Chapter 138 Return to the original owner
"Okay, okay, don't look at me like this, you will explain this to me in a while!"

When the little girl heard this, she immediately became energetic, "Then I'll go back to my room first."

At this time, only He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi were left in the living room.

The latter half turned to face the former, cleared his throat, and said formally, "Then what, Mr. He, you also saw that your mother and aunt don't like me, anyway, I gave you the divorce agreement, look , No, you're on it... Eh? What are you doing?"

He Jingyao tapped her wrist and dragged her all the way to the room.

"He Jingyao, why are you going crazy?"

go Ape?

Yes, he is indeed crazy!Seeing that Mrs. He can easily win a one-on-two match, and seeing Mrs. He's cunning, quick-witted, wise and sassy appearance, he couldn't help but push her on the bed and bully her severely.

How could there be such a woman in the world?

Hearing the sound of "click", Shen Zhiyi's heart was full of spirits, "He Jingyao, what door did you lock in broad daylight? Open it for me!"

"I apologize to you!"

Shen Zhiyi was greatly flattered by the sudden utterance of the dog man, "What did you say?"

"I apologize to you on behalf of my mother and aunt. As for divorce, don't even think about it!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Cooperating with the previous words is laying the groundwork.

In a dazed effort, He Jingyao was already unbuttoning his shirt, one, two...

The shirt was taken off, and the sexy wheat-colored muscle lines were in sight, full of strong male hormones.

Shen Zhiyi swears, she just took two or three glances.

"You, put on your clothes!" As her heart beat faster, Shen Zhiyi looked away.

The corners of He Jingyao's lips twitched evilly, and his hand was already on the belt buckle, snapped, flicked off, and pulled out. One can imagine the picture below.

Shen Zhiyi felt that she was about to die, if there was a piece of tofu in front of her, she would bump into it without hesitation.

I finally understand the torment that a man can't stop facing a beautiful woman, it's too uncomfortable.

While wandering, He Jingyao pinched her chin and turned her face.

"In order to express my apology, I decided to let you enjoy it once!"

"Ha! He Jingyao, don't go too far, it's just right that you make me feverish!" Shen Zhiyi purposely put on a straight face, trying to dissuade him.

Facts have proved that once a man wants it, he doesn't care about his face.

"Haven't you heard of it? Life lies in exercise, and doing exercises can improve your resistance!" His dexterous fingertips have quietly lifted the corner of her clothes...


"Mom, you said that that coquettish fox Shen Zhiyi really told Brother Lin Yu about the child, wouldn't our efforts be in vain?"

Shen Yichun patted her uncurled stomach in a decent manner, with a sad expression on her face.

Liu Xiang was also in a hurry, and walked around the coffee table several times.

Shen Yichun couldn't sit still now, and suddenly stood up and complained, "Mom, I'm so anxious to death, why don't you say something!"

"Didn't I just think about it? It's all your fault. What are we doing now? Are you still thinking about going to the nightclub to dance disco? Now it's all right. I've been prostituted for nothing, and there's an extra belly in my stomach." You can't find Dad's bastard, you really want to piss me off!"

Shen Yichun retorted, "It's not all my fault, you were not the one who gave Lin Yu the idea of ​​fake pregnancy?"

"You have the face to say it? I can't even sleep with a man, why did I, Liu Xiang, give birth to such a useless daughter like you?" Liu Xiang was so angry that he tapped Shen Yichun on the forehead. Next, "It's really not possible, Lin Yu, then don't bother, with your looks, it is not difficult to find a big boss!"

"That won't work. I want brother Lin Yu. Why can't she, Shen Zhiyi, but I can't? I want him!"

Liu Xiang was so angry that his teeth itch, "You have no brains, let me say something? If Lin Yu really found out about this, do you think he would still want you? That kid is very stubborn, if not for his grandfather's ability, I really despise him, what did I teach you when I was a child? Abandon all those who are useless to us!"

"Mom, I beg you, please help me, I want to stay with Brother Lin Yu!" Shen Yichun begged, shaking Liu Xiang's arm.

Liu Xiang cursed in a low voice, "I'm worthless", and then pulled Shen Yichun to sit on the sofa, with a glint in his eyes, "Is this difficult to say, easy to say..."

Because Xiaobao missed Dashu so much, he pestered Shen Zhiyi to take her to find Dashu, that is, to He Jingyao's private apartment.

Shen Zhiyi thought about it, and asked He Jingyao for the apartment access card. Although she didn't know why this guy didn't refuse, but as Mrs. He, she must show her courage.

Fang Yao was sitting on the sofa watching TV when he heard someone come in.

"Shen Zhiyi? How did you get in?"

Shen Zhiyi shook the entry card in his hand, "After all, this is the property of the He family, of course I have the entry card!"

Xiaobao cooperated at the side, "Shen Zhiyi, what would you like to drink?"

"Just juice!"

"Okay, I'll run errands for you!" The little girl stood up and began to pull the refrigerator.

"Stop it!" Fang Yao hurried over to pull Xiaobao away, and blocked the refrigerator with her body, "This is my home, how can you touch other people's things casually? Don't you even have this self-awareness?"

Xiaobao's big eyes blinked suddenly, "Hey" isn't this my handsome uncle's apartment?How did it become your home again, Aunt Fang Yao? "

Shen Zhiyi plucked her hair, with curved eyebrows, and deliberately said to Fang Yao, "Silly Xiaobao, what kind of handsome uncle is not handsome uncle, you should change your name to Daddy, what belongs to Daddy is yours, This is your home too!"

"Yeah!" The little girl looked up at Fang Yao, "Aunt Fang Yao, this is Xiaobao's house, not yours!"


Taking advantage of Fang Yao's anger, Xiao Bao had slipped behind her, opened the refrigerator and took two cans of juice.

Fang Yao turned around and saw the mother and daughter sitting on her sofa, drinking her drink and eating her fruit, and suddenly her blood rushed up with anger.

Too much deception, simply too much deception!
A dignified smile appeared on Fang Yao's face again, "I don't know what's wrong with Ms. Shen coming here? I have to go out later, if you want to sit down, you can sit back. The reception is not good, please forgive me!"

After she finished speaking, she went back to the room, and after a while carried a bunch of clothes that needed to be washed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Hey, something fell!" Shen Zhiyi reminded, but no one responded.

She walked over to pick up Fang Yao's things that had slipped from her clothes, and her pupils vibrated in an instant.

She recognized it immediately, it was the hairpin with bow that she lost five years ago.

But why did it appear here in Fang Yao?
Fang Yao suddenly ran out of the bathroom in a panic, and when she saw the bow hairpin stuck in Shen Zhiyi's hand, her face turned pale.

"Thank you, you can return the things to me!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her hand to avoid it, "Your? Excuse me, Miss Fang, where did you buy this bow hairpin?"

This was Lan Ting's birthday gift to Shen Zhiyi back then. It was made by foreign craftsmen with a lot of money, and Shen Zhiyi's initials were engraved on the back of the card.

Even if there is no need to turn the hairpin over now, Shen Zhiyi can still feel his own imprint on his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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