Chapter 120 You Are Far From Ruo Yao

An hour later, she still went to the hospital.

"Miss Fang is very lucky. She didn't hurt any muscles or bones. She just had soft tissue bruises on her body. Perhaps the most unacceptable thing for the injured is the bruises on the face. If they are treated well in the later stage, there should be no scars left!"

After listening to the doctor's summary of Fang Yao's situation, Shen Zhiyi's tense heartstrings were relaxed.

Fang Yao deserved it, but Shen Zhi didn't want He Jingyao to stay here out of selfishness.

Coming out of the doctor's office, Shen Zhiyi stepped on high heels and prepared to take a look at Fang Yao's ward.

Anyway, she wasn't the one who caused Fang Yao, so why didn't she dare to see him?

After all, she was also her husband's ex, so she had to be a competent incumbent.

"Miss Shen!"

Shen Zhiyi stopped, and saw the cold face of the visitor through the transparent glass.

"What's the matter, Mr. Fu?"

But Fu came up and grabbed her by the collar, "You've ruined Yao Yao like this, how can I have the face to come and see her again? Please get out before she sees you, otherwise, I'm not sure I will what to you!"

Shen Zhiyi laughed without fear, "Yo! Could it be that Mr. Fu still wants to hit women?"

As she said that, she looked him up and down with disdainful eyes, "To tell you the truth, if you really fight with me, it's not sure which of us will lose!"


Shen Zhiyi's smile faded away, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. While shaking off Fu Que's hand, he kicked his calf joint with the heel of his shoe.

Fu Que bent down and rubbed in pain, "Shen Zhiyi, no wonder Ah Yao doesn't like you, you are far from Yao Yao!"

Shen Zhiyi straightened his collar slowly, and looked at him coldly, "Yeah, I can't compare with Ms. Fang, she is very powerful, she is a screenwriter, director, and actor, and she is so ruthless that she can even risk her life. I am cowardly." , afraid of death, naturally far from her!"

"Hey, actually, I think you and Ms. Fang are quite a good match. One is willing to act and the other is willing to believe. You are her most loyal fan, and you always stand out for her. If I were her, I would definitely choose you, and I would also choose you." What is He Jingyao doing?"

Shen Zhiyi is very good at poking a knife into people's mouths, with every stab.

No, it was almost visible to the naked eye, but Fu's expression became hurt.

Then he sneered, "How much better do you think you are? Ah Yao is going to abandon you!"

Shen Zhiyi clicked his tongue twice, "You people, you always love to fantasize. If you really want to humiliate me, just wait for the day when I am really abandoned, sarcasm me, laugh at me, how cool it is, now you and Fang Yao often talks about things that didn’t happen, and looks very pitiful, trying to comfort himself with things that didn’t happen, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

"I..." Fu couldn't speak to her, and turned into a stern face from embarrassment, "I'll ask you again, are you sure you want to fight against Yao Yao and not leave A Yao?"

"none of your business?"

"You will regret it!" After Fu Que slightly nodded at her, the gentleman left the stage.

Shen Zhiyi snorted, the thing she regretted the most was not kicking him in the crotch just now.


"Shen Zhiyi, are you okay?" Seeing the person coming back, Xiao Bao immediately jumped off the sofa to meet him.

She and Dashu knew about Fang Yao being hit by a car, and they were worried all night.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head, and pinched the little girl's earlobe with a forced smile, "Have you forgotten who your mother is? Of course it's okay. Have you eaten yet? I'll make you something if you haven't eaten?"

Xiaobao gave her a supercilious look, "You can pull it down, it's not our chassis, you should be more safe!"

Well, it was because she was afraid she would ruin the kitchen.

Sensing a pair of eyes staring at her from the corner, Shen Zhiyi turned her head, and bumped into those black, bright, aggrieved and helpless eyes.

"Big tree?"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her throat, not knowing what to say about her and Fang Yao.

"Dashu, in fact, your mother..."

"I believe in Aunt Zhizhi. Aunt Zhizhi is a good person, so she won't hurt my mother, right?"

The little guy's voice was crisp, but extremely firm.

The light in his eyes was very bright, which instantly ignited Shen Zhiyi, and made his whole heart feel warm.

Shen Zhiyi is strong on the surface, but she is an extremely emotional person on the inside.

She was extremely moved by the little guy's words.

Unable to hold back, he hugged the little guy into his arms and stroked his soft hair with his big hands.

Shen Zhiyi kissed him on the forehead, "Thank you Dashu, thank you for believing in me!"

Look, an adult is not as trustworthy as a child. Shen Zhiyi doesn't know whether she should be lucky or sad.

At least up to now, He Jingyao hasn't called a single call.

It was difficult for Shen Zhiyi to fall asleep that night. When she woke up, her mind was muddled, as if she had had a nightmare all night, but she couldn't remember what it was about.

The body rolled over lazily, and the arms flew into the air.

There is a cold touch under the palm.

Yes, He Jingyao didn't come back last night.

It seemed to be back to the last time when Fang Yao was hospitalized, and he didn't come back for a few days.

Shen Zhiyi pulled her lips mockingly.

She seemed to have been immersed in her own sweet dreams, and felt that He Jingyao was somewhat interesting to her.

But now it seems that everything is just self-indulgence.

She should return to reality, finish the last time in the agreement in a business-like manner, and wait for the cooperation to end smoothly.

After washing up, Shen Zhiyi pressed the corner of her mouth and pushed it up, it was the beginning of another beautiful day.

"Madam," Sister-in-law Wang opened her mouth when she saw her, but stopped talking, her eyes were full of distress.

Originally, the husband and wife were pretty good, but it was different when Miss Fang appeared. In addition, such a big incident happened yesterday, and the husband and wife may have conflicts again!

Shen Zhiyi flicked her hair recklessly, as if she didn't see Mrs. Wang's worries at all, "Sister-in-law Wang, what's for breakfast today? Are there any fried buns that I like? Let me tell you, your fried buns The package is absolutely perfect, I dreamed last night that I was salivating!"

"Wow! Sister-in-law Wang, you really know me so well, you really have it, it's great! Xiaobao, Dashu, you two should eat more, you are growing up, be careful of being bullied by your classmates!"

While speaking, Shen Zhiyi stuffed his mouth full of smacks.

The old and the young looked at each other.

The confusion on the faces of the three of them was like copy-pasting.



As soon as Shen Zhiyi entered the shopping mall, she saw Lin Yu waving vigorously at her from a distance, with a childlike joy on his face.

It's still that silly Lin Yu brother, the appraisal is complete.

Lin Yu called her when she went out in the morning. Lin Yu's grandmother was about to celebrate her [-]th birthday, and he wanted Shen Zhiyi to buy a gift for her.

It should be said that Shen Zhiyi shouldn't interfere in this matter, but she has a very good relationship with Granny Lin, and she has never eaten less food from her since she was a child. Granny Lin likes Shen Zhiyi very much. Yu tried his best to stop this, but it didn't work.

"Didn't you grow up with your grandmother? Are you still not sure about her old man's hobbies?"

Shen Zhiyi laughed and teased Lin Yu.

Lin Yu scratched his ears in embarrassment, "Grandma said that the things I gave before were not practical, and told me not to spend the money, but I have to give gifts!"

"Oh? Then what did you give before?"

(End of this chapter)

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