Chapter 137 Divorce or not, I decide

"Don't blame people. When did Shen Zhiyi and I cheat you? You were the one who asked me to make an appointment, and you were the one who benefited in the end. Let's deal fairly. What I want is the market price. You don't suffer a lot. !" Little Treasure couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped out to argue with his neck stuck.

She wanted to continue to say something, but He Jingyao raised his hand to stop her, and took advantage of the situation to protect her behind him, protecting her like a big tree.

At this moment, Xiao Bao saw the broad and strong shoulders of the handsome uncle, like an insurmountable mountain, like an umbrella that can block everything. His whole body seemed to be covered with a halo, extremely dazzling, tall and majestic.

Xiaobao thought, this is probably the feeling of fatherly love, right?
It would be great if the handsome uncle could really be his father.

"Mom, first of all I want to explain a few points. First, Xiaobao is not playing tricks. She is born with the ability to predict the future. Not only that, she can also read divination and look at faces. Second, I was afraid that you would be deceived, so I specially checked afterward. I took a look at Master Xuanxin, I am Xiaobao, I was also surprised when I heard this result, but it is the truth!"

"As far as I know, it is very difficult for Master Xuanxin to make an appointment. You are lucky to be able to invite her to divination for you within a month. Third, as for the price of 10,000+ you mentioned, I would like to ask, at the time Did Xiaobao ask for the price, or did you give it yourself?"

"I..." Qiu Wanqing was dumbfounded.

He Yingxue added fuel and jealousy, "Even if this is the case, it must be Shen Zhiyi who deliberately instigated her daughter to say that she is a Xiangren, and she wants our He family to keep her? I have long seen that she is a scheming woman , but I didn't expect to be so scheming, A Yao, before you got married for a long time, you quickly left and fell, this mother and daughter can't have it, they are too cunning!"

He Jingyao sternly said, "It's up to me whether I can leave or not, my own wife, if you don't trust your evaluation, go if you have nothing to do!"

"Ah Yao, good boy, why are you so confused! This matter cannot be changed, what about Shen Zhiyi? You call her and ask her to come back and give me an explanation!"

As soon as Qiu Wanqing finished speaking, Shen Zhiyi appeared.

"I'm here!"

Several people heard the sound and looked at the same time.

Qiu Wanqing was emotionally angry, "You finally dare to show up, tell me, while the big guys are here, you give me an explanation, I want to see how you say black is white!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi came out of the hospital, she received a call for help from Xiaobao.

When I came back, I saw that it was quite possible for a few adults to bully a child.

She glared at Xiaobao, and Xiaobao immediately lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose because of his guilty conscience.

About the little girl, she closed the door for a while before talking about it. No matter how noisy or scolding, it was a matter between her and her daughter, but she would never allow Xiaobao to be bullied by others.

"Mom, what you said is very interesting. It's not like you don't know how difficult it is for my little treasure to make an appointment. Speaking of which, she still made it easy for you because of your grandma Dashu. You should be very happy." It’s too late. Also, my Xiaobao’s list starts at 30 to 10,000, and there are many people who spend a lot of money. You are only [-]+, which is already a friendly price. Oh, yes, I have to correct one point, I I didn't ask Xiaobao to lie to you, saying that I am Xiangren, isn't that beautifying your daughter-in-law, isn't beautifying your daughter-in-law the same as beautifying the He family? You should be happy about that!"

"I... this..." Qiu Wanqing, who was still aggressive just now, was instantly speechless by Shen Zhiyi's rebuttal.

What she said seemed to make sense, but Qiu Wanqing always felt that something was wrong.

The corners of He Jingyao's lips curved quietly, and he looked at Shen Zhiyi with a little more playfulness and appreciation.

Mrs. He is Mrs. He!

He Yingxue saw that Qiu Wanqing's frown was about to go out, and opened her mouth to continue, but was interrupted by Shen Zhiyi intentionally.

"Auntie, are you prone to insomnia recently?"

He Yingxue was suddenly touched to the bottom of her heart, she was taken aback for a moment, "Yes, yes."

"Then your aunt is not very punctual, usually tired and weak, with weak waist and knees?"

This topic changed too quickly, but every word was on He Yingxue's point, she nodded numbly, "Yes, how did you know?"

Shen Zhiyi pointed to her face, "Auntie, your skin should have been fair before, but look at it now, your complexion is sallow and dry, don't listen to me, you are only in your 30s, look at the condition of your skin But it seems to be more than 40, most of which have something to do with your endocrine disorders!"

He Yingxue touched her face in horror, "Then, what should I do?"

"This is easy and easy to say, but it's also difficult to say, Chinese medicine can be adjusted to the inside, and the petals can be adjusted to the outside!"

He Yingxue was dubious, "Isn't it possible? I've consulted several famous doctors in this field to treat me, but they didn't come up with any results. I'm almost depressed to death!"

"That's because you didn't meet us, Shen Zhiyi, who is an expert in this field!" Xiaobao took the opportunity to advertise for his own mother.

Qiu Wanqing disdainfully said, "Hmph! She is a housewife, what kind of abilities can she have? I think you have committed the problem of cheating and abducting again!"

"Then you probably forgot, who healed your son's leg!" He Jingyao glanced at Shen Zhiyi, and it was rare for him to become a wife-protecting madman.

This point woke up Qiu Wanqing and He Yingxue.

The latter looked at Shen Zhiyi again, "You, can you really do it?"

"Xiaobao, bring me my vanilla tea bag!" As soon as Shen Zhiyi said, the little girl immediately presented her mother's treasure.

"Auntie, this vanilla tea is good for the spleen and stomach, calming the nerves and beautifying the skin, especially for the body. You can go back and try it!"

"Really? Then I have to go back and try!"

"Success, I'll give my aunt some rose mask later, and apply it for a few days to ensure a radiant complexion!"

"Don't just say it nicely, it won't work when the time comes, and you'll be the one who slapped yourself in the face!" He Yingxue thought of Fang Yao, and held back her inner anticipation, seemingly annoyed.

After finishing speaking, the two left, holding Qiu Wanqing's arm forcibly.

Qiu Wanqing was not reconciled, "Let's leave like this? Yingxue, why are you more confused than me? Shen Zhiyi is the best at deceiving people!"

He Yingxue smiled knowingly, "Sister-in-law, think about it, no matter how effective her Shen Zhiyi's herbal tea is, it can't be effective tomorrow, right? It's not a magic medicine, and we will have a reason to cure her by then." Wouldn't it be better to be charged with fraud?"

Qiu Wanqing smiled and poked her temple, "You still have enough brains!"

She didn't say a word later, if she puts her mind on finding a boyfriend, the child might fall in love with Xiaoxue.

"Shen Zhiyi..." Looking at Shen Zhiyi's eyes, Xiaobao bit his lips in a guilty conscience, his eyes were watery, and he put on a pitiful look.

The little girl is usually very rigid, but once she pretends to be weak, her heart is softened, and she is reluctant to do anything to her, let alone say a cruel word to her.

(End of this chapter)

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