Chapter 128 It's good here
What they didn't know was that as soon as Shen Zhiyi entered the bathroom, she removed the recorder that had been following her from her bag.

It's very miniature, the little thumbnail is still small, so it's placed at the bottom of her satchel, and you can't find it if you don't pay attention.

Since last night, she has felt that something is wrong.

It was clear that she agreed to Fu but was willing to leave Hangcheng, but as soon as she arrived in Yangcheng, she was followed closely by the big guy.

This shows that the secret conversation between her and Xiaobao has been overheard.

After the monitoring equipment was removed, she and Xiaobao borrowed a mobile phone from the person who came in, and then called Lin Yu.

Fortunately, Lin Yu's mobile phone number Shen Zhiyi has always been remembered, and at this time, the only person she can trust is him.

The phone rang several times, and when Shen Zhiyi was about to give up, the phone was finally answered.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Brother Lin Yu, it's me, Zhizhi!"


"Brother Meng, this person hasn't come out for almost half an hour. There shouldn't be any problem, why don't we find someone to go in and have a look?"

Hearing what his subordinates said, the big man glanced at the time.

At this time, Shen Zhiyi just came out with Xiaobao.

"Hey, why did you go in for so long?" The big man asked impatiently.

Xiaobao spread his hands, "Uncle, I have a stomachache, there's nothing I can do!"

In the evening, Shen Zhiyi cooks for herself.

This time I didn't overturn the car, I fried two meat and two vegetables, and added a soup.

"Mr. Meng, Xiao Zhao, we know each other by fate. I understand that you all serve the superiors, and you understand our difficulties. In short, I hope we can have a good time together. Tonight, I invite you to eat together!"

Xiao Zhao looked at the big man, and the big man's gaze fell on the four dishes and one soup on the dining table, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Shen Zhiyi laughed, "Why, you are afraid that I will drug you, okay, let me give you a taste of the head office first?"

As she spoke, she picked up her chopsticks and ate every dish in front of them, even taking a sip of the soup.

"Is it okay now? But if you really don't want to eat it, then I won't force it, but it might be a bit wasteful!"

Xiaobao took a bite out of a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, and exaggeratedly praised, "Wow, it's delicious in the world, don't be shy, uncle, let's sit down and eat together, as Shen Zhiyi said, there are so many people!"

The big piece of meat nodded, and Xiao Zhao dared to sit down. He swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva just now.

After coming to Yangcheng, he didn't have a decent meal. He stared at the big and small all day long, and lived a life that he didn't know what to call it.

This table is steaming hot, who wouldn't be tempted to see it?
Shen Zhiyi was very enthusiastic, and the food dishes for the two of them were very high.

After eating and tidying up, she took Xiaobao back to the room.

Xiaobao rushed to tidy her up, "Shen Zhiyi, when will they faint? I can't wait."

Shen Zhiyi: "Shhh, don't worry, we'll talk about it after we fall asleep!"

So the mother and daughter waited and waited, and after about 10 to [-] minutes, they waited until there was no movement outside, and then they came out carelessly.

Seeing the two gentlemen outside sleeping more closely than the other, the mother and daughter both breathed a sigh of relief.

But who knows, when passing by Meng Ying, this guy suddenly opened his eyes, and instinctively grabbed the suitcase in Shen Zhiyi's hand.

Shen Zhiyi was taken aback by being caught off guard.

"Shen Zhiyi, I'll help you!" Xiao Bao rushed over and hit Meng Ying's hand repeatedly.

Shen Zhiyi immediately analyzed that although the big guy was not dizzy, she had taken a large dose of medicine, and even one mouthful was enough to make her feel weak.

The two men probably never dreamed that Shen Zhiyi didn't put medicine in the meal, but tampered with the serving chopsticks.

Seeing that Meng Ying grabbed Xiaobao, in a hurry, Shen Zhiyi didn't pay attention to what was next to him, and grabbed it and kowtowed on Meng Ying's head.

The person was directly knocked unconscious.

There is no way, if she doesn't make the big guy dizzy, he will inform Fu Que soon, and it will be impossible for her to run away by then.

It's not that she must run away, but that Fu Que has no good intentions at all.

What was said to let their mother and daughter live here was actually just a tactic to delay the attack. When He Jingyao forgot about her, Fu might take their mother and daughter somewhere to destroy their corpses and wipe out their traces.

"Weaving, here!"

Lin Yu had been waiting here an hour ago, only a few minutes past the agreed time, and he felt uneasy.

People finally come down, thank God.

He took the suitcase from Shen Zhiyi's hand with one hand, and grabbed Xiaobao with the other.

"Get in the car!"

"Brother Lin Yu, Fu Que will soon know that I ran away, he..."

Lin Yu knew what she was going to say, turned around and glanced at her in the rearview mirror, "Don't worry, let's go to a place where no one will find you!"


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ah Shen still didn't find any trace of Shen Zhiyi.

He Jingyao stood facing the window, with his hands resting on his hip bones, his coat was partly parted by his arms, revealing the delicate lines of his chest.

The already full-bodied pupils seemed to be splashed with ink, so dark that there was no gleam of light.

"Sir, if my wife uses someone else's ID card when she leaves Hangzhou by plane or other means of transportation, it will be very difficult for us to find her!" Ah Shen reminded.

It's not that He Jingyao doesn't know this, but he doesn't want to admit that Shen Zhiyi really wants to leave him.

Could it be that she was angry and sad because he was with Fang Yao in the hospital these days?

Or does she have another new love, following wild men...

"Find someone to keep an eye on Fang Huaizhou and Lin Yu, and report to the anomaly as soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir!"

When Ah Shen left, Mrs. Wang just came in to deliver soothing tea.

"Sir, there is something... I don't know if I should say it or not. Although it has nothing to do with my wife leaving, I think it is very serious!"

He Jingyao half turned around, his cold and heavy eyes were extremely oppressive, "Say, tell me everything you know!"

Aunt Wang licked her lips and told the story of Xiaobao's kidnapping in detail...

Ding Dong!

The surprise on Fang Yao's face was instantly shattered when he saw the person outside the door, "Fu Que? Why are you here?"

"The doctor called me and said you ran away without saying hello, let me see what's going on?"

Fang Yao invited him in, and she replaced the original coffee table with a set of tea tables on her own initiative.

Her fingers flipped over it, soaking the tea set in boiling water to sterilize it, making tea, pouring tea, every process was skillful and professional.

"I still have a few houses, you can choose whatever you want!" Fu Que took a sip of tea and said casually.

He is not used to drinking tea, but he will definitely drink the one made by Fang Yao.

She was the best cook he had ever seen.

Fang Yao smiled and said, "It's troublesome to move around, this place is fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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