person pressed up on Shen Zhiyi.

Later, she finally understood that the cost of using Mr. He as an actor was too high, and she might be involved in it herself.

It was half an hour before He Jingyao went downstairs again.

No adult would guess what Mr. He and Mrs. He were doing in the room during the half hour.
Fang Yao didn't know what was wrong with him, and waited stubbornly downstairs.

After finally waiting for the person, she stood up suddenly, because she was too anxious, her body shook.

"Ah Yao, you..."

Inadvertently caught a glimpse of the red mark on his neck, Fang Yao's heart stabbed suddenly, and he almost lost his footing.

"Is there something wrong?" He Jingyao asked quietly.

Fang Yao had already forgotten what she wanted to say, she bit the inside of her lip hard, "No, it's all right!"

He Jingyao hummed, walked around her and left.

In front of the main building, he bent his lips and wiped the bright red mark on his neck.

Yes, this red mark was intentional by Shen Zhiyi, and it was most obvious that she bit it.

Little fox, the thief has a heart, but why does he treat him like that!

Shen Zhiyi took a shower, and before she finished her glass of water, she heard someone knocking on the door.

"Miss Fang? Is there something wrong?"

"Let's talk!" Fang Yao forced his way in regardless of whether Shen Zhiyi liked it or not.

Shen Zhiyi let out a smirk, turned around, and leaned against the back of the sofa with his arms around his forehead, "Just tell me if you have something to do, my husband used too much force just now, and I'm very tired now, and I want to rest, otherwise I won't be able to carry him at night!"

She had a smile on her face, a lazy tone, and a soft posture, just like a shameless little daughter-in-law.

A few words, but the lethality is extremely strong, killing Fang Yao's face to the extreme, as if the next second, that beautiful mask is about to burst.

Suddenly, she laughed out of anger, and took light steps, her fingertips gliding wherever she went.

"Actually, I quite like this room. At the beginning, I just said it casually, but I didn't expect that A Yao really designed it according to my idea. Whether it's the wallpaper or the chandelier, it's my favorite feeling!"

She waved her hand and pointed, "Have you seen that sunflower oil painting? I found it at an international art exhibition. I liked it at first glance. Unfortunately, the owner of the painting didn't sell it. As a result, A Yao gave it to me the next day. I found out later that he paid three times the price to buy it!"

Speaking of this, Fang Yao looked out of the window, and the memory brought back infinite emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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