Chapter 130 Being Targeted
The others were so startled by He Jingyao's aura that their mouths became wider and wider. Yin Xingze cursed in a low voice, pushed away the girl papers that had been pasted over, and chased after them.

In a dim corridor, He Jingyao violently pushed Fu Que out, and then punched him.

Fu Que slammed his back against the cold and hard wall. Things were moving so fast that he was completely bewildered.

His fingers lightly touched his cheekbone, and he couldn't help but twitch his eyelids due to the pain, "What are you doing, A Yao?"

He Jingyao smiled sinisterly, "Are you worthy of me to explain? I believe you know better than anyone else what you have done!"

Fu Que is also a smart person, and he knew what he was talking about as soon as he turned his head. He leaned his head against the wall, and slowly straightened his messed up neckline, "It seems that she told you all!"

"Mrs. He is not as boring as you!" He Jingyao stared into his eyes, lowering his upper body, "Old Fu, I treat you like a brother, and this is how you treat my wife and children? You can even think of kidnapping?" , Why didn't you think you were so shameless before? Do you think that if you drive her away like this, I can be with Fang Yao again? Then you don't understand me too much!"

But Fu frowned, a little unbelievable, "Ah Yao, I really don't understand, you and Yaoyao are obviously in love, and I'm helping you, what's so good about Shen Zhiyi, who has a child with him, Yaoyao Yao has done so much for you, can't you see it? I didn't expect that you are also a person who likes the new and dislikes the old, you really let me down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, He Jingyao punched him again, "The punch just now was for my wife, and this punch was for myself!"

As he spoke, he punched again, "The last punch was for my daughter Xiaobao. You can hear me clearly. If you dare to touch them in the future, or speak ill of them in front of me, you are the king of heaven, and I will never Don't show mercy, whether you want to be my brother or not, you can decide for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Fu Que and left resolutely.

Yin Xingze, who had hurriedly found him, bumped into him, "I've found you, Yao, what's the matter with you? Hey, hey, don't go away..."

This guy, when he turned around to find Fu Que to ask, he was suddenly taken aback by the scene in front of him.

"God! were beaten by A Yao? Fuck! This guy is too ruthless, is he a brother? Now you know that I, Young Master Yin, are the most gentle? Let's go, brother will take you Go to the hospital and apply the medicine!"

Fu Que brushed her away irritably, stared at Zhang Hangcai's face, and staggered away.

Yin Xingze was in a mess, hey!What are these two people going to do?


Early in the morning, Lin Yu drove back to Hangzhou to apply for a passport for Shen Zhiyi.

On the way, he called Shen Zhiyi and told her that the process went very smoothly, and told her not to worry.

He said it lightly, but Shen Zhiyi knew that while he wanted to get the passport in a short time, he also had to avoid He Jingyao and use a fake ID card. This could not be done without spending some money and effort.

In the afternoon, Shen Zhiyi washed her and Xiaobao's clothes and hung them in the yard. A middle-aged woman came to visit, accompanied by a man of similar age to Shen Zhiyi.

The two were plainly dressed and dark-skinned, and they looked like neighbors in the same village.

"Girl, did that kid Xiao Yu bring you back?" the middle-aged woman asked through the half-person-high fence.

Out of politeness, Shen Zhiyi replied, "Brother Lin Yu and I are friends, are you his neighbor?"

"I call his grandma Auntie, so it seems to be related! Miss, I want to ask you something, has Xiaoyu developed in Hangzhou in recent years? I heard that he has a very capable grandfather, It seems to be... the chairman of some kind of chamber of commerce, so he must be a high-ranking official, right?"

Shen Zhiyi understood that this person wanted to borrow money.

She put the last piece of clothing on the rope, patted the water stains on her hands, and when she looked up, she just caught the young man's leery peeping eyes at her.

Seeing that she noticed him, the man hurriedly looked at his nose and his heart.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I really don't know Brother Lin Yu's financial situation. If you have anything to ask him, he will be back soon!"

Seeing that Shen Zhiyi didn't bother to pay attention to her, the middle-aged woman curled her lips and led the young man away.

"Come on, look at the way you look back three times, is it embarrassing?" The middle-aged woman poked her son's forehead.

The son smirked and touched the back of his head, "Mom, she looks so pretty, if only I could marry her as a wife!"

"You, don't be like your father. A toad will want to eat swan meat all day long. It would be nice if mother finds a wife for you. Still thinking about her? Dream!"

The young man was used to his mother's scolding, so he didn't care much.

When he got home, the door of the room was closed, and the man leaned on the head of the bed, scratching his heart and lungs anxiously.

Such a beautiful little girl, if she can sleep well, she will be happy to let him be a bachelor for the rest of her life.

After Shen Zhiyi finished washing her clothes, she started to clean the yard again. Anyway, she was idle, so she thought of exercising.

Tilting his head, he was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a man in sight.

Isn't this the guy who followed the middle-aged woman just now?

Shen Zhiyi was overwhelmed, so he didn't plan to talk to him.

"Then who, my mother has prepared a lot of special products for brother Yu, and asked him to help go back to the city for grandma, you and I can get them!"

The man called out to Shen Zhiyi to stop.

Shen Zhiyi: "Won't you send it over yourself?"

"I want to too, but there are too many, I can't move them all by myself!"


The man pointed to a house, "It's at my house, not far away, a few steps away, I'll take you there right away!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi left, Lin Yu's car stopped outside the courtyard gate.


Hearing the sound, Xiao Bao came out from inside, yawned and said, "Shen Zhiyi was called away by a neighbor just now, why don't you go to his house like a country specialty!"

Lin Yu put several bags of food on the table, "What neighbor? What does it look like?"

Xiao Bao thought about it, she couldn't remember whether she was going to sleep or not, "It seemed like a man, he came with his mother at first, Shen Zhiyi said his mother wanted to borrow money, and then the man came again by himself, Talking and laughing, he doesn't look like a bad guy!"

After finishing speaking, she habitually pinched her fingers.

It was hard to pinch this, and his face suddenly changed.

"Ah, it's not good!"

"what happened?"

"Shen Zhiyi... Shen Zhiyi is in danger!"

"You're at home, I'll come as soon as I go!" Lin Yu threw his things and ran out.

The houses in the village are all in a row, and the man's house is in the front row.

He opened the courtyard door to let Shen Zhiyi in, and then led her to a cabin in the backyard.

"Look, everything is inside, you move first, I'll go to a hut first!"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, the wooden house was not locked, it opened with a push.

The dust was shaken and fluttered all over the room, and dense spider webs could be seen everywhere, giving people the illusion of straying into a silk hole.

She was cheated!

(End of this chapter)

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