Chapter 129 That Woman Died

But Fu pressed the teacup on the table and turned her shoulder to face him, "Yaoyao, has Auntie moved all your luggage out of the He mansion? I believe you understand better than anyone else what this means. Why bother to abuse yourself? Also, the wound on your face has not healed completely, and your mood is not stable. I am really worried that you came out of the hospital rashly. May I send you back to the hospital?"

"I don't want to go back!" Fang Yao broke away from him with a sharp voice, "I don't want to go to that cold and icy place unless Ah Yao is with me, but now he is being haunted by Shen Zhiyi, I stay there alone What else do you mean?"

"Fu Que, I know you like me, but I have told you many times that it is impossible for me to fall in love with you!"

Although Fu knew that Fang Yao didn't love her, but when she said it herself, it still hurt him deeply.

He swallowed helplessly, "I don't understand, since you love A Yao so much, why did you leave him in the first place? Yao Yao, in my opinion, A Yao is really not good enough for you. You look like you now, he But he still thinks about others, what kind of man is he?"

But the more Fu thought about it, the more angry he became, "Wait, I'll ask that heartbroken man right now!"

"Stop!" Fang Yao hugged him from behind, "If you dare to trouble Ah Yao, I will... I will never talk to you again for the rest of my life!"

Fu Que's heart was full of emotions, and with a low growl, he slammed his fist against the wall.

Fang Yao was so frightened that she closed her eyes and hugged her head. She opened them slowly when she felt the sound of footsteps fading away.

However, she was the only one left in the house, and the string of bloodstains on the wall...

Hangzhou Prison.

"Qin Meng, someone has come to see you!"

After a while, Qin Meng was brought out by the police with his hands handcuffed.

"Long time no see, Qin Meng!"

Qin Meng raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw that long-lost smiling face. If he saw any beasts and monsters, his pupils would tremble.

She shook her finger and pointed at Fang Yao for a while, "You... what are you doing here?"

Fang Yao still had a gentle and harmless smile on her face. If you didn't listen to her, you would definitely think that she was a very well-bred, kind and simple girl.

"I want to ask you a question, who was that woman back then?"

Qin Mengmi was startled, and raised her head, with incomprehensible emotions hidden in her gray eyes.

After a few seconds, she said calmly, "That woman died in a car accident a few years ago. She didn't pose any threat to you. Are you satisfied now?"

When Fang Ruo heard, her chest relaxed a bit, she gave Qin Meng a gentle smile, and her fingers casually rubbed against the leather strap on her left wrist.

"Qin Meng, we haven't seen each other for so long. As an old friend, of course I want to come and see you. Oh, by the way, I heard that you have a daughter named Shen Ying. I have met her. She is very beautiful and has a good temperament. Well, I just found a boyfriend who is an architect, and it looks very right. Unfortunately, your son Shen Qingfeng is lying in the hospital with only half his life left. Why don't you tell me about the big things, so I can take care of him for you!"

Fang Yao's words sent chills down Qin Meng's spine, every word was like an ice skate resting on her neck.

Regardless of the police's obstruction, Qin Meng knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Miss Fang, for the sake of what I did for you, I beg you, please don't touch them. Don't worry, I will rot in my stomach!"


Lin Yu took Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao to his grandmother's old house in the countryside.

Because no one lived there for a long time, the yard was overgrown with weeds, and the room smelled musty.

Fortunately, it is clean and tidy, and it can accommodate people after tidying up.

It took the three of them two hours to tidy up the house, and Lin Yu took the vegetables, fruits and daily necessities that he bought in advance from the trunk of the car, and immediately showed his mother and daughter.

"This meal is just enough. When I turn back, I'll go to the city to buy some fish and chicken, and I'll cook you my specialty!" This meal only made simple tomato sauce noodles, and Lin Yu was very embarrassed.

Shen Zhiyi showed him the empty bowl, "Don't you know that we ordinary people like to eat noodles?"

With tomato sauce on his mouth, Xiao Bao did not forget to give a thumbs up, "Uncle Lin, your tomato sauce noodles are so delicious, do you have any more?"

Lin Yu: "..."

At night, Shen Zhiyi coaxed Xiaobao to sleep, and then went out to watch the night scene alone.

The night scene in the countryside is different from that in the city.

When I looked up, what I saw was no longer a small inch of night sky, but a vast starry sky in my pupils without any tall buildings blocking it.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Lin Yu sat up at some point, with a bit of exhaustion in his voice.

Shen Zhiyi looked at him and bit her lip, "Brother Lin Yu, thank you!"

Lin Yu smiled and touched her forehead, just like when he was a child, "Silly girl, do we still need to thank each other? Do you remember what you said to me when I was young?"

Of course Shen Zhiyi remembered that they always played hide and seek at that time.

Once when a group of children were playing on the mountain, Xiao Zhiyi accidentally sprained her foot. It was getting late, and the other children all went back because of fear. Seeing that Xiao Zhiyi did not go down the mountain, Lin Yu rushed up the mountain to find her desperately.

In the end, he carried Xiaozhiyi down the mountain.

Xiao Zhiyi hugged his neck tightly, crying so heartbreakingly, and even sprayed Lin Yu with snot.

While crying, she coquettishly said, "Brother Lin Yu, no matter where I am or what difficulties I encounter in the future, you can't give up on me and help me desperately, do you hear me?"

Shen Zhiyi blushed after recalling.

She was so domineering when she was a child!

"So Zhizhi, don't treat me as an outsider, okay? I promised you that no matter where you are or what difficulties you encounter, as long as you tell me, I will be willing to risk my life!"

Under the night, Lin Yu looked into Shen Zhiyi's eyes, without vows, but extremely sincere and serious.

Shen Zhi thought, if he hadn't met He Jingyao, would he have fallen in love with this innocent and kind man?

"Brother Lin Yu, I know you treat me well, but now... let's not talk about it, okay?" Shen Zhi didn't want to hurt this man, so he had an idea and changed the subject instantly, "I need a passport. I can't stay here anymore, with He Jingyao's strength, I will find this place soon, and I must leave with Xiaobao in a short time!"

Lin Yu nodded, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it tomorrow morning!"

at the same time.

In a certain private room of the Heaven and Earth Clubhouse, people are still singing and dancing, feasting and feasting.

"Old Fu, what's wrong with your hand? Why did you bandage it up?" Yin Xingze, who had just finished lingering with the beauty, sat down beside Fu Que contentedly. As soon as it lit up, I smelled a strong smell of gossip.

But Fu shook off his claws that came close to him, "Mind your own business!"

After speaking, he took a few sips of wine vigorously.

"Hey! You bastard, you've got a lot of talent! You dare to hate me, okay, I'll report to Ah Yao right away!"

Seeing that Yin Xingze really took out his phone, Fu Que sneered, "Are you naive?"

Just as Yin Xingze was about to refute, he raised his eyes and saw He Jingyao, "Huh? Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, Ah Yao, just now this kid, old Fu, just buried me, you don't care about it..."

He Jingyao approached menacingly, without stopping, like a gust of wind blowing, and Yin Xingze's hair was blown up a few strands.

The former grabbed Fu Que's collar and dragged him out of the private room without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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