Chapter 119
"I always thought that A Yao was a careless person. From that time on, I was pleasantly surprised to find that he is not careless, but just not good at expressing his heart!"

Shen Zhiyi shook her head and clicked her tongue twice, "It's really touching, but Miss Fang, it seems inappropriate to tell me about you and my husband? Let me guess what you want? Make me jealous? Make me feel inferior? Or arouse my desire to challenge?"

"Miss Shen, you are a smart person. I believe you can analyze the current situation. Let alone you, how can you compare with me when you have a daughter? Dashu is A Yao's biological son, and I It's Dashu's mother, we are the real family of three, I cherished it before and missed a lot of time with A Yao, but now I'm back!"

"You have also seen that if A Yao didn't have me in his heart, how could he nod and let me live in? If he really cared about you, he wouldn't do such a thing to make you sad. We are all sensible people, what do you think? All you want is money. I know that you will not be willing to let you leave now, so you say the number, and I will try my best to satisfy you. I guarantee that you will live a better life with your daughter than in the He family. How about wishing?"

Fang Yao has torn off the mask, and confronts Shen Zhiyi face to face with the most authentic face.

However, if she can solve it with money, she will definitely not make herself so troublesome.

Shen Zhiyi giggled.

Fang Yao looked at her warily, "What do you mean?"

"Miss Fang, are you and Mr. Fu a couple? Why do you like to use money to send people away? Oh, by the way, I didn't agree with him last time when he said he would give me 100 million, so how much are you going to pay? One hundred million is ?"

Fang Yao's eyes widened, and her voice became sharper, "Shen Zhiyi, don't be too greedy!"

Shen Zhiyi sat on the sofa, folded her legs, and shook the slippers on her toes, "It's still what I said to Mr. Fu, my husband is such a big sweetheart, why do you think I will take your money and give it up?" Him? To borrow your words, if he really likes you, do you still need to send me money? "


Shen Zhiyi raised her hand to interrupt her, "Miss Fang, there is a kind of feeling called being self-sufficient. No matter how good my husband treats you, that is the past tense. Now that he married me, I am his wife. I work with a certificate. You live here because you feel sorry for Dashu and feel sorry for you. How about letting you stay as a guest? Be sober, don’t take other people’s sympathy for you as love, no one wants you or what, you want a man to accept you so much Woolen cloth!"

"Shen Zhiyi, it's not too much!" Fang Yao shouted, a vein protruding from her thin white neck.

Shen Zhiyi sneered, and was about to pull her out when she came over, "I have to catch up on sleep, and I have to wait on my husband at night, Miss Fang, hurry up, it's rude to disturb!"


Fang Yao suddenly broke away from her hand, and fell straight backward.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

What the hell?

She was going to pull her together, who knew that Fang Yao opened her hand and became emotional, "Miss Shen, I really didn't come here on purpose, it was Cancanfei who dragged me here, I know it's inappropriate, I'm sorry, I apologize to you, don't worry, I won't tell A Yao and them about you pushing me!"


Fang Yao begged with tears streaming down his face, "I'm moving out tomorrow, can't I move out tomorrow? I hope you don't hoard your hatred for me on Dashu, the child is innocent, please Miss Shen, you can Promise me?"

Shen Zhiyi was extremely speechless, "Miss Fang, can you get up and talk, it will make me appear..."

"Shen Zhiyi!"

Shen Zhiyi seemed to be smiling but not smiling, ha!Finally willing to speak, I knew this stuff was suppressing my emotions.

Come on, hurt each other and see who is stronger!

When she raised her eyes, she met those black eyes that were shining brightly even in the dark, and He Jingyao came in with a low air pressure.

She shivered suddenly.

With a dark face, He Jingyao pulled away Shen Zhiyi's hand that was holding Fang Yao, and then helped her up, "How is it?"

Fang Yao was like a frightened little white rabbit, shaking his head tremblingly, clasping his arms with both hands to find a sense of security, "I'm fine, A Yao, it's not Miss Shen's fault, I insisted on coming here to provoke her, don't you Don't blame her, it affects your life, I will move out tomorrow!"

Shen Zhiyi's speechless white eyes almost rolled away.

This green tea is okay, directing and acting on his own, not to mention online acting skills, he is especially good at seizing the opportunity.

She hugged her shoulders, and stared straight at the two of them, "Okay, I'm not as good as others today, I admit it, who knows that some people look like dogs, but they are blind, it's too disappointing, sister I don't have time to play with you!"

After finishing speaking, she rushed out the door in an extremely chic manner.

"Ah Yao, Miss Shen really misunderstood this time, I'll go and explain to her!" Fang Yao chased after her.

He Jingyao stood on the spot and let out a foul breath.

Shen Zhi was so angry that she was grinding her back teeth all the way. She was still wearing home clothes, so she wouldn't be so stupid as to run away from home and give other women a chance.

Standing on the side of the road and kicking pebbles, she was actually listening to everything.

Didn't that bastard surnamed He chase after him to explain?
Okay, really okay, I don't know who was hot and unbearably pestering her to ask for it twice an hour ago.

"Miss Shen!"

Shen Zhiyi turned around upon hearing the sound, and saw Fang Yao following with a proud face.

"If you want to show off that He Jingyao cares about you, then save yourself the effort!"

Fang Yao shook his head leisurely, "I tried that just now, but it didn't work, so I decided to change it!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned and slanted at her, "What way?"

Fang Yao smiled treacherously, then walked towards the middle of the road calmly and elegantly, half turned to face the approaching vehicles, and opened his arms.

Shen Zhiyi's pupils suddenly dilated, she stood upside down with sweat on her back, and roared violently in the next second, "Fang Yao, what are you going to do, come back quickly?"

Seeing that the oncoming car was about to hit him, Shen Zhiyi rushed forward to grab her, but she pushed her away violently.


The harsh sound of brakes pierced the sky, and sparks flew from the junction between the tires and the ground.

Time stood still, the air was stagnant, Shen Zhiyi looked at the figure rolling down not far away, his heart skipped a beat.

"Fang Yao!"

Until a low growl pulled her out of her trance.

Before she had time to see the person who came, the person had already brushed her and rushed to Fang Yao's position.

He Jingyao hugged Fang Yao. From a distance, Shen Zhiyi couldn't see how seriously Fang Yao was hurt, but he could clearly see that half of her face was covered in blood, which stained He Jingyao's white shirt red.

"God, how did this happen?" Mrs. Wang who rushed over from behind covered her mouth in fright.

"Sister-in-law Wang, tell Lao Chen to prepare the car, hurry up!" He Jingyao commanded, while walking quickly towards the garage with Fang Yao in his arms.

Mrs. Wang nodded repeatedly, turned around and went to inform Lao Chen.

"I can drive it!" Shen Zhiyi volunteered.

It's not because she has a guilty conscience, but because everyone is equal to life.

She's not the kind of person who avenges private revenge.

However, her kindness was poured cold water.

"No, you're at home!" He Jingyao wiped her arm and strode away.

"He Jingyao!" Shen Zhiyi called to him, turned around slowly, stared at his straight and slender back with trembling eyes, "Do you think that I pushed her, and that I was the one who hit her by a car? "

Without saying a word, He Jingyao quickly walked away with the man in his arms.

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, and her heart instantly fell to the bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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