Chapter 121
"Skin care products, jewelry, clothes..."

"Pfft—" Shen Zhiyi burst out laughing, "Are you sure it's grandma? If you didn't know, you thought you were giving it to your girlfriend, but you can even think of skin care products. Is it possible that you want grandma to rejuvenate? Laugh at me to death." Already!"

Lin Yu looked at her crescent-shaped eyebrows and two little red clouds floating on her innocent face, "That's why I'm asking you for help this time!"

Shen Zhiyi patted her chest, "Wrap me!"

She stood in front of the counter to choose, and Lin Yu followed suit, always keeping a close distance from her.

Not to offend her, but to be close to her.

He silently and carefully selects things carefully. When she frowns in confusion, he will frown along with her. When she is satisfied and happy, he will also bend the corners of his eyes.

Lin Yu enjoyed this moment very much.

He didn't want much, it was just right to be by her side like this, even if he didn't have a status.

He didn't know what he thought of, he suddenly lowered his eyes, and all the light disappeared.

He had already promised Shen Yichun that he would take good care of the child in her womb. How could such a dirty self be worthy of his girl?

He is not eligible!

"Okay, let's use this massager!" Shen Zhiyi made a decision.

Then I chose a smart foot bath bucket as my birthday gift.

When she was about to go back, Lin Yu called to her, "Zhizhi, thank you for coming to help me in your busy schedule. I heard that the bags in this store are designer models, and they are very small. Why don't you pick one and count it as a bag?" My thanks!"

Lin Yu seldom gave girls gifts, especially to Shen Zhiyi, she would definitely not accept an expensive gift, so he made a strategy two days in advance and read the little red book.

Just for her to accept her own heart.

Shen Zhiyi slightly turned his shoulders, and said boldly, "We are buddies, you are so polite to me, you are too far away!"


Lin Yu's heart suddenly felt cold, and he took it easy, "Since you don't choose, then I will choose for you. Just wait, I will come right away!"

"Hey, Brother Lin Yu..."

Five minutes later, Lin Yusai gave Shen Zhiyi a paper bag, "Don't stress, it's just my thanks!"

After finishing speaking, as if she was afraid that Shen Zhiyi would really refuse, she walked quickly with two big cardboard boxes.

Shen Zhiyi looked down at the shopping bag in her hand, feeling heavy for a moment.

Brother Lin Yu, everyone should learn to look forward, how do you keep moving forward?
In the evening, two unexpected guests came to Marriott.

"Shen Zhiyi, get the hell out of here, why, did you do something wrong and hide yourself from seeing people?"

"Go, call me that bitch, if I don't see her today, I'll burn your hotel down!"

Liu Xiang came aggressively, pinching his waist, standing in the hotel lobby and yelling.

Shen Yichun snatched some food from the bar as a gift for the customers who applied for the card, ate it regardless of the image, and threw it all over the floor.

When Shen Zhiyi came, he saw a mess in the hall.

She shook hands to suppress her anger, and walked up with a smile, "Hey, isn't this Aunt Xiang and my sister Yichun? They are looking for me so hard, let me guess, maybe they are tight and want to borrow money from me? That one phone call would be all right, and I ran here specially to make a fuss over a molehill, right?"

Receiving sympathetic and pitiful gazes from a circle of people, Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun were worthy of being mother and daughter, and they were so angry that they both jumped their feet.

Liu Xiang threw off the waiter who stopped him, rushed up and pointed at Shen Zhiyi's nose, "You, you have the face to say it? You are a married woman who seduced my daughter's fiancé to buy things for you, Shen Zhiyi I mean, why didn't I find you so flirtatious before?"

Xiaomei couldn't stand it anymore, and squeezed in to speak for Shen Zhiyi, "Hey aunt, you are dressed cleanly, why is your mouth so smelly, slander is also a crime, if you dare to disturb public order, I will call the police!"

Liu Xiang pointed to his nose, "Am I disturbing public order? I see that all of you have been blinded by Shen Zhiyi's youthful appearance. Today, I took off this woman's disguise in front of everyone!"

"Shen Zhiyi was married a long time ago, and wanted to hook up with men if she was dishonest. At noon, she hooked up my future son-in-law and pestered her to buy her a bag. Fortunately, I heard something tricky from my son-in-law and grandma. Shen Zhiyi just found out about this scandal. My daughter is less than three months pregnant, and my sisters have been calling her that she is going to marry her fiancé soon. Is this how she treats us? Sao Fox, you can't live without a man, and she specializes in seducing other people's husbands, maybe she even seduced the male employees here under your noses!"

After the words fell, there was a wave of sound in the hall.

Some people don't believe it, some people are astonished, and some people despise it.

Shen Yichun added oil and jealousy while it was hot, "Shen Zhiyi is the best at acting, don't be fooled by her, she looks dignified on weekdays, but in fact she has a lot of thoughts, you have to be optimistic about your boyfriend and husband, in case you get caught She seems to be unable to keep it sooner or later, and I am the best example!"

Shen Zhiyi hugged her shoulders, and gently bumped her waist against the bar, staring coldly at the mother and daughter who were barking like dogs.

"Have you two said enough? Is it my turn next?"

Shen Yichun squinted her eyes and stared at her viciously, "Come on, Shen Zhiyi, what else do you have to say now? Debauchery is debauchery, this is a bad nature in your bones, you are just like your mother, you were born with it, and you can't change it!"


Shen Zhiyi raised her hand and slapped her face.

Shen Yichun was beaten up to [-] degrees, she covered her face, tears streaming down her face, "Everyone have seen it? This bitch not only seduced my fiancé, but also beat me with his hands. Is there any reason in the world?" ?”

"Shen Zhiyi, don't bully people too much!" Nurse Liu Xiang eagerly wanted to come up for revenge, Shen Zhiyi glanced at her sharply, and she fell in love in a second.

Knowing that she is not Shen Zhiyi's opponent at all, and she is the only one who will suffer, it is better to save effort.

Shen Zhiyi straightened her body, put one hand on the bar counter and tapped the button lightly.

"That's right, I'm married, but who stipulates that married women can't touch the opposite sex? Brother Lin Yu and I grew up together. Is it a problem to help him buy a gift for grandma?"

"There are more!" Xiaomei stepped forward like a heroine, and gestured with both hands, "Do you know who our sister Zhiyi's husband is? That is the most handsome and handsome He Shi in Hangzhou President, Sun He Jingyao, He's parent, although I don't know what that Lin Yu looks like, but our sister Zhiyi is not blind enough to find a man who is inferior to the big boss of the He family in every way? As for sister Zhiyi pestering him? This man buys a bag, ha ha! I just want to say, our sister Zhiyi is already Mrs. He, is she short of a bag? If you want to reverse right and wrong, you have to see if it is logical or not, right? "

Xiaomei spoke lightly and won applause from the audience.

But Liu Xiang and Shen Yichun were so blocked that they couldn't refute a single word.

(End of this chapter)

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